
ɡuó jì hǎi yánɡ fǎ
  • international law of the sea;international maritime law
  1. 国际海洋法实践的若干观察与思考

    Observations and Considerations of the Practice of International Law of the Sea

  2. 南极条约体系与国际海洋法:冲突与协调

    Antarctic Treaty System and International Law of the Sea : Conflict and Coordination

  3. 为了寻求斯卡伯勒浅滩问题的和平解决,我们完全有意谦恭地邀请我们的中国朋友与我们一起将其提交国际海洋法法庭(ITLOS)。该法庭是裁决海事主张的联合国机构。

    In pursuing a peaceful settlement of the Scarborough Shoal issue , we fully intend to humbly invite our Chinese friends to join us in the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea , the UN body that decides on maritime claims .

  4. 国际海洋法法庭规则

    Rules of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

  5. 国际海洋法法庭特别分庭

    Special chamber of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

  6. 国际海洋法与海洋渔业的关系

    The Relationship Between International Oceanographic Law and Marine Fisheries

  7. 国际海洋法基金会;

    International Foundation for the law of the sea ;

  8. 从历史与国际海洋法看黄岩岛的主权归属

    On the Sovereignty Ownership of Scarborough Reef Based on History and International Law of the Sea

  9. 国际海洋法法庭特权和豁免协定

    Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

  10. 第一部分简要介绍国际海洋法中的剩余权利,明确剩余权利的内涵并提出剩余权利是法律虽未明文规定但并未禁止的权利。

    The residual rights are the right that the law has not stipulated or forbidden in writing .

  11. 换言之,日本应重新审视自身对国际海洋法的观点。

    In other words , Japan has to reassess its views on the international law of the sea .

  12. 联合国与国际海洋法法庭合作与关系协定

    Agreement on Cooperation and Relationships between the United Nations and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea

  13. 可以这么说,国际海洋法发展的历史,就是对海洋的划分。

    It may be said that the history of international law of the sea is that of the division of the ocean .

  14. 而这些关系在国际海洋法视野下,已被纳入其调整框架。

    And these relations in the Perspective of International Law of the Sea , have been included in the framework of their adjustment .

  15. 在现今国际海洋法领域,大陆架划界问题颇具争议。

    Delimitation of Continental Shelf is one of the most controversial issues in the field of the international law of the sea nowadays .

  16. (三)国际海洋法制度的发展导致中菲出现海洋划界争议

    iii. The development of the international law of the sea gave rise to the dispute between China and the Philippines over maritime delimitation

  17. 大陆架制度自产生以后,其划界问题就成为国际海洋法中的热点。

    Since the continental shelf system produced , the delimitation of its boundary then become a big problem in the law of the sea .

  18. 罗素敦促中国澄清或调整其九段线主张,使其符合国际海洋法。

    Mr Russel urged China to clarify or adjust its nine-dash line claim to bring it in accordance with the international law of the sea .

  19. 论海洋边界争端与国际海洋法的发展&兼谈中日东海油气争端的解决

    On the Sea Boundary Dispute and the Development of International Law of the Sea & Proposals on resolving Gas Dispute between China and Japan in the East Sea

  20. 法官和仲裁员们在分析有关法律问题时所作的精当论断,已经常常被争端所涉及的国家以及从事国际海洋法研究的学者们作为确定国际法规则存在的证据。

    The precise analysis of the judges and the arbitrators has been used as the evidence of the existence of the rule in the international law by the countries and researchers .

  21. 而且中国学者还当选为首任国际海洋法法庭法官,在国际海洋事务中发挥了积极作用。

    Moreover , a Chinese scientist was elected as one of the first judges of the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea , playing a positive role in international marine affairs .

  22. 此外,随着国际海洋法的发展,两国在南海部分海域还出现了海洋划界争议。

    In addition , with the development of the international law of the sea , a maritime delimitation dispute also arose between the two states regarding certain maritime areas of the South China Sea .

  23. 此外,随着国际海洋法制度的发展,中菲在南海部分海域还出现了海洋划界争议。

    In addition , with the development of the international law of the sea , a maritime delimitation dispute also arose between the two states regarding certain sea areas of the South China Sea .

  24. 文章从国际海洋法角度观察中日东海争端,归纳、总结了两国东海争端的主要焦点。

    Articles from the international point of observation in the Law of the Sea , the East China Sea dispute , summed up , the two countries the main focus of the East China Sea dispute .

  25. 这是围绕亚洲渔场的一些长期争议之一,那些有大笔投资等着收回、想怎么干就怎么干的渔民,并不总是会尊重国际海洋法所划定的那些专属经济区。

    This is one of several long-running disputes over fishing grounds in Asia , where freewheeling fishermen with large investments to recoup do not always respect the exclusive economic zones laid down in international maritime law .

  26. 国际海洋法法庭是根据《公约》的规定于1996年成立的全新的专门处理海洋法律事务的公约常设性司法机构。

    The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea , established in 1996 , is a whole new permanent international judicial body specializing in maritime legal affairs in line with the requirement of the new Convention .

  27. 其中,国际海洋法是各主权国家围绕海洋的主权划分、开发利用、争端解决等形成的一系列公约、条约、协议的总和。

    International Law of the Sea which is the sovereign country of sovereignty over the oceans , development and utilization of dispute settlement to resolve , such as the formation of a series of conventions , treaties , agreements combined .

  28. 这个问题恰好呼应了关于在深海开采诸如锰等矿物的争论。上述争论是1982年制定“国际海洋公约法”部分背景因素。

    The issue carries echoes of debates over mining minerals , such as manganese , in the deep ocean , which formed part of the backdrop for the international Law of the Sea Treaty in1982 .

  29. 当代国际海洋环境保护法完善之理论考量

    Theories on the Perfection of Contemporary International Marine Environmental Protection Law

  30. 本文最后在第四章中对若干法律方法,特别是国际法院、仲裁和国际海洋法法庭三种程序进行了比较。

    This Paper compares some legal methods , such as ICJ , arbitration and ITLOS , in Chapter 4 finally .