
  • 网络difficult problem;hard problem;NP-hard problem
  1. 最大割问题是图论中的一个典型的NP困难问题。

    The max-cut problem is a standard NP-hard problem in graph graphic theory .

  2. 1981年Cockayne等人证明计算任意图的支配数是一个NP困难问题。

    In 1981 , Cockayne proved that the calculation of the domination number on arbitrary graph was a NP-hard problem .

  3. H∞融合滤波方法可以有效地解决此类多传感器融合系统的滤波问题,但存在求解困难问题。

    H_ ∞ fusion-filtering can solve the problem but the solution is difficult to obtain .

  4. 而DNA计算在求解NP困难问题上,具有电子计算机所无法比拟的天然优势。

    DNA computing shows natural advantages compared with the classical electronic computer in solving NP hard problems .

  5. 利用大整数分解困难问题LIFP(LargeIntegerFactoringProblem)和服务参数提出了一个改进的Mu方案。

    An improved scheme is proposed by using LIFP ( Large Integer Factoring Problem ) and service parameter .

  6. 这个问题是NP困难问题。

    This problem is NP-hard .

  7. 本文给出的扩张矩阵合并问题是NP困难问题的一种新的证明。

    This paper gives a new kind of poof that to compound extension matrix is NP & hard .

  8. 箱覆盖问题是NP困难问题中的经典问题,得到了广泛地研究。

    Bin Covering has been studied in combinatorial optimization and was shown to belong to the class of NP-hard problems .

  9. 这种计算模式凭借着DNA序列的强大存储密度和高度并行性,在求解一些复杂的组合优化问题及NP困难问题时显示出了极大的优势。

    By virtue of high-density storage and massive parallelism in DNA sequences , the calculation model has showed a great advantage in solving complex combinatorial optimization problems and NP hard problems .

  10. 决策树是一种重要的数据开采方法,但构造最优决策树是一个NP困难问题。

    Decision trees is a useful tool for data mining , but the design of the optimal decision tree has been proved to be NP hard .

  11. 特征子集选择问题是机器学习的重要问题.而最优特征子集的选择是NP困难问题,因此需要启发式搜索指导求解。

    The feature subset selection is an important problem in machine learning , but the optimal feature subset selection is proves to be a NP hard one .

  12. 然后提出计算机取证遇到的问题-计算机证据有效性问题和基于UNIX系统的计算机取证困难问题;

    Then put forward the question that the computer forensics meets & the evidence validity question of the computer forensics and difficult problem that computer based on UNIX system collect evidence ;

  13. 分析比较了基于RSA的电子方案和Brands电子现金方案,总结了两方案所涉及的数学困难问题以及两种方案存在的问题。

    Analysis the e-cash scheme based on RSA and Brands e-cash scheme , summing up the mathematical difficulties involved in the schemes as well as the existing problems in the schemes . 2 .

  14. 小波变换是一个时间和频率的局域变换,因而能有效的从信号中提取信息,通过伸缩和平移等运算功能对函数或信号进行多尺度细化分析,解决了Fourier变换不能解决的许多困难问题。

    Wavelet transform is a time and frequency local transformation and it can withdraw the information from the signal . Through the calculate function making the muti-scale analysis it resolves many difficult problems which Fourier transformation can 't resolve .

  15. 介绍了研究发动机试验台智能控制的必要性,分析了试验台所需采用的技术,提出了采用模糊控制、Fuzzy-PID混合控制技术来解决发动机控制困难问题的设想。

    Introduce the importance of the engine testbed 's intelligent control , analyse the technique what the engine testbed need , bring forward Fuzzy control technique and Fuzzy-PID combine control technique to solve the difficulty of the engine 's control .

  16. 其中分解整数的PollardHellman算法、Pollardρ算法和指数演算的方法是建立在大数因式分解基础上,大数因式分解本身就是数学上的一个困难问题,因此在电路上也不容易实现。

    Among them , Pollard_Hellman algorithm used to decompose integer , Pollard p algorithm , and exponent algorithm are based on the factorization of great number , while factorization itself is a difficult problem in math . of ρ order in any radius is proved .

  17. 关于中学女生学习物理困难问题的探讨

    A Study Concerning the Difficulty of Middle School Girls Learning Physics

  18. 旨在探讨在我国学生的汉语学习中是否存在阅读困难问题。

    This paper treatS of the reading disability of Chinese students .

  19. 图的最小填充问题是熟知的NP-困难问题。

    The fill in problem for graphs is a well known NP hard problem .

  20. 回显打印是调试困难问题的最古老的方法之一。

    Echo printing is one of the oldest ways to debug a thorny problem .

  21. 他对那个困难问题一点而过。

    He slid over the delicate subject .

  22. 流变学中的困难问题

    Difficult Problems in Rheology

  23. 调查显示,所有运用困难问题对物理学习的影响程度总体上高于数学基础不足所带来的影响。

    All these application problems affect physics learning in a higher degree than that of mathematical base weakness .

  24. 重工业的所有厂房均存在一个困难问题,即如何布置桥式吊车的支承结构。

    One difficulty in every building for heavy industry is the arrangement of the supports for an overhead crane .

  25. 实验设计法在解决大卷装化纤钢领上车困难问题上的应用

    The Application of Experimental Design Method on Tackling the Problem of the Running-in of the Large-package Rings for Chemical Fibres

  26. 众所周知,在粗糙集理论中,最优约简的求解是一个NP-困难问题。

    As we all known , in the rough set theory , finding the optimal reduction is an NP-hard problem .

  27. 运输调度涉及到任务分配、时间安排、人员安排以及路线选择等,是一个典型的非多项式困难问题。

    Vehicle scheduling is a typical NP hard problem involving task assignment , time arrangement , personnel arrangement and route selection .

  28. 分税制财政体制运行以来取得了一定成效,但与此同时也在很多地方带来了县乡财政困难问题。

    Fiscal system of division-tax has made positive achievements since execution , but it also brings about rural fiscal difficulties in many places .

  29. 由于此类问题属于NP-困难问题,缺乏最优性理论,因此目前已有的算法多为启发式、人机交互类算法。

    Since the problems are NP-hard , there lacks optimality theory , so the current so - lution procedures often turn to heuristic methods .

  30. 产生式系统引入并行技术后,出现了两个新的困难问题:相容性问题和收敛性问题。

    With the adoption of parallel technology to production systems , two new hard problems appeared : the compatibility problem and the convergence problem .