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  1. 英语专业四级考试阅读理解的内容效度研究大学英语四级考试阅读理解应对策略及运用

    On Content Validation of TEM4 Reading Comprehension Approaches to Improving Reading Comprehension in CET4

  2. 我校2005年英语专业四级考试的分析与展望受试者为通过随机抽样确定的129名大学非英语专业本科二年级学生。

    On Chongqing University of Medical Sciences ' TEM4 in 2005 The subjects were 129 second-year EFL college undergraduates randomly selected from Chongqing University .

  3. 本博士学位论文的主要内容是验证高等学校英语专业四级考试(TEM4)阅读项目的效度,其目的是为了进一步提高该阅读项目的测试有效性。

    The main focus of the present doctoral study is placed on the validation of the reading component of the current Test for English Majors Grade Four ( TEM4 ) in an attempt to further improve its usefulness .

  4. 英语专业四级考试听写错误及训练策略

    Mistakes In Passage Dictation Of TEM 4 And Training Strategies

  5. 信息预测原理在英语专业四级考试听力理解中的应用

    The Theory of Information Prediction and Its Application to Listening Comprehension of TEM-4

  6. 英语专业四级考试面临的问题及其策略分析

    Analysis and Strategies for TEM4 Exam of English Majors

  7. 调查结果表明:英语专业四级考试在不同阶段对不同学习者具有很多方面的影响,且正面影响大于负面影响。

    The findings indicate that TEM4 does exert influence on English majors in many aspects ;

  8. 英语专业四级考试及格与不及格的蒙古族学生英语语言学习策略使用对比研究

    A Comparative Study of English Language Learning Strategies Used by TEM 4-Achieved and TEM 4-Failed Mongolian-Speaking English Majors

  9. 英语专业四级考试是唯一国家级测试,旨在检查基础阶段英语教学和学习情况。

    TEM-4 is the only set of national test and designed to evaluate English teaching and learning at the end of the foundation stage .

  10. 从教师角度来讲,英语专业四级考试促使教师丰富教学内容、改进教学方法,围

    As for the teachers , TEM4 urges the teachers to enrich the teaching contents , innovate the teaching methods and help the students further develop

  11. 第二部分,把信息预测原理应用到英语专业四级考试的听力理解之中,并分类讨论了在听前、听时和听后的具体预测和推测方法。

    In the second part , the theory of prediction is applied to the actual practice in the listening comprehension of TEM-4 . The predicting and deducing methods in the three categories of pre-listening , while-listening and post-listening are explicated .

  12. 思维和语言形式,何为口语评判更重要的依据&兼评2002年全国英语专业四级口语考试

    Language Form and Thinking Competence , Which is the More Important Criterion in Evaluating Oral English

  13. 与1997年版的考纲相比,2004年新版的高校英语专业四级的考试大纲听力测试的内容、形式和时长上都有所调整,难度也有所增加。

    Compared with the 1997 edition of Syllabus for TEM4 , the 2004 edition sees a higher requirement in the content , form , and duration in listening comprehension .

  14. 本文通过对非英语专业学生四级考试分析,反映了当前大学英语写作教学存在的问题。

    By analysing the college English writings of non - English major students during the Band 4 , this paper reflects the problems of the present teaching of English writing .

  15. 英语专业四、八级考试对英语教学的反馈&兼谈扩招后高校英语专业教学问题与对策

    TEM4 & TEM8 Feedback on English Teaching and Problems Caused by Expanded Enrollment and the Corresponding Solutions

  16. 高校英语专业四、八级考试听力试题真实性研究英语专业四级和八级考试大纲与英语专业教学改革

    Improving the Authenticity of the Listening Sub-Tests in Tem ; On the Syllabus for TEM-4 and TEM-8 and the Reform of the English Major

  17. 通过对英语专业四、八级考试改革的分析,从三个方面提出了改进和加强英语专业学生培养的措施。

    Through analyzing the reformation of TEM4 and TEM8 , the measures of improving and strengthening the cultivation of English majors are offered from three aspects .

  18. 2004年新版高校英语专业四、八级考试大纲反映了2000年《高校英语专业英语教学大纲》的要求。

    The 2004 editions of Syllabus for TEM4 and Syllabus for TEM8 comply with the teaching requirements set by the 2000 edition of Teaching Syllabus for English Majors .

  19. 本人系2008年的外语系毕业生,已经通过英语四六级和专业四级考试,并获得了英语口语证书。

    I am a graduate in2008 with my major in English education . I have passed Cet-4 , Cet-6 and Tem-4 , moreover , I have obtained a certificate for my oral English .

  20. 分析结果显示大学英语六级考试与英语专业四级考试在阅读理解方面存在高度的相关。

    The results of the analysis show that CET 6 and TEM 4 reading comprehension tests are closely related .

  21. 研究分为两步,第一步是对大学英语六级考试和英语专业四级考试改革后所使用的全真试题中阅读理解部分进行对比分析。

    The research is undertaken in two steps . First step is the analysis of the latest papers used by CET 6 and TEM 4 tests .

  22. 论文中所用到的主要研究工具有SPSS软件,四年的专业四级试卷以及学生的每个试题得分,高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲和高校英语专业四级考试大纲。

    The major instruments in this study include the statistical software SPSS , four years ' test papers and test takers ' scores on each item , the new National College English Teaching Syllabus for English Majors ( hereafter the Teaching Syllabus ) and the Test Syllabus .

  23. 学习者情感因素与大学英语四级成绩的关系研究英语专业四级考试听写成绩与总成绩相关研究

    Learners Affective Factors and Their CET-BAND Four Achievements ; Relationship between Passage Dictation Score and Total Score in TEM 4

  24. 由于其在中国高校英语专业教学中影响深远,对于英语专业四级考试的评议在英语专业教学界和语言理论界也尤为热烈。

    Due to its great influence on the learning and teaching of English major in China , TEM 4 also provoked quite a lot of discussions in English language teaching and linguistic area .

  25. 此项调查研究采用Oxford编制的语言学习策略(SILL)作为调查英语学习者使用元认知策略的工具,又以英语专业四级考试成绩作为衡量学习水平的标准。

    Oxford 's ( 1990 ) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning ( SILL ) was utilized to measure metacognitive strategy preferences , while the results of Test for English Majors ( TEM 4 ) were adopted as a measurement of English proficiency .

  26. 2005年4月我校英语专业(医学方向)的学生第一次参加了全国英语专业四级考试(TEM4)并取得了较满意的成绩。

    In April , 2005 , the English majors ( specialized in medicine ) at our school took the TEM4 with a satisfactory result .

  27. 为提高学校的教育质量和使毕业生今后就业能更具有竞争力,学校对激发学生学习英语的积极性和提高他们的英语综合能力非常重视,并把英语专业四级考试与学生的学位证书挂钩起来。

    In order to improve its teaching quality and make its graduates more competitive in job-markets , it attaches great importance to the improvement of students ' interest in English learning and their integrated competence . Furthermore , it links TEM4 with students ' bachelors ' degree .

  28. 由此提出,有必要加强英语专业学生短文听写的训练,提高学生的综合英语水平,从而提高英语专业四级考试的通过率。

    Therefore , some relevant training should be carried out and strengthened in order to improve students ' comprehensive level of English and thus level the ratio of passing the examination .