
  • 网络Prime Number Theorem;PNT
  1. 抽象素数定理及广义黎曼假设的判别准则

    The Abstract Prime Number Theorem and a Criterion for the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis

  2. 有限域上单变量代数函数域中的素数定理

    Prime Number Theorem of an Algebraic Function Field of Dimension 1 over a Finite Field

  3. 算术数列中三素数定理的实效证明

    An Effective proof of the Three primes Theorem in Arithmetical Progressions

  4. 树的最大特征值素数定理的一个推广

    THE LARGEST EIGENVALUE ON TREES The Generalization of Prime Theorem

  5. 论余新河-哥德巴赫素数定理

    On the Yu - Goldbach Prime Theorem

  6. 关于素数定理的构成图

    On Supergraph for Prime Number Theorem

  7. 素数定理的拓展

    The generalization of prime theorem

  8. 最后,在第三章里,首先简单介绍了素数定理,最后利用初等方法和解析方法证明了一些关于整数核的新结论。

    In last chapter , firstly , we sim-ply introduce prime number theory . Finally , we gain some new results on the kernel of integers making use of fundamental and analytic method .

  9. 算术级数中的华罗庚五素数平方定理

    Hua 's Five Primes Squares Theorem in Arithmetic Progressions

  10. 本文给出了华罗庚五素数平方定理的算术级数形式,证明了其中一个素数可以取在大模的算术级数中。

    In this paper , we generalize Hua 's five primes squares theorem , and prove that one of the primes can be taken in arithmetic progressions with large moduli .

  11. 小区间上的五素数平方和定理

    The Five Prime Squares Theorem in Short Intervals

  12. 小素数的陈氏定理

    Chen 's Theorem on Small Primes