
tuō fú
  • thanks to you;TOEFL-Test of English as a Foreign Language
托福 [tuō fú]
  • [thanks to you] 依赖别人的福庇,使自己幸运。多用于回答别人的问候

  • 我托福您身体好

  • [TOEFL-Test of English as a Foreign Language] 美国教育考试中心(Educational Testing Service)主办的对非英语国家学生进行的英语水平考试

托福[tuō fú]
  1. 我的朋友正在苦读英语,准备参加托福考试。

    My friend is grinding away at English and preparing for toefl .

  2. 至少要提前半年准备托福和GRE考试,当然,根据考生英语水平的不同,准备的时间也不一样。He/Sheshouldneedatleastsixmonthstoprepareforthetwotests.也可以说Ittakesatleastsixmonthstoprepareforthetwotests.

    Zhang : He / She should need at least six months to prepare for the two tests , but that also depends on his / her level of English .

  3. 您觉得ETS在托福上作的修改是出于什么目的?

    What does the ETS have changes in TOFEL for ?

  4. Yang之所以发现了这种趋势,是因为当帮助别人寻找一张九月份的托福考试门票,找不到早于十二月份的。

    Yang discovered the trend while helping someone look for a September TOEFL test seat , and couldn 't find any earlier than December .

  5. 1.coachvt.训练,指导他指导人准备托福考试。

    He coaches people for TOEFL examinations .

  6. 最终祝英台以托福和GRE高分的成绩被哥伦比亚大学录取。

    Lovers end-to high TOEFL and GRE scores were admitted at Columbia University .

  7. 针对英语为非母语者的两大主要语言测试是theTOEFL和theIELTS(托福和雅思)。

    The two major language tests for non-native English speakers are the TOEFL and the IELTS .

  8. 托福考试(TOEFL)带给应试者诸多挑战。

    The Test of English as a Foreign Language ( TOEFL ) presents many challenges to the test taker .

  9. CLSAGroup驻香港分析克里斯托福•伍德(ChristopherWood)指出,全球经济可能下滑的另一个迹象是,全球范围海运费都在下降。

    Another sign that global growth may be slipping , according to Christopher Wood , a Hong Kong-based analyst for CLSA Group , is a drop in global shipping rates .

  10. 托福考试成绩是由ETS认证的专家匿名评定,因此保证考试成绩的公平准确性。

    Toefl score is by the ETS authentication of the expert evaluation , therefore guarantee anonymity of the examination results fair accuracy .

  11. 本研究旨在研究中国EFL学习者的笔记行为对网考托福口语测试部分的效应和影响。

    This study is conducted to examine the effects of note-taking on TOEFL iBT Speaking section that contains Independent Speaking Tasks and Integrated Speaking Tasks in a Chinese EFL context .

  12. 因为第一次参加托福考试的成绩不过关,我在北亚利桑那大学的PIE里学习了一学期的语言课。

    Because the first TOEFL test scores do not cross the border , at the first semester , I had to study the language courses in PIE at NAU .

  13. 尽管我们的托福,GRE和托业考试在中国已经存在很多年了,ETS中国区办公室是新成立的。

    ETS China office is new in China although our TOEFL , GRE and TOEIC have been in China for many years .

  14. 但中国老师教授学生英语,是以帮助他们在诸如托福(TestofEnglishasaForeignLanguage的中文简称)和SAT等各种英语考试上得高分为目标,不是以在日常生活中使用英语为目标。

    But Chinese teachers teach students English with the goal to help them achieve high scores in various English tests , such as the TOEFL ( Test of English as a Foreign Language ) and SAT , not the goal to use English in daily life .

  15. 第四个学习阶段我将继续学习争取参加托福笔试,雅思口试和GRE最高级别测试。

    For the4th semester , I will prepare myself for the written test of TOEFL , the oral test of IELTS and GRE .

  16. 如果你想出国留学,好好学英语,GRE或者托福考个高分,这是最要紧的事。

    If you want to study overseas , learning English and getting a high mark in GRE or TOEFL is the name of the game .

