
guó shì
  • national power;national situation at a given moment
国势 [guó shì]
  • [national power;national situation at a given moment] 一个国家发展的总态势;国力

  • 国势衰微

国势[guó shì]
  1. 国势隆盛。

    The country is prospering .

  2. 他试图唤醒国人意识到国势的危险。

    He attempted to awaken the country to a sense of its danger .

  3. 这在明王朝国势衰微、大厦将倾的时代背景下,尤为难能可贵。

    Such thought was particular valuable in the declining time of Ming dynasty .

  4. 该国的国势衰落了。

    The country waned in influence .

  5. 对旧中国的贫困落后和国势衰败有着深刻感受。

    At that time , I had a deep sense of the poverty , backwardness and feebleness of old China .

  6. 在国势衰颓和中西文化碰撞的大背景下,中国文化面临现代化转型。

    On the context of national weaknesses and collisions with Chinese and western culture , Chinese culture now is faced up with modern transformation .

  7. 中国与东南亚国家的关系,随着各国自身的变化及清王朝国势的强弱,经历了一系列的动荡和演变。

    The relations between Chnia and Southeast Asia countries underwent serial roils and changes with changes of themselves and weakness or strength of the Qing Dynasty .

  8. 清季之机械工业是在国家与市场的双重引导下发展的。然而,清政府对产业的引导十分低效,且随着清廷国势日衰,市场逐渐成为主导性力量。

    However , the guide of Qing government was very inefficient , especially with the declining of the government power , market gradually dominated the development of the machinery industry alone .

  9. 有不少观察家认为,最近四分之一世纪以来,中国兵连祸结、国势日衰,全要归咎于蒋介石的独断专行。

    It has been assumed by no few observers that the personal traits of the generalissimo were responsible for the terrible series of events that have wasted China for the last quarter of a century .

  10. 安史之乱以后,唐朝国势由盛而衰。经济上,北方经济遭到空前的破坏,经济重心转移至南方;

    After the rebellion of An lushan and Shi siming , Tang dynasty was from prosperity to declination when the central regions of economy transferred to the South and the eunuchs domineered in the palace .

  11. 第一节论述冯词具有忧患之情,其忧患之情主要因风雨飘摇的国势和坎壈不平的身世而起,具体表现为忧生忧世等种种复杂情感意绪的相互交织错综。

    The first part reveals the sense of misery embedded that was aroused by the wanning influence of the country and the rough experience of his life and manifested itself with various intricate and interlaced emotions .

  12. 严复是近代中国著名的资产阶级启蒙思想家,他生活的年代正是中国国势衰微、外受奴役、内处分裂的存亡关头。

    Yan Fu was a famous enlightening thinker of capitalist class in modern China . He lived at the very age that China was in danger and very weak , enslaved and split in and out .

  13. 文章认为,清政府在国势衰微之时,对于紧要之地的重要事务,还是予以加强或干预,以维持其统治。

    In this paper , it is thought that as facing the decline , for the crucial events , the Qing government would still strengthen the interfere and governance , in order to maintain its perpetual rule .

  14. 楚庄王时,孙叔敖为宰相,整饬内政,兴修水利,国势更加强盛。

    During the reign of King Zhuang of Chu , Sun Shuao was designated as prime minister . With his help , the internal affairs were regulated , irrigation system was constructed , and the state became powerful and prosperous .

  15. 面对日益严峻的国际国内洗钱活动,迅速制定抗制洗钱犯罪的对策,完善反洗钱的种种措施已属我国势在必然的举措。

    Facing the more and more launder money activities in the whole world and in our country , it is very important and necessary for us to regulated the rules about the crime of launder money and develop the anti - launder money measures .