
  • 网络international air;international aviation;international airline
  1. 如果它能在未来几天里如大家所期望的那样表现良好,那么它不仅能够大大减少大火对建筑物和人员的破坏与伤害,同时也会给飞机的所有者——位于俄勒冈的美国长青国际航空公司(EvergreenInternationalAviation)带来大买卖。

    If it performs as well as expected over the next few days , it could not only mean less destruction of buildings and lives , but big business for the plane 's owner , McMinnville , Oregon-based Evergreen International Aviation .

  2. 在2005年北京国际航空博览会期间,中国北方工业总公司(NORINCO)展示了最新的PLZ05155毫米自行榴弹炮模型。

    During the2005 Beijing International Aviation Expo , NORINCO revealed a model of its latest PLZ05155mm self-propelled gun-howitzer .

  3. 国际航空运输协会排名的120家航空公司中,只有大约30家在2017年和2018年实现了盈利。

    Of the 120 airline companies ranked by IATA only around 30 made money in 2017 and 2018 .

  4. 国际航空运输协会称,今年1月份,一般的航空公司都有足够的现金来支付50%到80%的短期债务和大约两个月的收入。

    In January the typical carrier had enough cash to cover between so % and 80 % of short-term liabilities and about two months of revenues , IATA says .

  5. 如果是在中国大陆地区,主要考虑到航线问题,我基本都会乘坐中国国际航空公司(AirChina)的飞机。

    And around China , nearly always with Air China , mainly because of the routes .

  6. Air(初三适用)国际航空运输及管理规则&兼述我国民用航空法

    International Air Transportation and Its Management Regulations & Overview of the China Civil Aviation Law As Well

  7. 这种情况在此次交易后将依然存在,每架飞机的员工人数大约是总部在北京的中国国际航空公司(airchina)的两倍。

    It will remain that after this deal , with about twice as many staff per plane as Beijing-based Air China .

  8. 昨日早些时候,中国国际航空(airchina)宣布将于7月4日开通北京至台北和高雄的定期直航航班。

    Earlier yesterday , Air China announced the start of regular direct flights from Beijing to Taipei and Kaohsiung from July 4 .

  9. 但正如国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)所指出的那样,可以在不损害安全的情况下,提出依据情报得出的建议。

    But , as the International Air Transport Association has pointed out , recommendations based on intelligence can be presented without compromising security .

  10. 美国国际航空历史博物馆(NationalAirandSpaceMuseumhistorian)瓦莱丽•尼尔指出,火星旅行的费用和不切实际使得政府的兴趣冷了下来。

    The trip 's expense and impracticality have cooled government enthusiasm , says National Air and Space Museum historian Valerie Neal .

  11. UPS将率先在上海建设国际航空转运中心

    UPS To Build A Cargo Transfer Centre In Shanghai

  12. 中国国际航空公司CRM应用研究

    CRM 's Application Research in Air China

  13. 由全世界的航空公司组成的行业组织国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)估计,2015年全球航空客运量为35亿人次。

    An estimated 3.5 billion people flew globally in 2015 according to the International Air Transport Association , a trade association for the world 's airlines .

  14. 中国国际航空股份有限公司(AirChinaLtd.,简称:中国国航)第一季度国际客运收入增长19%,略低于竞争对手中国南方航空股份有限公司(ChinaSouthernAirlinesCo.,简称:南方航空)22%的增幅。

    At flag carrier Air China Ltd. , international passenger revenue rose 19 % during the period , slightly below the 22 % jump at rival China Southern Airlines Co.

  15. 基于RFID技术在青岛国际航空物流园区管理信息系统升级改造的设计研究

    The Design and Research of Upgrading and Reconstructing the Information Managing System Based on RFID Technology in Qingdao International Aviatic & Logistic Park

  16. 本周中国国际航空公司(airchina)和中国东方航空公司(chinaeasternairlines)发布的财报显示,自那以后,航空公司在手中的对冲合约到期后,没有购买任何新的对冲产品。

    Since then the airlines have let their existing hedging arrangement expire and have not entered any new ones , according to financial statements published this week by Air China and China Eastern Airlines .

