
fā pí qi
  • tantrum;bad;get angry;blow-up;shirty;lose one's temper;cut up rough;lost one's temper;let oneself go
发脾气 [fā pí qì]
  • (1) [lost ones temper]∶沉不住气,生气

  • 这种事也没有使她发脾气

  • (2) [get angry]∶因事情不如意而吵闹或骂人

  • 动不动就发脾气骂人

发脾气[fā pí qi]
  1. 有理慢慢儿说,何必发脾气。

    Speak calmly if you think you 're in the right ; there 's no need to get angry .

  2. 他态度很温和,不爱发脾气。

    He is very mild and doesn 't get angry .

  3. 他要是睡眠不足动不动就发脾气。

    He gets ratty if he doesn 't get enough sleep .

  4. 尽可能别发脾气。

    Try to avoid losing your temper if at all possible .

  5. 她一发脾气说话就难听。

    She says awful things when she 's in a temper .

  6. 为此大发脾气也无济于事。

    There 's no point in getting worked up about it .

  7. 她动辄就发脾气。

    It doesn 't take much to make her angry .

  8. 对不起,我不该发脾气。

    I 'm sorry , I shouldn 't have lost my temper .

  9. 孩子们淘气时,我强捺住性子不发脾气。

    I struggle to keep my temper with the kids when they misbehave .

  10. 我不能晚了,否则爸爸会发脾气的。

    I mustn 't be late or Dad will go up the wall .

  11. 她累的时候就爱发脾气。

    She gets very bad-tempered when she 's tired .

  12. 她竭力按住性子,不发脾气。

    She struggled hard to master her temper .

  13. 她发脾气是因为她的梳妆室没有漆成蓝色。

    She threw a hissy fit because her dressing room wasn 't painted blue .

  14. 这样大发脾气与他所树立的个人形象不相称。

    The outburst was inconsistent with the image he has cultivated .

  15. 我儿子大发脾气,一拳捶在了地上。

    My son had a tantrum and banged his fist on the ground

  16. 他为一点小事就大发脾气。

    He flew off the handle at the slightest thing .

  17. 斯图尔特正为头天下午的事件而大发脾气。

    Stewart was foaming at the mouth about an incident the previous afternoon .

  18. 虽然他爱发脾气,而且有时还很讨厌,但向来都只是一阵儿。

    Though he had a temper and could be nasty , it never lasted

  19. 他还在大发脾气,叫嚷着真想辞职不干了。

    He raged on about how he had a good mind to resign .

  20. 我们听到你妹妹在大发脾气。

    We heard your sister doing her nut .

  21. 对不起,我对你发脾气了。

    I 'm sorry I blew up at you

  22. 他在催眠曲的安抚下平静下来,但任何突发的巨响又会让他大发脾气。

    He is calmed by a lullaby , but maddened by any sudden loud noise .

  23. 你知道她有多么爱发脾气。

    You know how prickly she is .

  24. 他对我大发脾气。

    He got quite shirty with me .

  25. 这个老头大发脾气,口出威胁。

    The old man fumed and threatened .

  26. 他也学着像同伴那样,为先前发脾气道歉。

    Taking his cue from his companion , he apologized for his earlier display of temper .

  27. 弗兰妮正在屋里大发脾气。

    Inside , Frannie was raging

  28. 以前,我动不动就发脾气,大喊大叫,还骂人。

    I used to get very upset and scream and swear , throwing tantrums all over the place .

  29. 国王大发脾气,大臣们纷纷退避。

    The king 's anger made his ministers shrink away from him .

  30. 尽管女朋友又一次迟到,他还是忍住没发脾气。

    He restrained a feeling of annoyance , although his girlfriend was late again .