
kùn rǎo
  • plague;beset;puzzle;haunt;obsession;perplex;nag;assail;ail;persecute;difficult position
困扰 [kùn rǎo]
  • (1) [puzzle;perplex]∶搅扰,使感到难办

  • (2) [difficult position]∶困难的处境;难办的事

困扰[kùn rǎo]
  1. 如何让失眠不再困扰我?

    How to let insomnia perplex me no longer ?

  2. 在我国PC行业渠道管理实践中遇到最多的问题就是渠道冲突,这也是困扰许多PC厂商的永恒话题,所以对于渠道冲突问题的探讨具有很强的现实意义。

    Meeting the question many times in the management practice of the channel is the marketing channel conflict in our country . This is a eternal topic to perplex a lot of PC manufacturers too , and it has better realistic meaning to discuss channel conflict .

  3. 本赛季这支队一直为队员受伤所困扰。

    The team has been plagued by injury this season .

  4. 他们讨论了困扰钢铁工业的问题。

    They discussed the problems ailing the steel industry .

  5. 这个队整个赛季都因队员受伤而受困扰。

    The team was beset by injury all season .

  6. 探险队深受恶劣天气的困扰。

    The expedition was bedevilled by bad weather .

  7. 那个决定对他造成无法摆脱的困扰。

    That decision came back to haunt him .

  8. 一种不安的感觉一直困扰着她。

    A feeling of unease nagged at her .

  9. 他的事业不断受到伤病的困扰。

    His career has been blighted by injuries .

  10. 那是困扰我们现代生活方式的最棘手的其中一个问题。

    It 's one of the most difficult problems besetting our modern way of life .

  11. 一丝疑惑困扰着她。

    A doubt niggled at her .

  12. 这个国家目前正被3场激烈的分离主义运动所困扰。

    The country is now racked by three violent separatist movements .

  13. 优柔寡断与内部分裂深深困扰着该团队。

    The team has been plagued by indecision and internal divisions .

  14. 持续存在的失业威胁困扰着数千名大学科研人员。

    A constant threat of unemployment hangs over thousands of university researchers

  15. 心底的疑团已经开始困扰他。

    Doubts were already gnawing away at the back of his mind

  16. 这是个为各种内城常见问题所困扰的社区。

    It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems

  17. 曼彻斯特仍然受到城区脏乱和严重贫困问题的困扰。

    Manchester still suffers from urban blight and unacceptable poverty .

  18. 该国仍然受到根深蒂固的经济问题的困扰。

    The country is still suffering from deep-seated economic problems .

  19. 家族遗传的精神错乱困扰着他。

    The insanity which ran in his family haunted him .

  20. 犯罪和对犯罪的恐惧一直困扰着这个社区。

    Crime and the fear of crime preoccupy the community .

  21. 父母过于爱面子的做法在他儿时一直困扰着他。

    His parents ' obsession with keeping up appearances haunted his childhood .

  22. 他一直被那些指控他有不正当商业行为的说法所困扰。

    He has been dogged by allegations of questionable business practices

  23. 他们遭受着健康问题的困扰并且害怕辐射的长期影响。

    They suffer from health problems and fear the long term effects of radiation

  24. 一时的挫折竟困扰了他一整年。

    The problems that have dogged him all year are just a temporary setback

  25. 间或发作的轻微头疼困扰了我一辈子。

    I 've had occasional mild headaches all my life

  26. 他深受情感问题的困扰。

    He was really screwed up with his emotional problems

  27. 这个国家被严重的经济问题所困扰。

    The country is beset by severe economic problems .

  28. 该省因受种族冲突困扰而失控。

    Beset by ethnic strife , the province remains ungovernable

  29. 她被自我怀疑和情感上的不安全感所困扰。

    She is assailed by self-doubt and emotional insecurity .

  30. 我们觉得已经受够了失望和情绪困扰。

    We feel that we have had our fill of disappointments and emotional upsets .