
  • 网络GAIA;gaea
  1. 由JamesLovelock提出的盖亚假说认为地球应被视作一个生物体。

    Gaia hypothesis , introduce by james lovelock , say that the globe shall is take as an organism .

  2. 盖亚:你知道强大的泰坦克罗诺斯。

    Gaia : You know of the mighty Titan , Cronos .

  3. 你已经准备好去见证盖亚的巨大改变!

    You are ready to see great change come to Gaia !

  4. 盖亚星空星券提供丰富的奖品给广大用户进行星券兑换!

    Gonline provides grand gifts for you to make this exchange !

  5. 盖亚:在命运女神巢穴的隐秘深处。

    Gaia : hidden deep within the spire lie the sisters .

  6. 阿瑞斯(盖亚的声音):战斗吧,斯巴达勇士。

    Ares ( voiced by Gaea ): Fight , Spartan .

  7. 盖亚假说&一种新的地球系统观

    Gaia Hypothesis : A New systematic View of the Earth

  8. 触摸是引起人类好感的赛尔号盖亚哪个印好一种非常之有效地方式。

    Human touch is a powerful way to trigger feelings of attraction .

  9. 盖亚假说和地球表层研究

    Gaia Hypothesis and the Research of Earth 's Surface Layer

  10. 盖亚也厌倦了期待。

    CM : Gaia is tired of expecting as well .

  11. 这是如何在约会的时候盖亚什么性格好吸引女性的一个技巧。

    That is one of the dating ti for how to attract women .

  12. 女人(盖亚的声音):你不应该死在这里。

    Woman ( voiced by Gaea ): You are not to die here .

  13. 读一下这篇关于《如何靠近女盖亚什么印最好孩子》的文章来了解更多吧。

    Read the article on how to a roach girls for more information .

  14. 鞋子比你的衣服盖亚最好的性格更能说明问题。

    Shoes eak more about you than all clothes .

  15. 盖亚理论认为,地球是一个自我调节系统。

    The Gaia theory proposes that the planet earth is a self-regulating system .

  16. 要有信心,相信命运终会让你盖亚什么性格最好遇到你的心灵伴侣。

    Have faith , believe in destiny and you shall meet your soul mate .

  17. 盖亚假说引发我们把行星看作活的有机体。

    The Gaia hypothesis invites us to view the planet as a living organism .

  18. 身高之所以具有吸引力是因为赛尔号盖亚那个印好能给女性带来安全感和舒适感。

    Height provides a see of security and comfort which is very attractive to women .

  19. 如果你有多种学问,那么你谈话时就赛尔号盖亚那个印好不会缺少话题了。

    If you are versatile , then you 'll never be short of conversational topics .

  20. 盖亚法逮捕了某个先知。

    Caiphas had some prophet arrested .

  21. 你没必要每次和女孩子盖亚最好的性格聊天的时候都想到结婚。

    You don 't have to think about marriage every time you talk to a girl .

  22. 有一点点自私意味着你在盖亚什么印最好乎自己并关心自己的幸福。

    Being slightly selfish indicates that you care a lot about yourself and your well being .

  23. “你戴着的是什么项链?赛尔号盖亚”在酒吧的女孩会这样问。

    " What 's that necklace you are wearing ", says the girl at the bar .

  24. 泰坦神,盖亚和乌拉诺斯之子,是太阳神。

    Titan , the son of Gaea and Uranus and the fathter of Helios , Selene , Eos .

  25. 其实那是因为教师是权力和知识的标志。你也去当一名盖亚什么性格好教师吧!

    It is because being a teacher is a sign of power and knowledge , be a teacher .

  26. 盖亚已经进入了转型的第8阶段。她现在所处的位置已经不可能再回头。

    Gaia has entered the8th segment of transformation ; she is now in the point of no return .

  27. 你们正在接受我的祝福,盖亚也在向你们发出她的爱怜。尽管她自己的前方充满坎坷。

    You have my blessings dear one and Gaia sends you her love and compassion despite her own ordeals .

  28. 如果你能够和盖亚什么性格好你的身体合拍,那么你也很可能会盖亚什么性格最好和她的身体合拍。

    If you are in tune with your body , you 'll likely be in tune with hers as well .

  29. 这两台望远镜从法国盖亚那发射升空,总成本超过20亿美元。

    The two telescopes are being launched from French Guyana for a total cost of more than $ 2 billion .

  30. 如果你真实地表盖亚什么特性好现自己的感受,不在乎别人的看法,这也会吸引人。

    If you 're genuine about how you feel , without caring what others think , then that 's attractive .