
  • English name;First Name
  1. 此外,名片的英文名-“businesscard”-也强调了它具体的功能性。

    And the English name of the item - " business card " - also focuses on its specific functionality .

  2. 公司的英文名为MOTOROLA,INC,总部地址在美国伊利诺斯州。

    The company 's English name , the INC , MOTOROLA in headquarters address in Evanston , Illinois .

  3. 消费量约占世界蒸馏酒的三分之一,中国白酒英文名正式启用“ChineseBaijiu”;

    Accounting for one-third of the world 's total consumption of distilled spirits , China 's famous distilled spirit will officially be called " Chinese Baijiu " in English ;

  4. 在香港上市的子公司于2003年将英文名从Legend改为Lenovo。

    The Hong Kong-listed subsidiary then changed its name from Legend to Lenovo in 2003 .

  5. 他还提到位于上海虹桥机场附近的一家宾馆,这家名为航友的宾馆直接将自己的汉语拼音当成了英文名:HangYou。

    He mentioned one hotel near Shanghai ` s Hongqiao airport which anglicised its name into " Hang You Hotel " .

  6. 根据双生病毒分类与命名原则,我们将这些病毒分离物命名为中国番茄曲叶病毒,英文名为TomatoleafcurlChinavirus(ToLCCNV)。

    According to geminivirus taxonomic criteria , these virus isolates were named as Tomato leaf curl China virus ( ToLCCNV ) .

  7. 托玛琳(英文名Tourmaline)宝石俗称“碧玺”是世界上具有独特功能的一种稀有宝石级矿石。

    Tourmaline stones are commonly known as a unique function of a rare gem-grade ore.

  8. 木星命名为罗马众神之王木星英文名为Jupiter(朱庇特,就是罗马神话中的宙斯神)是太阳系中的巨人。

    Named after the king of the Roman gods , Jupiter is the giant of our solar system .

  9. 你们也可以叫我XXX,是我的英文名。

    And you can call me XXX ( English name ) , it 's my English name .

  10. 一种新型建筑材料&玻璃纤维增强水泥(混凝土),英文名GlassFiberReinforcedCement(Concrete),简称GRC,由于玻璃纤维的高抗拉强度和韧性,已在建筑行业推广使用。

    A new type of building material & glass fiber reinforced cement ( GRC ) has been widely popularized to the building profession due to the high tensile strength and toughness of the glass fibers .

  11. 中胸背板明显隆起,形如驼背,英文名humpbackedflies由此特征得来。

    The mesonotum is apparent apophysis , as bow-backed , English name humpbacked flies thus characteristics to come .

  12. 英文名“Basil”这一单词来自希腊词语“国王”,以示它的贵族气息。

    The word " basil " is derived from the Greek word for " king ," a reference to its royal fragrance .

  13. 高效植物保水剂,英文名:ASA,其主要成份为植物提取物2-(乙酰氧基)苯甲酸。

    ASA efficient plant water retention agent ( English name : ASA ): mainly consists of plant extracts , 2 - ( acetoxyl group ) benzoic acid .

  14. 肖辉,又名肖迦一,英文名Steven。当他周五在悉尼法院出庭时,并未被要求作出认罪还是不认罪的申辩。

    Mr Xiao , who is also known as Steven Xiao and Jiayi Xiao , was not required to enter a plea when he appeared in a Sydney court on Friday .

  15. 不管你想给孩子取个流行的英文名或者独特的英文名,都可以来看看其他父母的选择。下面是2008年度父母分享的他们的孩子的名字中最流行的TOP10。

    Whether you 're looking for a popular baby name or one that 's unique , it 's helpful to see what other parents are choosing .

  16. 中国二月份票房收入的冠军是《澳门风云2》(也以英文名TheManfromMacauII发行),这是一部由王晶导演的赌博喜剧,其月度票房收入为1.04亿美元。

    Taking the Chinese box office crown for February was From Vegas to Macau II ( also being released under the title The Man from Macau II ), a gambling comedy directed by Wong Jing , which brought in $ 104 million .

  17. 但在本该是当地茶馆的地方,却出现了一座对当代中国农村来说完全陌生的咖啡馆。这家咖啡馆的中文名称是“梦·巴黎咖啡休闲会所”(英文名:DreamofParisCaféclub)。

    But in the spot where you would expect the local tea merchant is a building with a sign completely alien in contemporary rural China : " I Dream of Paris Caf é " it says , in both English and Chinese .

  18. 排球运动,英文名VolleyBall,即空中飞球,从排球运动的命名来看,它是一项以保证球不落地为前提的运动。

    Volleyball sport , English names Volley Ball , namely " fly to the game in the sky ", According to name of the volleyball movement , it is a sport taking guaranteeing that the ball does not fall as prerequisite .

  19. 这座幽静的峡谷就是日光市(Nikko)的憾满之渊(Kanmangafuchi,英文名KanmanAbyss)。

    This serene glen , Kanmangafuchi , which in English goes by the forbidding name of the Kanman Abyss , is in Nikko , the temple town of the great shoguns .

  20. 关于这家公司我们知之甚少,只知道它的三位主要负责人的名字:任德章(英文名TCYam)、黄秀华(音译,英文名SammyWong)和谢伟琦。

    Little is known about the company , other than the names of three of its principals : Yam Tak Cheung , known as TC Yam ; Wong Siu Wa , known as Sammy Wong ; and Wayne Hsieh .

  21. 我和其他来西方留学的亚洲学生一样,有幸能够为自己选择英文名。我的英文名来自于海伦·凯勒(HelenKeller)。尽管她又聋又瞎,却仍能与世界交流,奇迹般地为他人带来帮助。

    Helen Keller , after whom I named myself in English - a privilege reserved for most Asian students coming West - miraculously managed to communicate with the world and " nourished the many " despite her loss of vision and hearing .

  22. 啦啦队运动英文名cheerleading,起源于美国,是一项融竞技性、艺术性、观赏性和娱乐性为一体的现代体育运动项目。

    Cheerleading is a sport in English formerly known as " cheerleading " originated in the United States is a new set of athletic , artistic , ornamental , and entertainment for the whole of the modern sports items .

  23. 实际上,CHINAPAY这一英文名的直译就是“中国支付”,其市场目标不言自明。

    Actually , CHINAPAY the metaphrase of name of this one English is " China pays ", its market target not character is axiomatic .

  24. 目的:本课题参照美国产两种小剂量(0.3mg/片;0.45mg/片)结合雌激素缓释片剂(商品名:倍美力;英文名:Premarin)的剂量依据,研制新的小剂量结合雌激素缓释制剂。

    Objectives : The purpose of the research is according to the formulation of Premarin , which produced by America , to study new conjugated estrogen sustained release tablets in little dosage .

  25. 这家旅游公司名为“去哪儿”,英文名Qunar。据知情人士透露,它计划在周四宣布,百度在公司董事会的席位将从三个增加到五个。

    The travel company , Qunar , plans to announce on Thursday that it will give Baidu five director seats , up from three , according to people with direct knowledge of the matter .

  26. 可惜大多数英文名的意思是未知的。

    It 's a pity most meanings of English names are unknown .

  27. 聚合果和聚花果英文名商榷

    A Discussion on English Names of Two Fruit Terms

  28. 每个人都要摆出一个代表她本人的姿势并讲一遍她的英文名。

    Each lady will show her signature pose and announce her English name .

  29. 内容主要说明:我需要一个英文名,谁给我起个英文名?

    I need a English name , who can make English name for me ?

  30. 京晶:我听说过一些特别好玩的英文名。

    I 've heard some funny English names .