
  1. 你困了就睡吧。

    Go to bed if you feel sleepy .

  2. 他会打15分钟的盹儿,醒来后精神充沛,困了就再打盹儿。

    He would drop off for 15 minutes , wake up refreshed and off he 'd go again .

  3. 从事商业的我们需要贤明一些:假如纳税人需要为银行和其它企业纡困,就应当期待有发言权。

    We in business need to be philosophical : if taxpayers are required to bail out banks or other businesses , they should expect a say .

  4. 至于健康,我没有什么有价值的话可说,因为我极少生病,吃喝随心所欲,困了就睡去。

    As regards health I have nothing useful to say since I have little experience of illness . I eat and drink whatever I like , and sleep when I cannot keep awake .

  5. 虽然人,伤害了不知道他们被困在就不会工作,所以它实际上是一个神的机理、太深过你要掌握它的价值。

    Although , whom it has hurt don 't realize what they were caught in would never have worked , So it was actually a mechanism of God , too deep a thought for you to grasp its worth .

  6. 困的话就嚼一块。

    Chew on one of these if you get sleepy .

  7. 我感到困时,就停下来打个盹。

    When I felt sleepy , I stopped to catch forty winks .

  8. 困了,就站在树枝上睡觉。

    When sleepy it stands on it to sleep .

  9. 担心自己起太早,会犯困?那就早点睡觉。

    If you 're worried about being too tired , try going to bed earlier .

  10. 火车旅程即长又困,我们就以玩牌来消磨时间。

    The train trip is was long and tiring , but we killed time by playing cards .

  11. 维吉尔:不要管我,如果你不想被困在魔界就快走吧。我要留下来,这里是我们的爸爸斯巴达的故乡。

    Vergil : Leave me and go , if you don 't want to be trapped in the Demon World . I 'm staying , this place was our father 's home .

  12. 那个人又困又累,就去睡了。

    The man , tired and sleepy , went to bed .

  13. 我困了,我就睡了。

    Bob : I felt sleepy , so I fell asleep .

  14. 吃过药之后我觉得困,于是我就睡了一会儿。

    I felt sleepy after I took the medicine , so I slept for a while .

  15. 如果能把我们困在河这边就用不着核弹了

    They won 't need a nuke if they trap us on this side of the river .

  16. 我知道一般情况下这种事挺搞笑的,但他在下面困太久,就很难有合理解释了。

    Look , I know that normally this would be very funny , but he 's been under there too long for reasonable explanation .

  17. 要是在正常休息时间的一个小时内,你要觉得困得慌,那就上床赶紧睡觉吧。

    If you 're within an hour of your normal bed time and you 're feeling tired , go to bed and try to sleep .

  18. 然而,合作学习的方式多种多样,究竟怎样的合作学习方式适合学习困难学生,能够最大限度地帮助学困生,这就需要通过实验来考证。

    Cooperative learning is an effective method for LD : However , there are many modes in cooperative learning . Which kind of cooperative learning fits LD ? That needs experiment research .

  19. 过了一段时间,王后觉得困了,他们就把斗篷铺在草地上,瑞廉王子跟同行的其他人都走开一点,免得他们谈天说笑的声音吵醒她。

    After a time the queen felt sleepy , and they spread cloaks for her on the grassy bank , and Prince rilian with the rest of the party went a little way from her , that their tales and laughter might not wake her .

  20. 我父亲有一些不好的阅读习惯,到晚上才拿着赎金条上了床,刚读到一半他就困了,然后就睡着了,把这事抛到了脑后。

    And my father has bad reading habits , so he gets into bed at night with the ransom note , and he read half of it , y'know , and he got drowsy and fell asleep , then he lent it out , y'know .