
sù shí zhǔ yì
  • vegetarianism;veganism
  1. 素食主义已为大多数人所接受。

    Vegetarianism has been mainstreamed .

  2. 素食主义在英国越来越盛行。

    Vegetarianism is on the increase in Britain .

  3. 他是个素食主义者,而且过于讲究。

    He was a vegetarian , and a fussy one to boot .

  4. 素食主义者不再被当作怪人。

    Vegetarians are no longer dismissed as cranks .

  5. 在英国,1,500多万人都是素食主义者。

    Over 1.5 million people in Britain are vegetarian .

  6. 我是个素食主义者,日常烹饪时会用到很多小扁豆。

    I am a vegetarian and use a lot of lentils in my day-to-day cooking .

  7. 她宣称是个素食主义者。

    She is an avowed vegetarian .

  8. 从根本上来讲,这是严格的素食主义饮食。

    It 's basically a vegan diet

  9. 素食主义者已经摆脱了其古怪的形象。

    Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image

  10. 她是一个素食主义的倡导者。

    She is an exponent of vegetarianism .

  11. 现在很多人都是素食主义者,他们只吃面包、蔬菜、水果等,不吃肉和鱼。

    People are now largely vegetarians , and they eat only bread , vegetables , fruit and so on and they don 't eat meat or fish .

  12. 免费素食主义者(freegan)一词由free(免费)和vegan(严格的素食主义者)两个词组合而成。

    The word " freegan " is a coinage derived4 from " free " and " vegan " .

  13. 肉食主义者是专吃肉、不吃蔬菜的人。它是素食主义者的反义词。

    Meatatarian is a person who eats meat virtually to the exclusion .

  14. 在我看了那部讲素食主义的电影之后,放弃吃肉变得很容易。

    Once I saw that film about vegetarianism1 , it was easy to give up eating meat .

  15. 免费素食主义是指有限参与传统经济,尽力减少资源消耗的行为和理念,通过重复利用食品等废旧物品来践行。

    Freeganism is a practice and ideology1 of limited participation2 in the conventional economy and minimal3 consumption of resources , particularly through recovering wasted goods like food .

  16. 严格的素食主义者不购买动物产品,以反对对动物的杀害。而免费素食主义者不购买所有物品,以保护整个食物体系,至少在理论上是这样。

    While vegans might avoid buying animal products as an act of protest against animal exploitation , freegans — at least in theory — avoid buying anything as an act of protest against the food system in general .

  17. 最健康的人(通常也瘦)采用的是素食主义饮食——这意味着他们吃植物(包括大米、豆类、坚果、水果、蔬菜)。

    The operative word is healthy . The healthiest people ( who also tend to be thin ) follow a vegan diet - which means they eat plants ( including rice , beans , nuts , fruit , vegetables ) .

  18. 素食主义者吃蔬菜,人道主义者吃人(human)?

    If a vegetarian ( 11 ) eats vegetables , what does a humanitarian ( 12 ) eat ?

  19. 提升到6000股DNA的人类同样把变化带给消化肠道,对于所有达到菩萨进化水平的人而言,这将考虑到素食主义的回归。

    Humans ascending to6000 strands are also adding changes to the digestive tract that will allow for a return to vegetarianism for all who attain Bodhisattva level evolution .

  20. 欧文、利拉德和其他的一些NBA球员已经成为了素食主义者。

    Kyrie Irving , Damian Lillard and other NBA players have recently joined the Vegan movement and given up eating meat .

  21. 身为犹太裔的弗里德兰德在纽约出生并在长岛长大,他是一位素食主义者,并从杜克大学(Duke)拿到了一个物理学的学位。

    Born in New York City and reared on Long Island , Mr. Friedlander is Jewish and vegetarian and has a physics degree from Duke .

  22. 素食主义者需要补充维生素和矿物质,以弥补他们饮食中所缺乏的铁和维生素B12等。

    Many vegetarians have take vitamin and mineral supplements to make up for the lack of iron , B12etc.in their diet .

  23. 素食主义的生活方式是值得去客观的探究与宣传,不仅如此因为素食主义可以有效解决人类所面临“粮食vs饲料”的激烈战斗。

    This resource-and life-saving lifestyle is worthy of unbiased research and promotional effort , not last because of its potential to decide the raging battle of'food vs feed'in favour of humanity .

  24. 严格的素食主义者不吃肉,绝对素食者禁食所有畜产品,这些人也有B12缺乏的危险。

    Strict vegetarians , who avoid meat , and vegans , who avoid all animal products , are also at risk of B12 deficiency .

  25. 当2003年他查出患有胰腺癌的时候,他曾经几个月拒绝手术,而选择其它的治疗方式,包括严格的vegan饮食(一种极为严格的素食主义)。

    When diagnosed with pancreatic cancer inlate 2003 , he refused surgery for months , opting for alternative treatment including a strict vegan diet .

  26. 一架停在地面上的A320客机,最近被改造成了素食主义餐厅、面包店和咖啡厅。

    A grounded Airbus A320 , has recently been converted into a vegetarian restaurant , bakery and caf é .

  27. 结果,各种各样的膳食方案层出不穷:素食主义、无麸质饮食、旧石器时代饮食(Paleolithic,又译,古式饮食)、果食主义等等,每一种都拥有大批忠贞不二的拥趸。

    A consequence is an abundance of regimens - vegan , gluten-free , Paleolithic , fruitarian and many more - each promoted by its adherents as the one true path .

  28. 锻炼好身体是成为一位成功创始人的关键一环,社会企业家,法庭之友公司(Amicus)CEO塞思o班农写道。他认为自己的成就之一就是成为了一位素食主义者。

    Tending to your body is essential to being a successful founder , writes Seth Bannon , the social entrepreneur and Amicus CEO , who counts among his accomplishments that he is a vegetarian .

  29. 如何食用:烤或者是用莳萝炖鲑鱼,把它加到意大利面条和沙拉中如果你是一个素食主义者,或者你不吃鱼,你可以omega3脂肪酸也称为DHA在下面这些地方:

    How : Broil , bake or poach it with dill Toss it into pasta dishes and salads If you 're vegetarian or just not a fish-eater , get the key omega-3 fat called DHA in :

  30. 耆那教徒(Jains)和各种文化中的素食主义者都不吃任何动物。

    Jains , and vegetarians of all cultures , don 't eat any animals at all .