
  • 网络Set concept;collective concept;Sammelbegriff;cluster concept;samūha-paññatti
  1. 海洋资源是指海洋空间所存在的一切资源,是海洋中各种类型资源的一种总的称呼,属于复合型的资源系统,是一个集合概念。

    Marine resources include all resources existing in the sea and belong to composite resources system . The term is a collective concept .

  2. 对集合概念,必须依据其反映对象的特点进行考察,而不能依据语境考察,否则,会造成概念无定类。

    A collective concept can not be observed and studied on the basis of its context , but the characteristics of the object it reflects ;

  3. 迄今科学家们提出了三种重要的集合概念:Cantor集合、Fuzzy集合、Extension集合,在每一种集合上建立一种数学,集合之拓广推动了数学的长足发展。

    Set has been classified into the following three types : Cantor set , fuzzy set and extension set . The mathematical expansion for each set theory is considered as a great contribution for the development of mathematics .

  4. 通过引入控制任务周期序列集合概念,使用IAE性能指标以Qoc作为控制品质的评价基础,并提出一种基于Qoc对多任务控制品质优化方法,对控制任务时限进行灵活分配调整改善系统性能;

    The concept of control task period sequence and IAE criteria are introduced . An optimal Qoc ( Quality of control ) method towards multiple control tasks is presented and the system performance is improved by assigning and adjusting flexible timing constraints which is based on Qoc metric .

  5. 本文应用集合概念,对刚、铰组合结构进行了形式化描述;

    Using the concepts of set , the paper formalizes composite structures .

  6. 简论集合概念的特征及其辨析误区

    The Characters of Aggregate Concept and Differentiation and Analysis of Some Misconstructions

  7. 传统逻辑教科书必须拒斥集合概念

    The Set Concept Must be Rejected by the Textbooks of Traditional Logic

  8. 对集合概念及其相关问题的再认识

    The Second Know about Gather Concept and Correlation Questions

  9. 对集合概念与非集合概念的再认识

    A Further Understanding of the Collective and Non-Collective Concepts

  10. 零面积集合概念在教学中的应用

    The Concept of Zero Assemblage Applied in Mathematics Teaching

  11. 而作为集合概念扩展的多重集合概念,却少有应用。

    But the multi-set which expands as the set is actually seldom applied .

  12. 集合概念教学的若干问题

    Several Problems in the Teaching about Set Concept

  13. 关于集合概念的实用探讨

    Inquiring into the Practical Application of Set Concepts

  14. 关于无穷集合概念的不相容性问题的研究

    The Inconsistency of the Concept of Infinite Sets

  15. 广义集合概念及其内涵剖析

    The Concept and Connotation of Generalized Sets

  16. 集合概念不仅在艺术中被应用,它甚至是当代生活的一部分。

    It is not only used in art , but also becomes a part of modern life .

  17. 这个词是一个集合概念,现在不再使用,并被视为带有侮辱意味。

    The term belongs to a classification system no longer in use and is now considered offensive .

  18. 本文认为区域品牌是一个集合概念,是由地理标志品牌、绿色标志品牌、企业品牌或产品品牌互动的三方面组成。

    Regional brand consists of geographical indication brand and green label brand and firm brand or product brands .

  19. 集合概念和非集合概念一直是形式逻辑研究与教学的一个难点问题。

    Aggregate concept and non-aggregate concept have always been a difficult problem for the research and teaching of formal logic .

  20. 但是这种委托代理关系的最初委托人人民是一个抽象的集合概念,从理论上来说,国有资产人人有份。

    The initial client is a collection of abstract concepts . Theoretically speaking , everyone has one of state-owned assets .

  21. 这制约着集合概念及方法的教与学,从而对集合教学的效果有着不同程度的影响。

    This restricts the teaching and studying about set concept and method , thus there is influence in varying degrees on the result of set teaching .

  22. 该文在分别考察了两种传统集合概念,即叠代概念与二分概念的基础上,进一步分析它们之间的相互关系,论述了它们分别对于数学和逻辑的局部合理性。

    Based on the study of two traditional concepts of sets , i. e. iterative concept and dichotomy concept , this paper analyzes the relation between them .

  23. 在数学分析教学中,笔者把零面积集合概念推广到n维空间,建立零容度的概念。

    In the teaching of Mathematics Analysis , the concept of zero area assemblage can be extended to n-dimensional space and zero volume assemblage is set up .

  24. 它是指集体组织对自己所有的森林、林木以及林地享有的占有、使用、收益和处分的权利,是一个集合概念。

    It is a classification system which refers to the rights of possession , use , benefit and disposal to all their forests , trees and woodlands .

  25. 因此,集合概念和非集合概念的归类首先应当考察一个语词指号是否因具体语境的不同而呈现概念表达上的集合体和非集合体的二重性。

    Therefore , to differentiate set concept from non-set concept , one should decide whether a word sign displays duality of set concept and non-set concept due to context differences .

  26. 因此,有必要进一步揭示其内涵&集合概念是指相对关系中的同类个体组成的集合体为反映对象的概念。

    So it is necessary to reveal its connotation further & gathering concept is a concept that reflects the aggregation made up of the same kind of individual in relative relations .

  27. 本文在广义集合概念的基础上,主要解决两个问题。1、广义集合运算;

    On the basis of the conception of generalized set , two problems are explored in this paper : 1 : the operation of generalized set and 2 : the property of that operation .

  28. 由于每一控制权的实现机制和表现形式存在差异,多元的控制权又有多样化的组合,因此家族企业制度性是一个动态、复杂、多变的集合概念。

    Because of the difference in the implementation mechanism and manifestations , multiple control lead diversified combination . Therefore , the institutional family business is a set of concepts of dynamic , complex and varied .

  29. 文章提出了地图图形的集合概念和地图图像形态分析的基元确定原则,证明了结构元素的基元最小分解定理;

    The paper presented a new concept of map graph subset and the principle determining basic element of morphologic analysis of map image , and proved a minimun decomposing theorems of basic element of structuring element .

  30. 重法地法的出现与当时的经济状况、社会环境、法律传统有着密切的联系。作为一个集合概念,重法地法从出现到废止有一个演变的过程。

    Severe law in special areas came into being with the development economic conditions , social environment and legal traditions . As a collective conception , severe law in special areas undertook a long time from the beginning to the abolishment .