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yù shì
  • Oracles;instruct
谕示 [yù shì]
  • [instructions from superiors] 即谕令,上级对下级的指令

  1. 利用分叉引理的证明方法,模拟器对CDH谕示作出回答。

    Following the approach of the Forking Lemma , the simulator answers to CDH oracle .

  2. 另一方面,利用双线对设计一个可以抵抗口令泄露攻击的两方PAKE协议,并在随机谕示模型下给出前向安全性证明。

    Then we provide another provable secure two-party PAKE protocol using bilinear pairings in the random oracle model , which can be resistant to PCI attack .

  3. 有人之所以会这么想,一个理由是这谕示着极度的不均等。

    One reason someone might think so is that it implies extraordinary inequality .

  4. 天使只侍奉真主本人、其谕示,且仅遵其命令行事。

    The angels worship God alone , obey Him , and act only by His command .

  5. 但它体现了一种粗粝的道德怀疑主义,谕示着法律与道德的实质分离。

    But there is a harsh moral skepticism in Bad man theory , it means the substantive separation between law and morality .

  6. 在随机谕示模型下,研究一类基于身份的签名体制(称为基于身份的一般签名体制)的安全性。

    This paper offers arguments for the provable security of a class of ID-based signature schemes called ID-based generic signature schemes in the random oracle model .
