
  • 网络Concentrated Market;Centralized Market
  1. 论证券集中市场信用交易制度

    On Credit Trading System of Securities Central Trading Centre

  2. 目前债券交易主要在店头市场进行,集中市场的债券交易仅占少数。

    Recently , bond trading mainly deals in the OTC market , only a few bond trading prosecutes on the main market .

  3. 这意味着更有效率的银行必然会在集中市场比如英国取得更大的份额,并且在零散市场比如美国并购较弱的,效率较低的竞争对手。

    This means that more efficient banks will inevitably get a bigger share of the cake in concentrated markets , such as Britain , and buy weaker , less efficient competitors in fragmented markets such as America .

  4. 现在可以将它与西甲联赛做一个对比。西甲联赛是一个集中化市场,由皇家马德里(RealMadrid)和巴塞罗那(Barcelona)两支队伍主导。德勤的数据显示,这两家是全球收入最高的俱乐部。

    Compare that to Spain 's La Liga , a concentrated market dominated by Real Madrid and Barcelona , the two clubs with the highest revenues in the world , according to Deloitte .

  5. 早期的研究主要集中在市场流动性指标的构造、市场流动性模式的探讨方面,到上世纪末研究开始涉及基于VaR模型的市场流动性风险的度量。

    Primeval research aims to construct liquidity index and research liquidity mode of stock market . While time goes to the last of 1990s , people start to quantify liquidity risk bias VaR models .

  6. 在公司运行方面,主要以业务运行和财务稳健为主线(如集中于市场占有状况、赢利能力、偿付能力、ALM等)。

    In practice the managers always give priority to business operation and financial solidity such as market share , the ability to profit , solvency and asset-liability-management .

  7. 废物集中处理市场化与企业化的激励机制设计&以大连经济技术开发区为例

    A Study on Incentive Mechanism for Market-oriented Centralized Waste Treatment System

  8. 经营者集中是市场经济竞争发展的客观现象。

    Proprietor concentration is an objective phenomenon in the market economy .

  9. 证券市场分割也是近年来金融理论研究领域的一个热点,总体来说,这一方面的研究主要集中于市场分割的度量、成因、市场一体化的途径及其对宏观经济的影响。

    Market segmentation is a focus of financial research in recent years .

  10. 企业合并是资本集中从而市场集中的基本形式。

    Business combination is the basic form of capital and market concentration .

  11. 面向高集中度市场的产品营销组合策略效应模拟系统研究

    On the simulation model of high concentration market oriented product marketing strategy

  12. 欧盟对这些问题的抱怨集中在市场准入方面。

    The EU 's complaints on these issues centre on market access .

  13. 流域污水集中处理市场化的法律研究

    Law Research on Marketization of the central treatment of wastewater from a watershed

  14. 不确定性与市场集体声誉&集中交易市场框架内的分析

    Uncertainty & Market Collective Reputation : The Analysis On Centralized Trading Market Framework

  15. 重庆商用集中空调市场调查报告

    The investigation report about the market of commercial central air conditioners in Chongqing

  16. 与其它金融市场不同,外汇没有集中清算市场。

    Unlike other financial markets , there is no centrally-cleared market for foreign exchange .

  17. 污染集中治理市场的法律探讨

    Legal probing of pollution central disposal market

  18. 极高寡占型的高集中度市场结构是我国汽车产业发展的目标模式之一。

    High market concentration structure is one of the target modes of automobile industry development .

  19. 经营者集中对市场进入、技术进步的影响;

    The impact of the concentration of business operators on the market access and technological progress ;

  20. 城市集中供热市场化分析

    Analysis of City Centralized-heating Marketization

  21. 产业地区性集中是市场经济条件下生产要素自由流动、自由配置的结果。共享的劳动力市场、中间产品供应、技术外溢是产业空间集聚产生的市场因素。

    The regional concentration of industry is the result of the free mobility and distribution of production essentials .

  22. 但迄今为止,企业在“第二生命”中的多数活动,都集中在市场营销。

    But most of the activity by business in second life to date has been focused on marketing .

  23. 实际情况是,一些合并形成了一集中的市场,其它的则只是使个别公司提高价格。

    Indeed , some mergers create a concentrated market , while others enable a single firm to raise prices .

  24. 区域集中型市场结构的界定及其影响&对中国煤电冲突的另一种解释

    On the Definition and Impacts of Regional Monopolistic Market Structure : A New Explanation to Coal-Electricity Conflict in China

  25. 这些都是集中的市场,任何出现的失败都会通过口头形式快速地传遍整个行业。

    These are both concentrated markets where any failure to perform would quickly be spread by word-of-mouth throughout the industry .

  26. 重庆商用集中空调市场形成了电空调与燃气空调的竞争格局。

    There is a competition between electric air conditioners and gas air conditioners in the market of commercial central air conditioners in Chongqing .

  27. 目前东航客舱设备布局和选型项目收益提升存在的问题主要集中在市场定位、航线结构、组织结构和市场竞争力这四个方面。

    Presently , the main problem of cabin equipment layout and selection is market position , route structure , organizational structure and market competitiveness .

  28. 由于它的焦点在于集中性市场上竞争的形式和本质,产业组织理论在很大的程度上可以看作是经营策略的理论。

    With its focus on the nature and form of rivalry in concentrated markets , much of industrial organization is a theory of business strategy .

  29. 我也不建议投资者仅仅集中于市场的这一部分投资,尽管我可能相信它是市场的未来。

    And I wouldn 't suggest investors concentrate only on this part of the market , even if I believe it is the market 's future .

  30. 依照微观经济学和产业组织理论,高度集中产业市场中的寡头厂商往往会在价格变量上形成暗中或默契的价格串谋,使产业市场处在一种准完全垄断的状态。

    The firms usually conspire on price in the oligopoly markets according to the theory of microeconomics and industry organization , thus forming a par monopoly market .