
  • 网络International English
  1. 另外一个是国际英语语言测试体系(InternationalEnglishLanguageTestingSystem,简称IELTS)。

    The other is the International English Language Testing System , or IELTS .

  2. 感谢美联国际英语培训中心提供义卖机会!

    Thank you to AP International English Training Center for bazaar !

  3. 中国英语语料库的建设可以借鉴国际英语语料库(ICE)各个分库的建设经验。

    To build this corpus , researchers may use for reference the experiences of building the branches of International Corpus of English ( ICE ) .

  4. 这点和悉尼很像,而且悉尼和珀斯都是EF国际英语学校的所在地。

    What 's more , Sydney and Perth are both homes to EF International Schools of English .

  5. 成都H国际英语学校由于开始意识到只有注重提升客户满意度,找出客户的潜在不满,提供高附加价值,做到服务系统化,才能在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出。

    They gradually realized that only the improvement of customers ' satisfaction and the awareness of customers ' potential dissatisfaction , as well as the supply of highly additional value and systematic service can they come to the fore in the market competition .

  6. 其中某些高校将FCE考试作为入学的英语语言标准,也有些高校将FCE考试成绩作为国际英语教程的学分。

    Some higher / further education institutions recognise FCE for admissions purposes , while others recognise FCE as credits towards internal English courses .

  7. 伦敦国际英语,带您走向世界!

    London English Academy , take you to the world !

  8. 西方国际英语一直致力于阐扬一种朝气蓬勃和奋发向上的精神;

    Occidental International English strives with all its energy for constant improvement .

  9. 让我们共同共祝:诺亚国际英语的未来更加美好!

    Let 's wish Royal International English bright future !

  10. 雅思考试是国际英语语言测试系统是简称。

    IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System .

  11. 来到睿博国际英语,人生的改变就从这里开始。

    After you come to Rainbow International English , your further will be changed !

  12. 国际英语广播员到现场直播了这一事件的始末。

    Worldwide English broadcasters were on hand to describe the event as it happened .

  13. 艾思国际英语从一份优兴咨询的最新调查了解到,最受年轻人青睐的雇主为谷歌。

    The latest Universum survey ranked Google as the No.1 employer among young professionals .

  14. 在福星国际英语,我们的老师鼓励学生跟每个人都用英语交流。

    At GEM , our teachers encourage students to practice by speaking with each other .

  15. 后于沃尔得国际英语担任学习顾问。

    Study Adviser in World International English .

  16. 这里是韦博国际英语。

    This is Web International English .

  17. 文化的差异反映在目前世界上正发展着的国际英语的变化中。

    Differences in culture are reflected in the variations of International English now developing around the world .

  18. 一本不可多得的工具书&《剑桥国际英语词典》评介

    An English Dictionary of Great Popularity & A brief review on The Cambridge International Dictionary of English

  19. 同时,我是戴尔国际英语学校的一名学员,我非常喜欢在那里学英语。

    And also I 'm a student of Dell international Engling school . I like learning English there .

  20. 国际英语语言测试系统(雅思)

    IELTS International English Language Testing System ( Internet Based Test ) PTE The Pearson Test of English Academic

  21. 有很好的服务体系,像邮局、咖啡厅、国际英语培训中心,书店等等。

    It has good support facilities including a Post Of fice , cafes , an English School , bookstore , etc.

  22. 报名:将你的姓名,住址和付款邮寄到:国际英语学校,商务英语课程。

    Registration : Send your name , address and payment to : The International School of English , Business English Courses .

  23. 这篇论文着重讨论了人力资源发展部及咨询师在用国际英语沟通技巧进行培训方面所起的作用。

    This paper focuses on the role of HRD and consultants in fostering training in the use of International English communication skills .

  24. 它是国际英语组成部分,而不是中国学生初学英语时所瞎编乱造的过渡语。

    It is part of international English , but not a sort of interlanguage roughly made up by Chinese beginners of English .

  25. 雅思(国际英语语言考试系统):一般情况下,美国大学要求学生的雅思考试成绩在6.5分以上。

    IELTS ( International English Language Testing System ): Generally speaking students must attain a score of6.5 or more on the exam .

  26. 课程顾问会根据测试结果为您设计课程、入学手续、并安排一名专门的英语指导帮助您完成在韦博国际英语的课程学习。

    Following this , you will be assigned a personal tutor who will assist you in completing your study at Web International .

  27. 因为雅思考试是国际英语语言测试考试,所以在其两类考试中会包含各式口音的英语。

    As this is the International English Language Testing System , a variety of English accents are used in both of these examinations .

  28. 当我第一次来到韦博国际英语时,韦博前台客户服务人员会记录下我的个人联络信息,并随后安排专业的课程顾问与我会面。

    When you first step into Web International , our receptionists will register your personal information and introduce you to a Course Consultant .

  29. 实际上,当我们提及“国际英语”时,并没有母语人士与非母语人士之分。

    In fact , when we think about " international English ," there is no such thing as a native or non-native speaker .

  30. 对那些真正想了解足球词汇的人,这里有一张由卡普兰国际英语设计的非常有用的信息图。

    For those of you who really want to have some football vocabulary in English , heres a useful infographic designed by Kaplan International .