
  1. 一个被忽略的因素是一流院校录取的美国学生比一代人之前要少。

    One overlooked factor is that top colleges are admitting fewer American students than they did a generation ago .

  2. 校园文化是建设一流院校的重要支撑,是培养合格人才的强大动力。

    Campus culture is the important support of constructing the first rate college and also is the great power of fostering professionals .

  3. 汇合,汇集(尤指大群的人).一流院校的课堂刻意汇集来自各族裔、域与种族的学生。

    Coming together , esp of large numbers of people The ethnic , geographic and racial profiling goes into assembling classes at the top-tier colleges and universities .

  4. 我把这些数字和美国人口普查中18到21岁的人口数据联系起来,查看了在1984、1994、2004和2012年这四个不同的年份,该年龄段的美国学生加入本国多所一流院校的比例。

    I combined the numbers with census data on the number of 18 - to 21-year-olds in the United States to examine what share of college-age Americans in four different years - 1984 , 1994 , 2004 and 2012 - were attending various elite colleges .

  5. 她毕业于法国一流工程院校——巴黎综合理工学院(EcolePolytechnique),是该校首批7名女性毕业生之一。塞内基耶毕业后在财政部当了5年的保险事务专员,随后于1985年在保险公司GAN创办了私人股本部门。

    One of the first seven women to graduate from Ecole Polytechnique , France 's elite engineering school , she spent five years in the finance ministry as an insurance commissioner , then set up insurer GAN 's private equity arm in 1985 .

  6. 论一流高职院校建设的若干焦点问题

    Some Issues of the Construction of the First-Rate Higher Vocational School

  7. 创一流高职院校需建构一流的学习型学校文化

    Build a Learning School Culture to Construct a Top Ranking Higher Vocational College

  8. 国家检察官学院要建成一流成人院校,必须有一流图书馆。

    A top-ranking college should own a top-ranking library .

  9. 夯实基础,提升内涵,建设一流高职院校

    Strengthening the Foundation and Improving the Contents to Construct First Class Higher Vocational Institute

  10. 坚持科学的发展观办一流高职院校的几点思考

    Reflections on Persisting in the Scientific Developmental Viewpoint and Establishing A First Class Higher Vocational College

  11. 概言之,一流高职院校建设的焦点在于质量和特色。

    In a word , the focus of the construction of the first-rate higher vocational school is the quality and feature .

  12. 该分析还显示,北京在国内拥有一流高等院校的城市中位列第一,在排名前100的高校中有24所坐落在首都北京。

    The analysis also shows that Beijing ranks first among the cities in China boasting top quality post-secondary institutions , with 24 of the top 100 universities located in the Chinese capital .

  13. 一流高职院校建设的焦点主要包括院校精神、治校理念、科学定位、协调发展、竞争力、办学规模等。

    The focus of the construction of the first-rate higher vocational school includes the spirit of school , the idea of running schools , the scientific orientation , the coordinated development , the competitive power and the scale of running schools .

  14. 这所机构名为全球创新学院(GlobalInnovationExchange),是华盛顿大学和中国一流的研究型院校清华大学合作成立的,将在2016年秋季开学,开设技术创新相关的硕士学位课程。

    The institute , the Global Innovation Exchange , is a partnership between the University of Washington and one of China 's leading research universities , Tsinghua University . It will open in fall 2016 with a master 's degree program in technology innovation .

  15. 一所高职院校要办成示范性乃至一流性的院校,并在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,必须走特色强校的路子。

    To become a first-class and demonstrative college and to stand out of competition , a vocational college must have its own outstanding features .

  16. 第四章在分析外部的机会和识别核心竞争力的基础上,提出了通过实施差异化战略和成本领先战略,把学院建成产学结合、特色鲜明、广东最大、全国一流的高职院校的宏伟目标。

    And the four chapter points out that the college 's goal is to build it into the largest technical college in Guangdong and first-class grand in the whole country with distinct characteristics through implementing difference strategy and cost leadership strategy .

  17. 张巘补充说道,中国政府致力于建设更多的世界一流的专业院校和大学,不仅有助于其大学在国际上取得更大的成就,同时也为其成为世界上最大的经济体奠定了坚实的基础。

    Chinese government 's commitment to build more world class academic disciplines and universities would not only help its universities to achieve more excellence internationally , but also lay a solid foundation for its economy to become the world 's largest one , Zhang added .

  18. 印度目前拥有近1400所工程类院校,但提供世界一流培训课程的院校屈指可数。

    India has nearly 1,400 engineering schools but just a handful provide world-class training .

  19. 创建一流的高等职业学院,需要全新的教育理念,需要新的学校管理和运行机制,需要一流教学设施。然而一流高职院校的底蕴是优秀的学校文化。

    Though fresh education principle , new college management and operation mechanism , first-rate teaching facilities are necessary to build a top ranking colleges , the implication of a good school is excellent campus culture .