
fā diàn suǒ
  • powerhouse
  1. 火力发电所排放的烟气中二氧化硫(SO2)对环境及人的危害巨大。

    The sulfur dioxide ( SO2 ), one of the thermal power plant flue gases , is dangerous to the environment and human .

  2. 截止到九月三十号,环境保护局应该按时完成对发电所温室气体排放限制的提议。

    By September30th the EPA is due to propose limits on greenhouse-gas emissions for power stations .

  3. 燃煤发电所排放的灰烬和烟雾都是有毒物质。

    Both the combustion ash and the smokestack residue from coal-burning power plants are extremely toxic .

  4. 另外,有5万2千人因发电所产生的空气污染而死亡。

    Another 52000 of these deaths are caused by the air pollution produced by generating electrical power .

  5. 当核能被放弃,而其份额被其他燃料按比例填补时,发电所排放的二氧化碳将达到110亿吨左右。

    Without nuclear power and with other fuels filling in its share pro rata , emissions from generation would have been about 11 billion tonnes .

  6. 风力发电所带来的负面影响有视觉和噪音上的污染,虽然这些都能够通过改进设计以及将发电站建在相对隔绝的地区来实现。

    Some drawbacks to wind farms include visual pollution and noise , although these can be overcome by improving their design and locating them in isolated areas .

  7. 他说,这项新技术减少了发电所需的用煤量,从而每年帮助该厂减少2万吨的二氧化碳排放量。

    He said the new technology has helped the factory to cut carbon dioxide emissions by20,000 tons annually by reducing the need to burn coal for power .

  8. 受发展中国家对钢铁需求的推动,无论是炼钢所需的焦炭还是发电所需的燃煤,其价格目前都处于历史高位。

    And the demand for steel in developing countries has put coking coal used for steel at historic highs , as well as the thermal coal used for power .

  9. 艾伯塔省温室气体排放的最大来源不是油砂,而是煤燃烧发电所产生的。

    The largest contributor to Alberta 's greenhouse gas emissions is not the oil sands , but rather power generation which is primarily based on the burning of coal .

  10. 人们在能量价格上涨,经济形势严峻,发电所涉及到的影响环境等等系列问题的情况下越来越意识到了使用交流驱动节能的重要性。

    Rising energy rates , difficult economic conditions , and increasing concern for environmental distress due to power generation , have increased the importance of using energy saving AC drives .

  11. 在这样的发展形势下,由于风力发电所固有的随机性、间歇性和不可调控性等特点,使得电力系统在运行过程中无时不遭受到一些小的干扰影响。

    In such a situation , due to the inherent randomness , volatility and non-regulative of wind power , the power system suffers small disturbances all the time during operation .

  12. 无论从消费者的实际花费,还是从用化石燃料发电所引起的气候变化的角度而言,使用能源的代价都是很高的。

    The price of energy is high , both in terms of the actual cost to the consumer and the consequences of the climate change that generating power from fossil fuels causes .

  13. 但现在融化的冬雪却给太平洋西北岸地区带来了麻烦。因为一家联邦电力机构把私有企业风机发电所产生的热能并出电网,而此举被批评人士看成对联邦水电站的一次政策性偏移。

    But they are causing a lot of trouble in the Pacific north-west , as a federal power agency pushes private wind turbines off the grid in what critics call a case of favouritism towards electricity generated by federal dams .

  14. 太阳能制冷是近几年发展起来的一种新型太阳能利用技术,利用太阳能进行制冷可以有效降低常规制冷方法而带来的巨额能源消耗,并减轻由于燃烧化石能源发电所带来的环境污染。

    Solar refrigeration is a sort of new solar using technology developing near several years . The solar refrigeration can effectively reduce mint consume of energy sources owing to general equipment of refrigeration , and it can alleviate the environment pollution due to burning the fossil energy sources .

  15. SCR电驱动钻机的柴油发电机组所使用的柴油机,在低负荷运行时结碳严重,直接影响钻机的可靠性和经济性。

    Carbon-laydown occurs seriously in diesel engines on SCR electric drilling rigs during underload Performance , which affects the reliability and efficiency of the rigs .

  16. 为能向220VAC的电器提供电能,需要将太阳能发电系统所发出的直流电能转换成交流电能,因此需要使用DC-AC逆变器。

    To be able to provide220VAC electrical power , solar power generation system needs to be issued by the exchange of DC can be converted into electrical energy , so need to use the DC-AC inverter .

  17. 对某电厂2×300MW火力发电机组所配湿法石灰石/石膏烟气脱硫装置进行综合经济分析,说明采用湿法石灰石/石膏烟气脱硫技术可取得经济效益和良好的社会效益。

    Comprehensive economics analysis is made on wet limestone / gypsum smoke desulfuration equipment which is provided to 2 × 300 MW fire electric generating set in a certain power plant . Good economics benefits and social benefits are achieved by limestone / gypsum smoke desulfuration technology .

  18. 负荷分配是编制短期发电计划所面临的主要问题。

    Load dispatch is the main problem of short-term generation scheduling in power market .

  19. 原子能与以石油或煤为动力的发电站所产生的能在性质上是不同的。

    Atomic power is different in kind from that generated by oil-and coal-fired stations .

  20. 该发电厂所减少的二氧化碳排放量相当于90000辆汽车一年之内产生的二氧化碳。

    It could cut carbon dioxide emissions equivalent to the amount generated by90,000 cars a year .

  21. 其次,发电企业所处的外部环境从来没有如此复杂多变。

    Secondly , the external environment where enterprises locate has never been so complex and changeable .

  22. 随着电力体制的市场化改革,发电企业所面临的市场环境发生了巨大变化。

    As the electric power system market reform , power generation enterprise facing market environment has changed enormously .

  23. 本文针对小型风力发电系统所用的发电机,提出了一种新型结构的永磁无刷直流风力发电机。

    A new type of wind generator is studied in this paper . It 's a PM DC brushless generator .

  24. 浅谈水泥窑中低温余热发电业主所关心的问题

    A brief discussion on problems of power generation by waste heat from low temperature gas in cement kiln concerned the owner

  25. 需要大量电力的谷歌资管中心,将不会使用风力发电厂所制造出来的电能。

    The energy electricity by the wind farms will not be used for Google 's data centers , which consume huge amounts .

  26. 弗雷登•阿巴西称他的国家目前正在获取经营管理建立新发电厂所需的经验。

    Fereidoon Abbasi says his country is currently obtaining the required experience to be able to manage the building new power plants .

  27. 介绍了大型水平轴风力发电机组所采取的三种典型控制策略的理论依据和技术路线。

    This paper introduces three types of representative controlling strategies and technical basis and route in major wind turbine generator with plane shaft .

  28. 利用红宝石激光雷达。探测了某发电厂所排放烟羽的抬升高度,并与几种有代表性的烟气抬升高度公式进行了分析比较。

    Rise of smoke plume from a power plant is probed by using ruby lidar and compared with some typical formulae for plume rise .

  29. 发电厂所燃烧各种燃料的相对费用很大程度地受到要必须执行的污染控制不同要求的影响。

    The relative cost of various fuels burned by power plants is seriously affected by differences in the pollution controls that must be implemented .

  30. 由于永磁直驱风力发电系统所发出的电能为电压和频率的交流电,为得到恒压恒频的电能,本文进行了逆变控制系统的软硬件设计。

    To get constant voltage and constant frequency energy that users need , the software and hardware of the inverter control system is designed .