
  1. 首相威廉•皮特(WilliamPitt)化身毒蘑菇,插在一坨粪中;

    William Pitt , prime minister , as a toadstool growing out of a dunghill ;

  2. 再来几块causa:一坨黄色的土豆泥,淋上包括橄榄奶油和生三文鱼在内的各种浇头(双人午餐售价600比索左右)。

    Add a couple of causas - dollops of mashed yellow potato topped with everything from olive cream to raw salmon ( lunch for two , around 600 pesos ) .

  3. 不一会儿,我的培养皿里就堆起了一坨带着古怪光泽的翡翠色软泥。

    An emerald ooze , weirdly luminous , filled my dish .

  4. 里面有“运气君”(unchi-kun),就是一坨笑眯眯的屎。

    There is the unchi-kun , or the smiling poop emoji .

  5. 他们送了我一坨花和一张大卡片!

    I just got a big load of flowers , and a big card !

  6. 我得塞一坨卫生纸到鼻子里

    I 'm just gonna go shove a bunch of tissues in my nose .

  7. 她像一坨屎那样把我扔了!

    She dropped me like a turd !

  8. 我爱喝咖啡,上面有一坨奶油的!

    I love coffee with cream !

  9. 能入榜单的书,绝对是一坨坨热气腾腾的驴粪。

    To make this list , the book must REALLY be a steaming pile of donkey defecation .

  10. 被无视的力量和上述能量一样强,那会让你感觉想一坨屎,或者是失败者。

    Being ignored is equally as powerful , except that it makes you feel like crap , like a loser .

  11. 孩子们在一坨大怪物的强压之下,只得选择不断的做作业。

    In this story , the kids are constantly forced to bury themselves into their endless homework by those giant monsters behind them .

  12. 不过当Brovent醒来时,她惊恐地发现背上的不是纳尼亚的童话美景,而是一坨恶心的大便。

    So instead of a fairy-tale scene from Narnia , Rosie Brovent woke up to a giant pile of excrement on her back .

  13. 你可能还需要有个办法,在不同的程序中方便的调用,而不是把一坨代码拷来拷去。

    You may also want to use a handy function that you 've written in several programs without copying its definition into each program .

  14. 所以,他最后弄的很糟糕,看上去就像是一溜车轮定在了一坨狗屎上。

    So , what he ended up making was so awful that it looked like he 'd screwed a set of wheels onto a piece of dog crap .

  15. 领悟力强:在被甩的经历中,有个女孩子把我拉到郊外,将我送她的玫瑰花,慢慢地插在了一坨野粪上,我立刻就明白了。

    Comprehend power : the experience in the left , a girl put me down suburbs , will I send her roses , and slowly inserted the wild manure , I immediately understand .

  16. 闭上眼,我仿佛看到了上东区那些浓妆艳抹的时尚达人邻居们在这样的环境里融成一坨,装模作样的花架子轰然倒塌,所谓的个性在真实之光的照耀下完全失效。

    I imagined the heavily makeup'ed fashionistas of my Upper East Side neighborhood melting down under these conditions , their coiffed facades broken , their personalities unable to function in the harsh light of reality .

  17. 呜兹慢慢停止了吐沫子,科莱特又将手里那一坨揉烂的叶子塞进呜兹的嘴里,然后对脱脱说:“看着你的朋友,我去找找芬尼。”

    Woods slowly stopped spittle ; Klaette squeezed the rubbed leaves into Woods 's mouth again , then turned to Tuotuo and said : " Look after your friend , I 'll go find Fanny . "

  18. 可以称为“一坨粪的进化史诗”你消灭不了任何人包括你自己,物质和能量在时空里不断转化却不会消失。

    Can be called " epic of evolution cook your excrement " You could not be eliminated by anyone , including yourself , material and energy in space and time , continuous conversion but will not disappear .

  19. 一大坨垃圾堵塞了管道。

    A pile of garbage choked the pipe .

  20. 尤其要翻的东西是这么蓬松的一大坨

    Especially if it 's a loose sort of mass like ...

  21. 感觉我像在打一大坨有毛的云彩!

    It feels like I 'm fighting a big old fluffy cloud !

  22. 我们也很习惯看着一大坨肉球在我们身边跑来跑去。

    We 're so used to seeing super-sized bundles of fur running around .

  23. 然后你就能很随意地把这么一大坨分子穿过这段空间移到那儿去

    and you can move this mass of molecules through the air over to another location at will .

  24. 新的岛屿不断出现,印度尼西亚连成了一大坨,荷兰人控制了欧洲大半地区。

    New islands are appearing . Indonesia is a big blob . The Netherlands now control much of Europe .

  25. 当有礼貌的孩子们路过长辈时,通常会收到长辈们一大坨飞扬的唾沫作为回应。

    Polite children who salute when they walk by their elders can expect a big , wet glob of saliva flying their way in response .

  26. 它就是将一颗曼坨珠糖丢到一瓶可乐中,所引起的化学反应能使可乐喷出数英里高(当然有点夸张)。

    The idea is that you drop a Mentos into a bottle of coke and the chemical reaction causes the coke to spurt for miles ( not literally of course ) .

  27. 一个研究团队研发了一种可预估文本输入法,在他们输入了七部《哈利·波特》系列之后,这个输入法写出了一章哈利·波特的新故事,《哈利·波特与一坨看起来像灰烬的东西的画像》。

    After the team fed the seven Harry Potter novels through their predictive text keyboard , it came up with a chapter from a new Harry Potter story : Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash .