
  1. 我不能吃容易令人发胖的食物,因为我有心脏病。

    I can 't eat fattening foods because I suffer from heart disease .

  2. 要少吃使人发胖的食物。

    Avoid fattening foods and take more exercise .

  3. 减肥的唯一办法就是不吃使人发胖的食物,并彻底戒酒。

    The only way to get weight down is to keep off fattening food , and cut out alcohol altogether .

  4. 黄瓜能填满你的胃,你就可以不吃一些其他让你发胖的食物了。

    Cucumbers are often used as a way to fill the stomach without actually eating food that will make you gain weight .

  5. 科学家们正在研究一个问题,为什么很多人对远离那些使人发胖的食物,如薯片,巧克力,咖喱等那么困难。

    Scientists have come up with a new reason why some people struggle to stay away from fattening chips , chocolate and curries .

  6. 你看,会使人发胖的食物的创造者花钱使他们的品牌逐渐走进动画和游戏中。

    You see , the makers of fattening foods are paying to slip their brand names into cartoons and video games as never before .

  7. 气相色谱法研究有机化合物的蒸发热减肥的唯一办法就是不吃使人发胖的食物,并彻底戒酒。

    Study on the Heat of Evaporation of Organic Compounds by Gas Chromatography ; The only way to get weight down is to keep off fattening food , and cut out alcohol altogether .