
ɡài luò pǔ mín yì cè yàn
  • Gallup poll
  1. 最近的一次盖洛普民意测验披露,2,000万美国人声称他们有过濒死体验。

    A recent Gallup poll revealed that 20 million Americans claimed to have had near-death experiences .

  2. 根据盖洛普民意测验的结果,1998年初对克林顿政府的支持率是59%。

    At . the start of 1998 Bill Clinton 's job-approval rating stood at 59 % , according to the Gallup poll .

  3. 2013年5月,由盖洛普民意测验公司(Gallup,美国统计学家,盖洛普民意测验创始人)发起的一项调查显示,超过半数美国人都支持同性婚姻。

    In May 2013 , Gallup conducted a poll that found that more than half Americans support same-sex marriage .

  4. 但是最近的盖洛普民意测验表明,他在西裔选民中的支持率已经下降。

    But a recent Gallup Poll shows his rating among Hispanics has slipped .

  5. 拥有最后发言权的,并非乔治盖洛普民意测验,而是南希里根。

    Nancy reagan , and not George gallup , may well have the final say .

  6. 盖洛普民意测验,发现有一半美国人说他们缺少足够的时间来做他们想做的事。

    A Gallup Poll found that half of all Americans claim they lack enough time to do what they want .

  7. 这位美国的统计学家是盖洛普民意测验的首创者。盖洛普民意测验是为了测量民意对其调查样本进行统计的科学方法。

    Gallup was an American statistician who invented the Gallup Poll , a successful statistical method of survey sampling for measuring public opinion .

  8. 目前,关于幸福这一课题已经收集了许多的数据,比如,美国综合社会调查,欧洲民意调查,以及盖洛普民意测验等。

    There are already a lot of data on the subject collected by , for instance , America 's General Social Survey , Eurobarometer and Gallup .

  9. 在最近的一份盖洛普民意测验中,美国人表示他们最青睐计算机业,餐饮业和勤劳的农业紧随其后。

    In a recent Gallup poll , Americans say they are keenest on the computer industry , with the restaurant business and hard-working farmers not far behind .

  10. 《华尔街日报》九月份的一篇报道称,在一项由31265名职员参与的盖洛普民意测验中显示,有18%的美国人对自己的同事抱怨连连。

    The Wall Street Journal reported in September that 18 percent of US employees complain about their colleagues , according to a Gallup poll of 31,265 employees .

  11. 根据最近的盖洛普民意测验显示,美国人现在的平均退休年龄是61岁,从20世纪90年代的57岁到十年前的59岁,退休年龄一直持推后的趋势。

    The average age for Americans to stop working is now 61 , according to a recent Gallup poll , up from 59 ten years ago and 57 in the early 1990s .

  12. 最近的盖洛普民意测验表明,就产品质量来说在上海出售家用电器的所有企业中,大企业位居榜末。

    A recent Gallup poll shows that big business came in last , in terms of the quality of the products , among all the enterprises which sell household appliances in Shanghai .

  13. 昆尼皮亚克大学民调研究所副主任皮特•布朗称,虽然与投掷后不久盖洛普民意测验所显示的85%的支持率相比有所下降,但在过去几十年中,美国人一直坚定地支持当年的轰炸行动。

    Peter Brown , assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute , said American support has remained firm over the decades , though it was down from 85 percent approval in a Gallup poll conducted shortly after the bombings .

  14. 一是财务问题,由于养老金减少,美国人觉得有必要延长工作年限;其次,现在人们的工作心理更加健康。弗兰克?纽波特评论道,他是盖洛普民意测验主编。

    One is financial , and they simply think they will need to work longer because there are fewer pensions , and now people may have a more psychologically positive view of work , says Frank Newport , editor-in-chief of Gallup poll .

  15. 最近的盖洛普民意测验表明,就产品质量来说在上海出售家用电器的所有企业中,大企业位居榜末,而小企业或乡镇企业名列前茅。

    A recent Gallup poll shows that big business came in last , in terms of the quality of the products , among all the enterprises which sell household appliances in Shanghai ; at the top of the list were small business or business from small towns .

  16. 本月发布的盖洛普世界民意测验发现,仅有6%的中国职场人士表示对工作很投入。

    Only 6 % of Chinese employees said they are engaged in their jobs , according to a global Gallup survey released this month .

  17. 本月发布的盖洛普世界民意测验发现,仅有6%的中国职场人士表示对工作“很投入”。

    Only 6 % of Chinese employees said they are " engaged " in their jobs , according to a global Gallup survey released this month 。

  18. 盖洛普世界民意测验对中国各收入阶层,各行业的职场人士进行了统计调查,旨在研究他们是否“从心理上接纳他们的工作,并且能够对供职的机构做出积极贡献。”

    Workers across all income levels and industries were surveyed by Gallup in China , defined by Gallup to mean they were " psychologically committed to their jobs and likely to be making positive contributions to their organisations " 。

  19. 这只是盖洛普新的民意测验结果中的一项,昨天发布的这次测验调查了140个城市的工作者。

    That 's just one of the findings from Gallup 's new poll , which was released yesterday with results from its survey of workers in 140 countries .

  20. 民意测验与2004年美国总统大选的变量分析&以盖洛普(Gallup)民意测验为例

    An analysis of the polls and variables in the 2004 presidential election in US & A case study of the Gallup poll

  21. 盖洛普(Gallup)民意测验多次发现,女性受教育程度越高、处境越优越,就越容易饮酒。

    Gallup pollsters have repeatedly found that the more educated and well off a woman is , the more likely she is to imbibe .