
  • 网络TEM8;TEM-8;TEM
  1. 英语专业八级考试中的写作问题

    English writing problems reflected from TEM8

  2. 英语专业八级考试汉译英常见问题解析

    A Summary of the Problems that Occurred in the TEM-8 Chinese-to-English Translation

  3. 语境正确翻译的基础英语专业八级考试(2000年)英译汉试卷评析

    Context and Translation : Comments on the TEM-8 ( 2000 ) English-to-Chinese Translation

  4. 在中国,英语专业八级考试具有一定的权威性。

    Test for English Majors ( TEM-8 ) is an authoritative English test in China .

  5. 提高听力有助于通过英语专业八级考试。

    Good listening ability helps passing the Test for English Majors Grade Eight ( TEM-8 ) .

  6. 词汇广度和密度发展迅速可能由于英语专业八级考试的缘故。

    Both lexical variation and lexical density develop very fast , which might be due to TEM-8 .

  7. 提高翻译水平的关键扎实的双语功底2003年英语专业八级考试英译汉试卷评析

    Solid Linguistic Foundation : Key To Good Translation & Comments on the TEM-8 ( 2003 ) English-to-Chinese Translation

  8. 从广播新闻与报纸新闻的差异看英语专业八级考试新闻广播测试部分选材

    Material Selection of TEM-8 's News Broadcast Section Seen from the Differences between Broadcast News and Newspaper News

  9. 我通过了全国英语专业八级考试,第二外语为日语达到初级水平。

    I passed TEM EIGHT and my Japanese that is my second foreign language has reached primary level . Make Full Preparations for the New CET4 ;

  10. 本文通过分析比较广播新闻和报纸新闻的差异和相关研究说明英语专业八级考试的新闻广播测试部分不宜使用报纸新闻作为素材。

    This article illustrates that newspaper news isn 't suitable for the News Broadcast section of TEM-8 through the analysis of the differences between broadcast news and newspaper news and a related survey .

  11. 最后将这一理论应用到英语专业八级考试中听讲座录音,记笔记的教学中。

    And then the writer applies the theory to the instruction of note taking after listening to the tape record on academic lectures in TEM 8 ( Test of English Major Grade 8 . ) .

  12. 在大学期间就顺利地通过了英语专业八级的考试。

    When I was still a undergraduate student in university , I successfully passed the examination of TEM8 .

  13. 英语专业四、八级考试对英语教学的反馈&兼谈扩招后高校英语专业教学问题与对策

    TEM4 & TEM8 Feedback on English Teaching and Problems Caused by Expanded Enrollment and the Corresponding Solutions

  14. 对《高校俄语专业八级考试大纲》的思考&与英语、日语专业八级考试大纲的对比研究

    Reflections on Syllabus of Test for Russian Majors ( Band 8 ) In Comparison with that of TEM 8 TJM 8

  15. 高校英语专业四、八级考试听力试题真实性研究英语专业四级和八级考试大纲与英语专业教学改革

    Improving the Authenticity of the Listening Sub-Tests in Tem ; On the Syllabus for TEM-4 and TEM-8 and the Reform of the English Major

  16. 通过对英语专业四、八级考试改革的分析,从三个方面提出了改进和加强英语专业学生培养的措施。

    Through analyzing the reformation of TEM4 and TEM8 , the measures of improving and strengthening the cultivation of English majors are offered from three aspects .

  17. 2004年新版高校英语专业四、八级考试大纲反映了2000年《高校英语专业英语教学大纲》的要求。

    The 2004 editions of Syllabus for TEM4 and Syllabus for TEM8 comply with the teaching requirements set by the 2000 edition of Teaching Syllabus for English Majors .

  18. 本文分析02年英语专业八级(TEM8)考试英译汉出现的错误,对它们进行分类并解释犯这些错误的原因。

    This paper is to analyze and classify the errors that appeared in English to Chinese translation in Test of English for English Majors ( 2002 ), Grade Eight ( TEM8 ) . Attempts are made to explain the causes of the errors .

  19. 我院非英语专业学生经学院批准,可参加全国英语专业八级考试(TEM-8)。

    Thirdly , upon approval of the school , non-English majors of SIB can take part in the TEM-8 ( Test for English Majors ) .