
pó luó mén
  • Brahman
婆罗门 [pó luó mén]
  • [Brahman] 印度种姓制度中最高种姓或僧侣的一员,其主要职务是诵经、传经(吠陀经)并主持宗教各种仪式。亦称婆罗门教徒

婆罗门[pó luó mén]
  1. 婆罗门!我的孩子!请停止练习进一步的苦行

    Brahman ! O my child ! Cease from practising further penances .

  2. 我真的认为这是我的婆罗门永恒的性质。

    I am really that Brahman which is my eternal nature .

  3. 东方三博士、婆罗门和德鲁伊特都被视为富有智慧的人。

    The Magi , Bramins , and Druids were bracketed together as men of wisdom

  4. 传统上,婆罗门,或称僧侣阶级,处于社会金字塔的顶端。

    Traditionally , the Brahmins , or the priestly class , are set at the top of the social pyramid .

  5. 新疆向日葵白锈病调查与病原鉴定,结果表明病原菌为婆罗门参白锈菌(Albugotragopogonis(Persoon.)

    To observe and identify the pathogen of sunflower white rust in Xinjiang , it shows the infected pathogen of sunflower was identified as Albugo tragopogonis ( Pers . ) S.

  6. 焦糖婆罗门参和熏羽衣甘蓝更为美食者们准备。

    Caramelized salsify and smoked collard greens for the more epicurious .

  7. 像信教徒和非信教徒,婆罗门学者和答力斯门派等。

    Believers and non-believers , Brahmans and Dalex that kind of thing .

  8. 她拒绝为解毒药而去爱婆罗门。

    She refuses to love the Brahman in return for the antidote .

  9. 婆罗门牛的引种及改良云南黄牛的效果

    Introduction of Brahman and Its Crossbred Effects on Yun nan Indigenous Cattle

  10. 印度传统的知识分子主要存在于婆罗门种姓中。

    The Indian traditional intellectual mainly exists in Brahman .

  11. 它是超越因果而被指定为婆罗门的根本真理。

    Beyond cause , beyond effect and designated as Brahman the Ultimate Truth .

  12. 所有这一切都不能让那个婆罗门有丝毫动心。

    All of that had left the Brahman unmoved .

  13. 婆罗门牛及其改良云南黄牛的效果研究

    Study on Growth Ability of Brahman and Brahman Cross to Yunnan Yellow Cattle

  14. 中国的记载中提到了数个婆罗门的名字。

    Chinese records refer to several Brahmans by name .

  15. “不,婆罗门,我不是一个普通人。”

    " No , brahman , I am not a human being . "

  16. 不,婆罗门,我不是一个夜叉鬼。

    You answer , 'No , brahman , I am not a yakkha .

  17. 传统上=婆罗门在印度教中成为僧侣。

    Brahmins traditionally become priests in the Hindu religion .

  18. 林伽教派拒绝吠陀和婆罗门祭司,还有所有的种姓差别。

    Virasaivism rejected the vedas , the Brahman priesthood , and all caste distinction .

  19. 婆罗门牛与本地黄牛杂交效果研究初报

    The effect of crossbreeding with Brahman and native yellow CATTLE-THIRD report of the research

  20. 澳洲婆罗门牛驯化饲养结果初报

    Preliminary Report on Australian Brahman Domestication

  21. 萨西和萨拉特是一对表兄弟,来自加尔各答一个虔诚的婆罗门家庭。

    Sashi and Sarat were two cousins who came from a pious brahmin family of Calcutta .

  22. 印度&婆罗门,一个祭司阶级,开始出现了。

    600 BCE : India - The Brahmans , a priestly caste , begin to emerge .

  23. 佛教创立之初,很快就同婆罗门日益增长的矫饰自负发生了冲突。

    Quite early in its career Buddhism came into conflict with the growing pretensions of the Brahmins .

  24. 它们都说是实现阿特曼,因为除了无限的婆罗门以外,并无其他。

    They all speak to the realization of the Atman as being nothing other than the infinite Brahman .

  25. 这恐惧是思想的结果,而婆罗门也是思想的产物。

    This fear is the result of thought , and Brahman is the product of thought , too .

  26. 根据古老的婆罗门信仰,火焰熄灭时进入一个潜在阶段。

    According to the ancient Brahmans , when a fire was extinguished it went into a state of latency .

  27. 种姓制度不仅订在法律,且规定在婆罗门教义教条中,神圣而不可侵犯。

    The caste system was so sacred that it was written into the law and the Brahman 's dogma .

  28. 按照习俗,神圣的婆罗门出现在集市上时人们通常都会这样做。

    This was the usual custom when a holy Brahmin happened to make his appearance in the market place .

  29. 当悉达多太子出生时,当时婆罗门得到一般人完善的护持,那就是所谓的作功德和供养。

    When prince Sidhartha was born , the Brahmins were assiduously looked after , which is making merit and offerings .

  30. 陀吠众神&这些神代表了自然或提婆的力量,并不等同于把婆罗门描绘成毗瑟奴或湿婆。

    Vedic Deities-These deities represent forces of nature or devas and are not equivalent to Brahman represented as Vishnu or Shiva .