
  • 网络Lower Saxony;Niedersachsen;Lower-Saxon
  1. 首席执行官温特科恩还得到了大众主要员工代表伯纳德•奥斯特洛(BerndOsterloh)和德国下萨克森州(LowerSaxony)的支持。

    VW 's CEO has also received expressions of support from Bernd Osterloh , VW 's chief labour representative , and the state of Lower Saxony .

  2. 最终结果会是,偿清债务的保时捷SE将持有大众51%的股权,其它持有少数权益的合伙人包括持有20%股权的下萨克森州政府以及卡塔尔人。

    The end result will be a debt-free Porsche SE , owning 51 per cent of VW alongside its minority partners the state of Lower Saxony , with 20 per cent , and the Qataris .

  3. 在疫情爆发地汉堡市,已报告发现668起病例,比周二增加119例;下萨克森州(lowersaxony)发现344例,增加80例。

    In Hamburg , the city at the heart of the outbreak , 668 cases were reported , up 119 on Tuesday , with 344 cases in Lower Saxony , a rise of 80 .

  4. 沃尔夫冈•保时捷(WolfgangPorsche)和下萨克森州州长斯特凡•魏尔(StephanWeil)需要联手,才能在监事会投票中胜过皮耶希。

    It took Wolfgang Porsche and Stephan Weil , premier of Lower Saxony , to outvote Mr Pi & # 235 ; ch on the supervisory board .

  5. Pfingstbaumpflanzen(花圈)装点下萨克森州白桦树木研究。

    Pfingstbaumpflanzen ( wreaths ) decorate birch trees in Lower Saxony .

  6. 下萨克森州农业部门发言人GertHahne表示:政府会立即发出警告,要求人们停止适食用豆芽菜,特别是混在沙拉当中疫一起食用。

    Gert Hahne , a spokesman for the agriculture ministry in Lower Saxony , said an alert would be sent out immediately warning people to stop eating the sprouts , which are often used in mixed salads .

  7. 下萨克森州拥有两个席位,皮耶希家族拥有3个席位,保时捷家族拥有两个席位。下萨克森州经济部长奥拉夫•利斯(OlafLiess)告诉德国小报《BildamSonntag》,“鉴于监事会大多数成员的立场”,他“对皮耶希的言论感到非常平静”。

    Lower Saxony has two seats , the Pi ë chs hold three seats and the Porsches have two . Olaf Liess , Lower Saxony economy minister , told the tabloid Bild am Sonntag that he was " very calm about Mr Pi ë ch 's announcement because of the majority situation on the supervisory board . "

  8. 现年36岁的罗氏出生于越南,由一对德国夫妇抚养长大,现为下萨克森州(德国北部的州)经济部长。

    Sler , the36-year-old economics minister of Lower Saxony , born in Vietnam and adopted by German parents .

  9. 此外下萨克森州持有大众18.2%的股份,州长位列公司监事会。

    Moreover the state of Lower Saxony owns 18.2 % and its premier sits on the supervisory board .

  10. 下萨克森州拥有两个席位,皮耶希家族拥有3个席位,保时捷家族拥有两个席位。

    Lower Saxony has two seats , the Pi & # 235 ; chs hold three seats and the Porsches have two .

  11. 本周二,下萨克森州农业部要求该州一家农场宰杀掉140头猪,因为检测结果显示这些动物的二恶英含量超过法定标准。

    On Tuesday the ministry ordered the slaughter of 140 pigs on a farm in the state after tests showed the animals contained more dioxin than the legal limit .

  12. 作为新上任的下萨克森州农业部长,克里斯蒂安?梅耶承诺对所有违规农场采取强硬措施。

    Christian Meyer , farm minister in the newly appointed Lower Saxony government , vowed to take a tough line on any farms found to have broken the law .

  13. 昨天,大众总部所在的德国下萨克森州的检察官表示,他们在考虑对该公司某些雇员展开初步调查。

    Yesterday , prosecutors in Lower Saxony , the German state where VW is based , said they were weighing a preliminary investigation into certain employees at the company .

  14. 德国北部下萨克森州是受这次疫情影响最严重的地区。当地政府表示,最有可疑的就是当地生产的豆芽。

    The regional government of Lower Saxony in northern Germany , one of the areas badly affected by the outbreak , said that locally grown bean sprouts were now suspected .

  15. 在积极推进这一计划的魏德金看来,皮耶希是行进路线上的绊脚石和大众老派作风的总代表&总是迁就工会与下萨克森州政府。

    The hard-charging Mr Wiedeking had come to see Mr Pi ë ch as an obstacle in his path and the arch-representative of the old ways of doing things at VW .

  16. 一名发言人表示,持有20.01%股权的大众第二大股东下萨克森州政府将保留特别投票权,令其拥有在重大决策上具有否决权的少数股权。

    The state of Lower Saxony , VW 's second-largest shareholder with 20.01 per cent , would keep special voting rights that gave it a blocking minority on big decisions , a spokesman said .

  17. 管理委员会受到包含工人代表的监事会(在大众汽车的例子中,监事会成员还包括下萨克森州州长,该州掌控着20%有表决权的股份)的监督。

    Management boards are overseen by supervisory boards that include worker representatives ( and in VW 's case , the premier of Lower Saxony , which holds a 20 per cent voting stake ) .

  18. 作为大型农业中心,德国北部下萨克森州已对大约150多家农场展开调查,这些农场涉嫌出售假冒有机鸡蛋,鸡舍条件过度拥挤。

    The northern state of Lower Saxony , a major agricultural hub , has launched probes of some 150 farms suspected of wrongly selling eggs produced by hens kept in overcrowded conditions under the organic label .

  19. 德国下萨克森州在圣诞节期间首次发现被二恶英污染的鸡蛋,该州农业部表示,州北部4100个农场已恢复正常运营,另外330个农场仍在等待检测结果。

    The agriculture ministry in Lower Saxony , where the contamination was first discovered at Christmas , said 4100 farms in the northern state were working normally again , while 330 were still waiting for test results .

  20. 本文的工作区域是按中国地矿部和德国下萨克森州科学和艺术部之间科学台作协议而提供的。

    The study area is provided for the cooperative project between the Ministry of Geology and Mineral Resources , the People 's Republic of China and the Ministry of Science and Art of Niedersachsen , the Federal Republic of Germany .