
  • 网络HENRY V;King Henry V;Henry The Fifth
  1. 想找一种介乎戏剧和电影之间的艺术形式是可能的。奥利弗在1945年创作的富于想象力的《亨利五世》即是这样一部作品。

    A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible . Olivier created one in his imaginative ' Henry V ' in 1945 .

  2. 拉塞尔•杰克逊,〈两部亨利五世的电影:结构和故事〉,《Astraea选集第四号:在戏剧和其他插入物内的演出》。

    Russell Jackson ," Two Films of Henry V : Frames and Stories ," Collection Astraea , No.4 : The Show Within : Dramatic and Other Insets .

  3. 圣经背景中的亨利五世形象

    The image of Henry ⅴ in the setting of the Bible

  4. 亨利五世跟他的士兵们说话。

    Henry the fifth was talking to his men .

  5. 有许多伟大的例子,比如肯尼迪,丘吉尔,亨利五世等等。

    Many great examples of Kennedy and Churchill Henry V and so on .

  6. 爱塞克斯毕竟不是亨利五世,

    But Essex was not Henry the Fifth .

  7. 他已表演过一些著名的莎士比亚戏剧角色,包括哈姆雷特和亨利五世。

    He has played some of the great Shakespearean roles , including Hamlet and Henry v.

  8. 1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。

    1419 – Hundred Years'War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .

  9. 影片中,查拉梅饰演国王亨利五世,而德普则饰演他的妻子,瓦卢瓦的凯瑟琳。

    In the film , Chalamet plays King Henry V , while Depp acts as his wife Catherine of Valois .

  10. 那年夏天,威尔写了一部关于战争的鼓舞斗志的历史剧《亨利五世》,其中有一两处提到了爱尔兰的动乱。

    Will wrote an exciting play about war that summer , and he put in a word or two about Ireland .

  11. 我儿子罗伯特在学校排演的剧中演亨利五世,好像他天生就适合扮这个角色。

    My son Robert is playing Henry V in the school play and suites the role as if to the manner born .

  12. 12名年轻的演员正在彩排《亨利五世》的开幕词。他们在三周半之前开始聚集。

    Twelve young actors the opening of " Henry the Fifth . " They started meeting three and a half weeks ago .

  13. 他说,“如果亨利五世在阿金库尔战役中向他的军队比较双方实力的话,我们现在可能都要说法语了。”

    If Henry V at Agincourt had spoken to his army about relative troop strengths , we might all be speaking French . '

  14. 历史上的今天-百年战争1419年的今天,百年战争:鲁昂投降,亨利五世再次征服诺曼底。

    Hundred Years ' War 1419 - Hundred Years ' War : Rouen surrenders to Henry V of England completing his reconquest of Normandy .

  15. 这里没有公共自助餐厅,只有一个军官食堂,那里挂着一幅镶着镜框的座右铭,是亨利五世的一句话:凭着他们做梦都想不到的耳朵,

    Here there was not a civilian cafeteria but an officers ' mess , where framed in passepartout lay the clue , a quotation from Henry V :

  16. 它是《查理三世》、《黑骏马》、《亨利五世》还是《奔腾年代》?你有三秒钟的时间,开始!

    Is it " Richard III , " " Black Beauty , " " Henry V " or " Seabiscuit ? " You got 3 seconds . Go .

  17. 结合圣经背景从民族英雄、上帝选民、世俗之人三个方面对亨利五世进行阐释。

    This paper expound Henry ⅴ combined with the setting of the Bible from three aspects , namely , the national hero , the chosen person by God and the common person .

  18. 莎士比亚的《亨利五世》——一个关于任性幼稚的哈尔王子成长为狂热又敏感、冷漠又感性、鼓舞人心又并不完美的君主的故事——开头就是一段呼唤:

    Shakespeare 's Henry V - the story of a willful and immature prince who becomes a passionate but sensitive , callous but sentimental , inspiring but flawed king - begins with the exhortation

  19. 法国的最低点发生在英格兰的亨利五世串赢得了胜利,征服了大部分的国家,而他将自己视为法国王位继承人。

    The French low point occurred when Henry V of England won a string of victories , conquered great chunks of the country and had himself recognised as heir to the French throne .

  20. 但从莎翁对亨利四世以及亨利五世的刻画来看,在作者的理想当中,善恶兼备,是莎士比亚现实主义笔触中的君王的共通特点。

    From Shakespeare 's portrayal of the two kings , the co-inhabitance of both vice and virtue is , in his ideal , what all monarchs under Shakespeare 's realistic pen have in common .