
pó po
  • mother-in-law;grandmother;husband's mother;leader
婆婆 [pó pó]
  • (1) [husband's mother]∶丈夫的母亲

  • (2) [grandmother] 〈方〉∶祖母;外祖母

  • (3) [leader]∶个人或单位的顶头上司

婆婆[pó po]
  1. 艾伦太太的烹饪风格很大程度上承传于她的婆婆。

    Mrs Allen 's style of cooking owes much to her mother-in-law .

  2. 她的婆婆爱指使人,所以她搬出去住了。

    She moved out because her mother-in-law is too bossy .

  3. 埃莉诺过后会因丈夫经常不在家而责怪婆婆。

    Eleanor would later blame her mother-in-law for her husband 's frequent absences .

  4. 李白听了老婆婆的话,心里忽然明白了。

    Hearing the old woman 's words , Li Bai was enlightened .

  5. 老婆婆说:“磨成针。”

    The old woman replied : " To make a needle . "

  6. 他觉得很奇怪,就走到老婆婆跟前问:“老婆婆,您磨这根铁棒干什么?”

    Being curious , he went to the old woman and asked : " Old grandma , why are you grinding this iron rod ? "

  7. 就在我要步上红毯嫁给她儿子之前,我婆婆对我说:“米歇尔,如果一个男人不会给自己做三明治,那他就活该饿死。”

    Right before I walked down the aisle to marry her son , my mother-in-law told me , " Michelle , if a man can 't make himself a sandwich , he should starve . "

  8. 一天夜里,小媳妇家的一大块肉不见了,婆婆怀疑是她偷的,决定把她赶回娘家。

    One night , a piece of meat was missing from the daughter-in-law 's home , and her mother-in-law suspected that she had stolen it . So he decided1 to drive her out to her mother 's home .

  9. 增施P肥,无论是在弱或强光照条件下都有利于婆婆纳的生长,但在弱光照强度下并不能显著促进离子草的生长。

    Phosphorus application benefited growth of V.agrestis under either high or low light intensity , but the effect on C tenella was not significant under low light intensity ;

  10. 她17岁嫁给了一个Mandarin,做二房,遭到婆婆的打骂。

    At 17 , she became the second wife of a mandarin whose mother beat her .

  11. 这些年来,BreevandeKamp愈发担心她婆婆的记性。

    Over the years , Bree Van de Kamp had grown increasingly concerned over her mother-in-law 's forgetfulness .

  12. 在北京的23岁科技公司员工LibraHu开的是一辆人民币60万元的奥迪车,这是她父母和公公婆婆送给她的结婚礼物。

    Libra Hu , a 23-year-old technology company employee in Beijing , drives a 600,000 yuan Audi & a wedding gift from her and her husband 's parents .

  13. 我们许多人都看过最近网络上的一张图片,在南京街头一个来自美国的叫做JasonLoose的人同一个乞丐老婆婆一起分享薯条和水。

    Many of us have seen recent pictures on the Internet of an American named Jason Loose sharing French fries and drinking water with an old beggar woman on a street in Nanjing .

  14. Usha说她常常要调查她“未来婆婆们”的性格。

    Usha says she often investigates the character of mothers-in-law .

  15. 国际乐施会多年来努力透过公平贸易运动,让所有人有公平获取药物的权利,Eufemia婆婆和Jose爷爷的行动,令我们极为鼓舞。

    They have also been an inspiration for all of us at Oxfam International , which has been working on fair access to medicine through the Make Trade Fair campaign for years .

  16. Pushpa的婆婆不知道这个贫困的家庭该如何生活下去。

    Pushpa 's mother-in-law does not know how the tight-knit family will survive .

  17. 但索尼娅记得,婆婆英迪拉(Indira)欣然接受了自己,倒是父亲对她的选择更持谨慎态度。

    Yet , Mrs Gandhi remembers a welcome from her mother-in-law , Indira , while her own father was more cautious about her choice .

  18. 不像《辣妈辣妹》(FreakyFriday),这部影片没有身份互换,而是七十多岁、唠唠叨叨的婆婆沈梦君在去了一个神秘的照相馆之后变回了20岁时的模样。

    In this case , no bodies are switched à la " Freaky Friday " ; instead , a nagging septuagenarian mother-in-law , Shen Mengjun , turns back into her 20-year-old self after visiting a mysterious photography studio .

  19. 目的研究婆婆针Bidensbipinnata的化学成分,从中寻找具有抗癌和抗炎生物活性及药用前景的天然化合物。

    Objective To study the chemical constituents of Bidens bipinnata and search for bioactive natural products , which have the anticancer and antiinflammation activities .

  20. 当安吉拉•曼奇内里(AngelaMancinelli)的丈夫在婚后25年离开她的时候,她说,她留下了韩国婆婆以前送他们的两个祝好运的玩具猪雕塑。

    When Angela Mancinelli 's husband left her after 25 years , she says , she kept the two toy pig statues that her Korean mother-in-law gave the couple for good luck while they were married . One , dressed as a doctor , was meant to represent her husband ;

  21. 爱林是侥幸的,她未来的婆婆真正喜欢爱林。

    Ailin is fortunate that her future mother-in-law genuinely likes Ailin .

  22. 我看到我的婆婆在东边的牧场。

    I saw my in-laws down at the ranch over Easter .

  23. 他便静悄悄地走过老婆婆身边,离开这栋屋子。

    He quietly walks past the woman and leaves the house .

  24. 而最激烈的战斗总是发生在,媳妇和婆婆之间。

    but the bloodiest battles often involve women and their mothers-in-law .

  25. 她丢弃了自己的孩子然后杀了婆婆。

    The one who dumped her baby and killed her motr-in-law .

  26. 那个那是我去世的婆婆送我的礼物

    That ? That was a gift from my late mother-in-law .

  27. 只看见婆婆那幸福的微笑洋溢在嘴角。

    Veronica saw only a happy smile that filled the mouth .

  28. 昨晚,那个老婆婆把我们的东西拿来了。

    Last night , the old lady brought us our things .

  29. 周末我们常去我婆婆家。

    Weekends we usually visit with my husband 's family .

  30. 婆婆,我过一会儿再来看你。

    We will come back to see you , granny .