
  • 网络demarcation problem;demarcation of science
  1. 通过从文化哲学的视角反思,在分析科学史、科学知识社会学、科学哲学发展趋势的基础上,提出了科学文化哲学研究的前沿问题:划界问题、科学合理性问题以及科学客观性问题。

    From the view of philosophy of culture , I approached the research of the front issues in the cultural philosophy of science , which contained demarcation of science , the problem of scientific rationality and scientific objectivity .

  2. 大陆架在国家可管辖海域划界问题研究

    Study on Delimitation of Continental Shelf in the National Jurisdictional Seas

  3. 古今字与通假字的划界问题及划界困难的原因探析

    On the Difficulties to Distinguish the Chinese characters and the Reasons

  4. 中国海纵跨42个纬度,与8个相邻和相向的国家存在着划界问题。

    China seas span 42 latitude degrees and contact with eight countries .

  5. 东海东北部大陆架划界问题研究

    Research in the Issue of Division of the Donghai Sea Continent Shelf

  6. (二)关于南海海洋划界问题

    ii . On maritime delimitation in the South China Sea

  7. 现代黄河三角洲陆海划界问题研究

    Study on the Delimitation between the Modern Yellow River Delta and the Sea

  8. 北部湾划界问题成功解决的意义

    The Significance of Solving Successfully the Tonkin Bay Dispute On Problem and Its Solving

  9. 中日能源争端还会影响南海的海洋划界问题。

    The delimitation of the South China Sea will be influenced by China-Japan energy disputes .

  10. 我国是一个沿海国,海岸线漫长,周边的大陆架资源丰富,但是同邻国和对岸国家间的大陆架划界问题进展甚微。

    China is a coastal country with a long coastline and with rich resources on continent shelf .

  11. 分界问题是科学的划界问题,归纳问题是归纳推理的正确性问题。

    The problem of demarcation is of demarcation for science ; the problem of induction is of correctness of induction .

  12. 语言批判和理性批判的核心都是划界问题。

    The core of ' the critique of language ' and ' the critique of reason ' relates to drawing a demarcation .

  13. 目前日本和中国在中国东海专属经济区的划界问题上存在纠纷。

    Japan and China are in dispute over the boundary between their exclusive economic zones ( EEZs ) in the East China Sea .

  14. 在现今国际海洋法领域,大陆架划界问题颇具争议。

    Delimitation of Continental Shelf is one of the most controversial issues in the field of the international law of the sea nowadays .

  15. 大陆架制度自产生以后,其划界问题就成为国际海洋法中的热点。

    Since the continental shelf system produced , the delimitation of its boundary then become a big problem in the law of the sea .

  16. 首先给出了科学划界问题的由来,并在此基础上论述了科学划界标准的辩证性以及现阶段中国讨论与解决它的必然性。

    Based on this , the paper mainly talk about the standard dialectical of the problem of science division and inevitable in chain people discussing it .

  17. 保护舆论监督的关键是新闻侵权的划界问题,这有赖于严格的法律界定。

    The key to protect the supervision by public opinions is a problem of dividing line of news infringement act , which depends upon strict law boundary .

  18. 中日上周就共同开发东海天然气资源签署协议,尽管两国在相关海域的划界问题上仍存在争议。

    Beijing and Tokyo last week signed an agreement on joint exploration for natural gas in the East China Sea , to whose waters both countries lay claim .

  19. 科学与技术的划界问题是科学技术哲学的元问题之一,是科学技术哲学界必须正视的问题之一,也是一个久有争议的问题。

    The demarcation is one of the basic issues of science and technology philosophy , which is a long-standing controversial issue , and we must face to it .

  20. 2004年以来,我国和日本围绕着东海划界问题进行了一系列双边外交谈判。

    The delimitation in China East Sea is becoming a hot topic again . In 2004 , China and Japan hold a series of bilateral negotiation on this issue .

  21. 南海争端涉及岛屿归属和海域划界问题,然而,其背后触动各国神经的是这片海域所蕴含的战略资源和战略价值。

    The dispute involves islands belonging and sea area delimitation . But it is the strategic resources and strategic values contained in the sea that strikes neighboring countries ' nerves .

  22. 然后通过对误解与不解、歧解、曲解、误导、交际失误与语用失误等其他相关言语现象的比较进一步明确误解概念的外延,即误解范围的划界问题。二、关于误解的分类。

    Based on the comparison between misunderstanding and non-understanding , divergent-understanding , deliberate-misinterpretation , misleading , communication failure and pragmatic failure , we clarified the extension of misunderstanding . 2 .

  23. 考虑到东海海域划界问题的复杂性,在正式签署划界协定之前,搁置争议、合作开发是双赢之策。

    Considering its complexity , the author concludes that putting aside the differences and cooperative development will be a win-win solution for both sides before an official delimitation agreement is signed .

  24. 在划界问题最终解决前,各方应保持自我克制,不采取使争议复杂化、扩大化和影响和平与稳定的行动。

    Pending the final settlement of this issue , all relevant parties must exercise self-restraint in the conduct of activities that may complicate or escalate disputes and affect peace and stability .

  25. 这些问题包括双方有关东海天然气田的争端,以及两国不能在海域划界问题上达成一致。东海天然气田争端体现出两国对资源的竞争日益激烈,而海域划界问题可能更为危险。

    These include a dispute over gas reserves in the East China Sea , a manifestation of the growing competition for resources and , possibly even more dangerous , failure to agree on maritime boundaries .

  26. 大陆架的划界问题与复杂多样的大陆架特征紧密相连,如相关海岸、地质地貌因素、岛屿和资源平等保护等因素。

    Delimitation of the continental shelf and the continental shelf complex and diverse characteristics are closely linked , such as the relevant coast , geological features factors , islands and equal protection of resources and other factors .

  27. 文章回顾了科学学的产生,分析了目前的现状,探讨了成熟学科与非成熟学科的划界问题,并根据这一分析对科学学如何成为成熟学科提出了自己的见解。

    The paper reviewed emergence of science of science , analyzed its actuality , discussed delimitation between mature subject and non - mature subject , then take my view about science of science evolving mature subject on the basis of analyses .

  28. 在南海划界问题上,南海周边各国纷纷提出了各自的划界主张,通过国内立法,宣布领海基线,明确专属经济区和大陆架范围。

    Neighboring countries in the South China Sea in the South China Sea demarcation issue , have made their own delimitation claim , through domestic legislation , announced that the territorial sea baseline , clear exclusive economic zone and continental shelf .

  29. 划界问题:康德与前期维特根斯坦语言批判和理性批判的核心都是划界问题。

    On Drawing A Demarcation : A Comparison between Kant 's Philosophy and Wittgenstein 's Philosophy in His Earlier Stage The core of ' the critique of language ' and ' the critique of reason ' relates to drawing a demarcation .

  30. 中国西沙群岛与越南大陆海岸之间存在海域划界问题,双方迄未在该海域进行专属经济区和大陆架划界。

    The waters between Chinas Xisha Islands and the coast of the Vietnamese mainland are yet to be delimited . The two sides have not yet conducted delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone ( EEZ ) and continental shelf in these waters .