
yīnɡ ɡuó yīnɡ yǔ
  • British English
  1. 美国英语与英国英语有很大差异。

    American English is significantly different from British English .

  2. 英国英语更多使用降升调,强调欲升先降。

    British English use more falling and rising tone and emphasize the habit of tone falling before tone rising .

  3. 有些美国单词在英国英语中没有对应词。

    Some American words have no British equivalents .

  4. 另外,澳大利亚英语和英国英语有点不同。

    Also , Australian English is a little different from British English .

  5. 例如,英国英语和美国英语有区别。

    For example , there are differences between British English and American English .

  6. C:我的毕业论文是关于英国英语和美国英语的差别。

    C : My graduation thesis was on the difference between the British English and the American English .

  7. 在英国英语中,frontier指两国间的边界,美国英语中通常用border。

    In British English , a frontier is a border between two countries . The usual American word is border .

  8. RP(ReceivedPronunciation)即英国英语标准发音,是迄今为止描述得最为完备的一种英语发音模式。

    RP ( Received Pronunciation ), the standard accent in British English , has been the most fully described English pronunciation model up till now .

  9. 英国英语我们只是用CV这个术语,即美式英语中的résumé。

    In British English we only use the term CV and , in form , it is what the Americans would call a r é sum é .

  10. “Bum”这个词在英国英语中既有“臀部”之意,也可指“流浪汉”。

    The word ' bum ' in British English means buttocks as well as vagrant .

  11. 英国英语E-set数据库在训练和测试中被使用,测试数据的最好识别得分是92.04%。训练数据识别得分全是100.00%。

    The best score on test data is 92 . 04 % and uniform 100 . 00 % on training data .

  12. 让我们大胆一点,全球6b人口中总共有20%-25%的人会用英语,这不是英国英语,更不是约翰逊博士的英语。

    Let us be bold : in all , 20-25 % of earth 's 6 billion people can use English ; not the English of England , let alone of Dr Johnson , but English .

  13. 以指示它已设置为使用英国英语。

    To indicate it has been set to use British english .

  14. 英国英语和美国英语的惯用法上有着一些重要差别。

    There are some major differences between British and American usage .

  15. 是英国英语中“卡车”的正确名字

    That 's the correct " English " name for a truck

  16. 英国英语和美国英语在许多方面都存在着一定的差异,特别是在语音上更为突出。

    There are some difference between British English and American English .

  17. 试谈美国英语和英国英语的语法差异

    An analysis of difference in grammar between American and British English

  18. “@postman@”一词用于英国英语中。

    The word " postman " is used in British English .

  19. 与美国英语相比,英国英语得到了更充分地反应。

    The British English is more fully reflected than American English .

  20. 澳洲英语在发音上不同与英国英语和美国英语。

    Australian English differs in pronunciation from British and American English .

  21. 英国英语与美国英语的词汇和语法差异

    The Vocabulary and Grammar Differences of British English and American English

  22. 浅谈美国英语和英国英语在发音方面的差异

    On the Difference in Pronunciation Between British English and American English

  23. 裂变与融合:英国英语与美国英语的发展

    Division and Unification : Development on Britain English and American English

  24. 美国英语和英国英语是英语语言的两种变体。

    American and British English are two varieties of the English language .

  25. 英国英语和美国英语语法差异比较

    Comparison of Linguistic Differences between American English and British English

  26. 从语用学角度看英国英语语调功能

    Study on Functions of British English Intonation from the Perspective of Pragmatics

  27. 我认为康妮不是个朴实的女人(英国英语);我认为康妮不是个丑女人(美国英语)

    I don 't think Connie is a homely woman .

  28. 格林先生是英国英语学专家。

    Mr Green is an expert on the English language .

  29. 英国英语和美国英语的词汇差异现象

    Approach Initially the Differances Between British English and American English

  30. 起初英国英语和美国英语一样。

    At first the language in Britain and America was the same .