  17. 美国大学往往非常关注你的英语程度。因此,除了GRE与托福的好成绩外,来自母语是英语的某人的推荐信也可能有帮助。

    Hence , in addition to good GRE and TOEFL scores , a letter of recommendation from a native speaker of English may be helpful .

  18. 1988年通过“托福”和“GRE”考试,获攻读新墨西哥州大学体育管理系现代化专业硕士研究生学位资格。

    Began to study for a Master 's degree in the sports management department of the same university after passing the TOFEL and GRE tests in1988 .

  19. ETS和教育部考试中心经过与考生及有关单位的广泛协商,将补考日期确定为2003年12月13日,以便考生尽早获得托福考试成绩。

    Following a period of consultation with students and partners , a retest date of Dec.13,2003 has been scheduled to help students obtain their scores at the earliest possible time .

  20. 托福、GRE的热考反映了中国新一轮留学热出现,显示中西文化交流在一度陷于停滞之后日趋活跃。

    TOEFL , GRE thermal test reflects China 's new round of study heat shows that the East-West cultural exchange in the once stalled after the increasingly active .

  21. 发给全美各大学及研究所入学负责人的信函实际上是由GRE与托福两个董事会签署的。

    The GRE and TOEFL Boards are comprised of representatives from leading US universities and colleges who serve to ensure the fairness and integrity of the admissions process .

  22. 她问道。托福(TOEFL)是所有非英语国家学生要申请美国大学都必考的语言能力考试。

    She asked , referring to the Test of English as a Foreign Language , which all students from non-English-speaking countries must take to apply to universities in the United States .

  23. 帕克估计,在录取季节,她每隔一天就要和主办托福考试的非营利机构美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)联系,对可疑的分数进行调查。

    Ms. Parker estimates she contacts the Educational Testing Services , the nonprofit group that is in charge of the Toefl , every other day during the admissions season to investigate suspicious scores .

  24. 考托福IBT口语的时候,同学们不可遗漏的最重要的一点就是逻辑性。

    One of the most important things a student should achieve while taking the TOEFL IBT speaking part exam is how to be able to speak logically .

  25. 当我决定来美国研究所时,我几乎花了一年的时间来准备GRE和托福考试,以完成申请程序。

    When I decided to come to the USA graduate school , I spent almost a year to prepare for the GRE and TOEFL exams and get the application process done .

  26. 像黄维铭一样,还有很多人为了完成自己的出国梦,都参加过GRE、托福或雅思考试的英语培训课。

    Like Huang , for many , taking English training courses to pass the GRE , TOEFL and IELTS exams is the first step to fulfilling their dream of studying abroad .

  27. 在美国、加拿大和其他以英语为教学语言的国家里,大多数学院和大学的入学都要求学生提供由美国教育测试服务中心(ETS)组织的托福考试的成绩。

    Most colleges and universities in United States , Canada , and in other countries where the language of instruction is English require the TOEFL test created by Educational Testing Service ( ETS ) .

  28. 建基于ETS长久以来在教育测评各个领域的领先地位和声誉,托福网考还设定了公平、公正、客观评分的新标准。

    The new test also sets the standard for providing fair , unbiased and objective scoring , building on ETS 's record and reputation as the world leader in all facets of educational assessment .

  29. 因此,对于那些想要去美国留学的人来说,花费几个月时间临时抱佛脚准备SAT大学入学考试和托福(TOEFL)并不罕见,因为大多数学校都要求这两项成绩。

    So its not unusual for those who want to study in the United States to spend months cramming for the SAT and the Test of English as a Foreign Language , or Toefl , which most campuses require for admission .

  30. 此外,中国的“上游”市场——SAT、GMAT、托福等考前教育和私人英语培训每年的学费收入已超过50亿美元。

    In addition , the " upstream " consumer market in China for test preparation ( SAT , GMAT , TOEFL etc. ) and private English tuition is in excess of US $ 5 billion per year in tuition and fees .