
dì sān
  • third;the third (3rd);thirdly;3rd;in the third place
第三 [dì sān]
  • [the third (3rd);thirdly;in the third place]

第三[dì sān]
  1. 骑师在第三道栅栏处给重重摔下马来。

    The jockey took a nasty tumble at the third fence .

  2. 丛书的第三册现在正准备出版。

    The third book in the series is currently in preparation .

  3. 当时我正怀着我们的第三个孩子。

    I was pregnant with our third child at the time .

  4. 上到第三层一共有多少磴楼梯?

    How many stairs are there up to the second floor ?

  5. 戴维斯第三次得分,观众欢声雷动。

    When Davis scored for the third time the crowd erupted .

  6. 这是她连续第三年获得此奖。

    She has won the award for the third year in succession .

  7. 他们的马在去年的比赛中获得了第三名。

    Their horse came third in the race last year .

  8. 她第三年保住了网球冠军的头衔。

    She retained her tennis title for the third year .

  9. 联队3:0的胜利使他们排名升至第三。

    United 's 3 – 0 win moved them up to third position .

  10. 我读到了第三章。

    I read as far as the third chapter .

  11. 孩子的性别在妊娠期第三个月便可查明。

    During the third month of pregnancy the sex of the child becomes determinable .

  12. 我们决定在第三方领土上会晤。

    We decided to meet on neutral ground .

  13. 在环岛处走第三个出口。

    At the roundabout take the third exit .

  14. 到第一个——不——到第三个路口往右拐。

    Take the first turning , sorry , the third turning on the right .

  15. 她获得200米蝶泳比赛的第三名。

    She was third in the 200m butterfly .

  16. 这个国家不愿意再被称为第三世界国家。

    The country no longer wanted to be tagged as a Third World nation .

  17. 我记得这是我们第三次会面了。

    As far as I can remember , this is the third time we 've met .

  18. 新闻界很快把她描述成“第三者”的角色。

    The press were quick to cast her in the role of ' the other woman ' .

  19. 那个可望夺魁者得了第三名。

    The favourite came third .

  20. 这是你本周第三次迟到了,这可不行啊。

    This is the third time you 've been late this week ; it simply won 't do .

  21. 那是我这个星期第三次迟到了——不过,嘿——谁管它呢。

    That 's the third time I 've been late this week ─ but hey ! ─ who 's counting ?

  22. 阿兰·普罗斯特以第三名的成绩结束比赛,实际上已经将世界冠军的位置拱手让人。

    Alain Prost finished third and virtually conceded the world championship .

  23. 英格兰将只好接受第三或第四的排名。

    England will have to settle for third or fourth place .

  24. 他接受了第三次检查,被告知不宜上班。

    He had a third examination and was declared unfit for duty

  25. 戴维斯落后了差不多两秒,获得第三名。

    Davies finished almost two seconds in arrears for third place .

  26. 简的进球帮助英国队在巴塞罗那奥运会上获得了第三名。

    Jane 's goals helped Britain win third place in the Barcelona games

  27. 这是今年迄今为止的第三次袭击。

    The attack was the third so far this year .

  28. 作为一名职业作曲家,我十分感激第三电台。

    As a professional composer I owe much to Radio 3

  29. 越南已跃居世界第三大稻米出口国。

    Vietnam has emerged as the world 's third-biggest rice exporter

  30. 第三粒进球是锦上添花。

    The third goal was the icing on the cake .