
dì sān děng jí
  • third estate;third grade
  1. 第三等级为中小贵族墓,绝大部分使用葬具,其中葬具为单个木棺的墓葬最多,其次是棺、椁同时使用的墓葬,部分木质葬具有装饰。

    The third grade tombs are the primary and secondary nobles , vast majority of them use funeral furnitures , the most is a single wooden coffin , the less is wooden coffin together with outer coffin , a part of the wooden funeral furnitures have decorative things .

  2. 第三等级派出一支队伍去凡尔赛

    the Third Estate sent a group to Versailles

  3. 却总是比第三等级的275万人民的意愿更重要

    will always outweigh the wishes of the 27.5 million people

  4. 第三等级或非常下等的人。

    One who is third-rate or distinctly inferior .

  5. 我象个第三等级的思考者一样假惺惺地任由她改变我的信仰。

    I put myself in a position to be converted by her with an hypocrisy worthy of grade three .

  6. 这项计划获得了小型或者第三等级的原始设备制造商的追捧,因为这个计划可以帮助他们在质量竞争中提升档次。

    Smaller , third-tier OEMs were eager to embrace the program because it helped level the quality playing field among them .

  7. 英国的平民、法国的第三等级以及北美洲大陆上的中产阶级,通常便是这些人的后代。

    The Commons of England , the Tiers-Etat of France , the bourgeoisie of the Continent generally , are the descendants of this class .

  8. 通过数据分析,研究结果如下:1.研究结果显示中学生的道德判断能力基本处在第三等级和第四等级,即中等水平。

    The research results are as following : 1 . The moral judgment ability of middle school students basically reached the third and fourth degree .

  9. 由于第三等级,即平民,决心控制议会,因此三个社会阶层之间的争论立即爆发。

    Disputes immediately broke out between the three estates , due to the resolve of the Third Estate , the Commons , to control the assembly .

  10. 社会的第三等级;被认为是组成社会政治秩序的平民(尤其在英国和法国),在议会中有代表。

    The third estate of the realm ; the commons ( especially in Britain or France ) viewed as forming a political order having representation in a parliament .

  11. 秦皇以后的集权官僚国家垄断了绝对的权力与资源,消弭了人们用脚投票的权利,排除了商人和士绅形成第三等级的可能性。

    The Imperial China of centralism after Qin Dynasty monopolized all the social power and resources , abrogated people 's right to vote with their feet , and debarred the merchants and gentle-lords from forming a Third Tier .

  12. 结合新疆奎屯第三条高等级公路工程实践,从原材料的制备、矿料组成设计等方面就如何做好沥青路面施工的质量控制作了阐述,并提出了具体的质量控制工作重点。

    Combined with practical high-grade highway work in Xinjiang the construction quality control of asphalt pavement is elaborated as well as several quality control points from raw materials preparation , mineral component design and other aspects .

  13. 基本安全要求包括基本技术要求和基本管理要求,本系统是从基本技术要求角度来实现安全保障的,从安全保护等级上来分,属于第三级安全保护等级。

    The basic safety requirements include the basic technical requirements and management of the basic requirements . The system achieves security on the side of the basic technical requirements . From the level of security , the system belongs to the tertiary level of security protection .

  14. 第一章肉牛屠宰分割HACCP品质管理体系的建立,第二章柠檬酸和二氧化氯喷淋及其对牛肉成熟品质的影响,第三章不同等级牛肉营养成分和功能特性比较研究。

    Chapter I : Establishment of HACCP on Beef Slaughtering and Cutting Line ; Chapter ⅱ: Spraying of Citric Acid and Chlorine Dioxide and its effect on the aging quality on beef cut ;