
  1. 你真以为你可以一夜就练成一字马?

    You actually thought you can learn to do a thwart split in one night ?

  2. 事发当时,汉寿火车站的铁路工作人员首先注意到了两个女孩在轨道上互相拍照并表演‘一字马’。

    Railway personnel at Hanshou Station first caught sight of the two girls taking photos of each other performing splits along the tracks .

  3. 照片中麦当娜身着黑色练功服,轻松摆出一字马造型,豪放地展示了自己的臀部,可想而知这是她最引以为傲的锻炼成果。她还给粉丝留言:“今天成功劈叉,姿势完爆香蕉皮。”

    Posing in black workout wear , Madonna told fans : ' Today I made like a banana and split ! \# flexible \# hardcandyfitness . " Displaying her pert derriere front and centre in the photo , it 's no surprise to find that Madonna 's favourite part of the body to exercise is her butt .