  17. 代表全球大部分航空公司的组织国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)表示,航班运营并未受到影响,尚未收到任何来自航空公司会员的问题报告。

    The International Air Transport Association , which represents the bulk of the world 's carriers , said flight operations have been unaffected , and it hasn 't received any reports of problems from member airlines .

  18. 国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)公布了航空公司可以自行决定是否采用的标准:在一年时间里,应该将所有飞机升级到至少每15分钟报告一次飞机的所在位置,在紧急情况下则须更加频繁。

    The International Air Transport Association has released its own voluntary standard : Within one year 's time , all aircraft should report their positions at least every 15 minutes , and more often during emergencies .

  19. 上周初,印度政府告诉英国军情5处(MilitaryIntelligence5),与巴基斯坦阿尔-凯达组织有关的武装分子可能会策划劫持自孟买或新德里起飞的印度国际航空公司或印度航空公司的班机。

    MI5 was told by the Indian authorities early last week about a suspected plot by militants linked to Al-Qaeda in Pakistan to hijack an Air India or Indian Airlines flight from Mumbai or Delhi .

  20. 但是国际航空运输协会亚洲运营区的发言人AlbertTjoeng说,问题不仅仅是因为油价。

    But IATA 's spokesman for its Asia operations , Albert Tjoeng , says the problem is not just oil prices .

  21. 根据国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTrafficAssociation)估计,未来20年全球的航空客运量将翻一番,达到73亿人次,其中主要客流来自中国,预计中国的航空客运量年均增长率将达到5.6%。

    The International Air Traffic Association expects global air passenger numbers to double within 20 years to 7.3 billion , mainly due to China , where numbers will grow by an average rate of 5.6 % a year .

  22. 大多数的国际航空公司都是IATA的成员。

    Most international airlines are members of the IATA .

  23. 国际航空安全调查员协会(InternationalSocietyofAirSafetyInvestigators)前主席斯通(RichardB.Stone)说,如果飞机坠入海洋,则其搜寻工作将十分困难。

    ' If a plane goes down in the ocean , it 's very difficult to find it , ' said Richard B. Stone , a former president of the International Society of Air Safety Investigators .

  24. 年,波兰航空公司加入国际航空运输协会(IATA)。

    In1930 LOT Polish Airlines joined the International Air Transportation Association ( IATA ) .

  25. 国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)去年年底进行的一项乘客调查发现,只有2%的乘客曾经通过手机短信检票登机。

    A passenger survey at the end of last year by the International Air Transport Association ( Iata ) found only 2 per cent of respondents had checked in via an SMS ( text message ) on their mobile phones .

  26. 但是国际航空运输协会发言人PerryFlint说已经有了彻底变化,现在的燃油成本已经超过了工资成本:

    But International Air Transport Association Spokesman Perry Flint says that has changed drastically and fuel cost now exceeds salaries .

  27. 国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)9月公布的数据显示,2014年前9个月亚太地区每百万飞行架次的事故率为2.2,而到2013年的5年里每年为2.7。

    Figures released by the International Air Transport Association in September showed the accident rate in Asia-Pacific in the first nine months of 2014 was 2.2 per million flight segments , against 2.7 in each of the five years to 2013 .

  28. 国际航空运输协会(InternationalAirTransportAssociation)周二表示,将成立“特别工作组”,研究追踪商用飞机的可用选择。

    In a sign of how the industry seeks to learn lessons from the disaster , the International Air Transport Association on Tuesday said it would create a " task force " to examine the options available for tracking commercial aircraft .

  29. 第四章:运用SWOT分析方法,概括了福州国际航空港有限公司所面临的机遇和威胁以及竞争的优势和劣势。

    Chapter Four : Using SWOT method , summarize the opportunity and competition that Fuzhou International Airport Co. , Ltd faces , as well as its advantage and disadvantage .

  30. 在7月份的柏林国际航空航天展上,空客集团(AirbusGroup)CEO汤姆o恩德斯敦促欧洲航天器发射企业进行彻底革新,并且提到了SpaceX及其首席执行官埃隆o穆斯克。

    At the Berlin Airshow in July , Airbus Group CEO Tom Enders urged Europe to completely overhaul its space launcher industry , mentioning SpaceX and CEO Elon Musk by name .