
huà guī
  • incorporate into;put under;put under (sb.'s administration,etc.)
划归 [huà guī]
  • (1) [put under (sb.'s administration,etc.)]∶归管理

  • 这个企业已划归地方管理

  • (2) [incorporate into]∶使从属于

  • 这个县已经划归另一个省了

划归[huà guī]
  1. 这个企业已划归地方管理。

    The enterprise has been put under local administration .

  2. 招远市大河金矿对划归地下开采的一中段以上有露头大矿体,实行陡边坡露天开采。

    The thick cropping orebody of a level and over which was originally put under underground mining was redesigned locarry on sleep slope opencutling .

  3. 他们开出的药方是:把衍生品划归商品期货交易委员会(CommodityFuturesTradingCommission,简称CFTC)管辖,并赋予该机构告知交易所何时应提高保证金要求的能力。

    Bringing derivatives under the purview of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission and giving the agency the ability to tell exchanges when to raise margin requirements is their prescription .

  4. 研究含边裂纹桥墩的Saint-Venant扭转,将问题划归为裂纹上边界积分方程的求解。

    The Saint-Venant torsion problems of a pier with curvilinear edge cracks were considered and reduced to solving the boundary integral equations only on cracks .

  5. Ogburn等人为代表的将思维方式和语言方式划归为同一层次,隶属于文化之下,即文化决定语言和思维论。

    Ogburn 's claim which classifies thought and language in the same category under culture .

  6. 1正则化方法根据目标函数和约束项的不同,存在几种正则化形式,但它们都可以划归到二阶锥规划(SOC)的范畴,并采用内点法来求解。

    The 1 regularization has some different forms due to the objective function and constrain item , fortunately however , they can be translated to conform to second order cone programming ( SOC ) and can be solved effectively by inner point method ( IPM ) .

  7. 以一系列玛丽莲•梦露(MarilynMonroe)肖像照闻名的她,往往被人们划归为肖像摄影师、而且是名人肖像摄影师。她与梦露的私交足以确立一种密切的摄影关系。

    Known for a series of portraits of Marilyn Monroe , with whom she became friendly enough to establish a close photographic relationship , she tends to be pigeon-holed as a portraitist , and a celebrity portraitist at that .

  8. 纯地方事权划归地方政府负责。

    The local authority is responsible for the pure local governance .

  9. 我们的国民收入有多少是划归国防之用呢?

    How much of our national income is allocated to defence ?

  10. 这个研究所划归省文化部门领导。

    The institute was placed under the cultural department of the province .

  11. 还有人把大学生也划归到已经消失的奢侈品的行列中了。

    Someone put the college students into the luxuries that had gone .

  12. 类似的,渴望把自己也划归到机器人一类的还有精巧的熨裤器。

    Similarly , there are elaborate trouser presses that aspire to be robots .

  13. 最后,她会将货币收益划归卖方。

    Finally , she will hand over the monetary proceeds to the seller .

  14. 1870年,普鲁士赢得普法战争,阿尔萨斯继而划归德国。

    Germany took Alsace after the Franco-Prussian War in1870 .

  15. 划归工具类的物品则与此不同;

    Not so with the things classed as implements ;

  16. 试论玉环行政区域划归温州地区的社会经济效能

    Social and Economic Benefits of the Affiliation of Yuhuan Administrative Region to Wenzhou City

  17. 高铁也被划归于那个类别。

    High-speed rail was also in that category .

  18. 原隶属于中国有色金属工业总公司,1998年划归云南省管理。

    Formerly , KUST was under the direct control of China Non-ferrous Metal General Corporation .

  19. 战争结束时,该岛被划归法国管辖。

    At the end of the war , the island was placed under French control .

  20. 这些人被划归到一个专家组,不日将开始他们的审查工作。

    The experts are being sorted into specialist teams and will soon start scrutinising applications .

  21. 随着2004年飞利浦公司战略的调整,飞利浦小家电原有的促销员全部都划归了经销商管理。

    With the strategy adjustment of PHILIPS in 2004 , all promoters were transferred to distributors .

  22. 这些天来他们小心翼翼的吧穆斯林划归一个特殊的市场分支。

    Yet to this day they tend to tiptoe around Muslims as a distinct market segment .

  23. 对第三方物流公司的管理部门进行调整,将此项工作由成本控制中心划归到物流中心,以加强对运输和外地库存的管理。

    Fourth , the function of manage carrier should be transformed from cost control center to logistics center .

  24. 在变换最优化中执行的这些分析都被划归为数据流分析或流分析。

    The analyses performed for optimizing transformations are all classified as data flow analyses , or flow analyses .

  25. 他并不力争土地所有权,他把土地划归兄弟所有。

    He didn 't press his claim to the land ; he allowed his brother to keep it .

  26. 两种聚类方法中材料38、44都被单独划归为一类并且与其它材料间有较大的距离。

    Two clustering methods material 38,44 have been classified as a class separate from other materials and greater distance .

  27. 对仅有骨周及关节改变者应将其划归为骨周关节型。

    Only the patients of bone around and joint changing were divided " bone around and joint type " .

  28. 中央政府还曾把徐州和连云港划归山东省管辖,但不久又把它们划归江苏省管辖。

    Shandong also acquired the Xuzhou and Lianyungang areas from Jiangsu province , but this did not last either .

  29. 明朝时期陕西划归甘肃省管辖,清朝时期重又独立为一省。

    Under the Ming dynasty , Shaanxi was incorporated into Gansu but was again separated in the Qing dynasty .

  30. 将系统开发过程划归为经验的对于对系统开发过程进行有效的管理是关键的。

    Categorizing the systems development methods as empirical is critical to the effective management of the systems development process .