
  • 网络bromo;Mount Bromo;Gunung Bromo;Mt. Bromo
  1. 熔岩面积广达8000公顷的天吉儿火山是一座古老的火山群,而婆罗摩火山却是火山群中最著名的活火山旅游地。

    Quanta lava area of8000 hectares of the wide is an ancient volcano group , and the Mount Bromo volcano is the most famous active volcano in the group to travel .

  2. 照片展示的塞莫火山是印度尼西亚爪哇岛海拔最高的火山,四周被婆罗摩火山、巴托克火山等较小的火山环绕。

    Mount Semeru , seen with an ash plume , is the highest volcano on the Indonesian island of Java , where it is surrounded by the smaller volcanoes Mount Bromo and Mount Batok .

  3. 婆罗摩火山是爪哇岛最受欢迎的旅游景点之一。

    Bromo is one of Java island 's most popular tourist attractions .

  4. 在火山开始向空中喷射火山灰后,政府决定提高婆罗摩火山的危险级别,能源和矿业部在一份声明中说。

    The government decided to raise Bromo 's danger level after it started shooting ash into the air , the Ministry of Mines and Energy said in a statement .