
sù zhì jiào yù
  • quality education;education for all-around development
  1. 运用CAI优化素质教育

    Using CAI to Optimizing Quality Education

  2. 随着通信技术、网络技术的不断发展,教学改革的不断深入,网络教学在继续教育、素质教育及职业教育方面发挥着越来越重要的作用,基于Web的远程教学系统也蓬勃发展起来。

    With the development of communication technology and network technology , and deepening teaching reform , the network teaching is playing a more and more important role in continual education , quality education and vocational education . RIS ( Remote Instruction System ) based on web is developing energetically .

  3. 这一建议在网上引发了热议。许进在建议中表示,义务教育阶段,英语等外语课程不再设为与语文和数学同等的主课,增加体育、音乐、艺术等素质教育课程占比。

    In the proposal , Xu said that English should not be a core subject like Chinese and math during compulsory education and more course hours should be given to improving students ' skills in physical education , music and art .

  4. 面对加入WTO对体育人才的培养与素质教育提出了新的要求,需要培养创新人才,复合型人才、开放型人才、学习型人才。

    In the wake of entry into WTO , we confront with new situation on how to train sports talents and exert diathesis education . We need foster all kind of talents , such as creative talents , complex talents , etc.

  5. 信息素质教育教师&馆员学科教育合作模式的探索与实践

    Information Literacy Education Teacher-Librarian Discipline Education Cooperation Pattern Exploration and Practice

  6. 高等院校的素质教育与教师素质

    Teachers ' Qualities and Quality Education in Institutes of Higher Learning

  7. 思想品德教育在素质教育中处于核心地位。

    Ideology and morality play a key role in quality education .

  8. 医学模式的人文回归与医学人文素质教育

    Humanistic regression of medical mode and humanistic quality in medical education

  9. 金属材料工程专业学生素质教育影响因素研究

    A Study of the Quality-oriented Education of Metal Material Engineering Students

  10. 创新教育是高层次的素质教育。

    Making innovations in education is a high standard quality education .

  11. 加强图书馆自身建设促进高校素质教育

    The Relation Between the Self-building of University Library and Quality Education

  12. 这些情况严重制约了素质教育的推进。

    These serious constraints are restricted the promotion of quality education .

  13. 当代大学生的心理素质教育

    An Issue on the Modern College Students ' Psychological Quality Education

  14. 同时阐明学校体育应以育人为根本,在教学上、课程设置上、教师教学理念上等都应以素质教育为出发点和落脚点。

    Setting up courses and the teaching conceptions of teachers . etc.

  15. 加强和改进医学院校的医学人文素质教育

    Strengthening and Improving the Humane Quality-oriented Education in high Medical School

  16. 理解素质教育内涵培养高级工程人才

    Understanding the Quality Education Deeply and Teaching Advanced Engineering Talents

  17. 试析高校艺术素质教育与儒家音乐美学思想

    On university art character education and Confucian music esthetic thoughts

  18. 学校体育与素质教育:趋势与对策

    School Physical Education and Quality Education : Tendency and Countermeasure

  19. 关于素质教育与学校体育初探

    Preliminary Study on the Quality Education and School Physical Education

  20. 物理学史的素质教育因素分析

    On quality education factor of the science of physics history

  21. 关于中学体育素质教育的探讨

    The discussion on physical quality education was carry out in middle school

  22. 情感智力在成人素质教育中的作用

    On the Function of Emotional Intelligence in Adult Quality Education

  23. 钱伟长大学素质教育观及其时代意义

    A Study of Professor Qian Weichang 's Concept on College Quality Education

  24. 体育教师个性特征在体育素质教育中的价值

    Value of P.E Teacher 's Personality in P.E Education Qualities

  25. 内科护理学教学中渗透人文素质教育的效果评价

    Effect of humanistic quality education on internal medical nursing teaching

  26. 科学精神与大学生科学素质教育论高校科学素质教育

    Scientific Spirit and the Scientific Quality Education of College Student

  27. 高校武术教学与素质教育

    The Martial Arts Teaching in the University Public P.E. and Quality Education

  28. 关于素质教育与体育教学隐性价值

    Study on the Quality Education and the Hiding Value of PE Teaching

  29. 理工类普通高校素质教育课程设置初探

    Quality Education Curriculum in Ordinary Colleges of Science and Engineering

  30. 用创新精神统率信息素质教育课程

    Commanding the Information Literacy Education Course with the Innovative Spirit