
  • 网络Cover cloth;GEB;cover sheet;Geib
  1. 报道了通过盖布瑞尔合成法制备N(2羟乙基)邻苯二甲酰亚胺。

    The synthesis of N - ( 2-hydroxyethyl ) phthalimide via Gabriel synthesis method was reported .

  2. 软件初创企业Contextere首席执行官盖布•巴特斯通(GabeBatstone)表示,这些技术给企业提供了削减成本的机会。该公司基于机器学习(很多人工智能背后的技术)和物联网技术开发面向工人的服务。

    Such technologies offer companies the chance to cut costs , says Gabe Batstone , chief executive of Contextere , a software start-up that develops services for industrial workforces based on machine learning - the technique behind much artificial intelligence - and internet of things technologies .

  3. 现代帐篷都是在金属架上盖布做墙。

    A modern tent has cloth walls over a metal frame .

  4. 他们把盖布绷紧罩在帐蓬顶上。

    They strained the cover over the top of the tent .

  5. 我听到盖布的消息就慌了手脚。

    When I got the call about gabe , I just ran .

  6. 涤棉、纯涤纶多功能篷盖布的研制

    Multi - Functional Tarpaulin of Polyester / Cotton and Pure Polyester Fabrics

  7. 本文介绍了篷盖布的结构组成以及对篷盖布的性能要求。

    It also introduces the structure and performance requirement of covering cloth .

  8. 她端着一个用茶盘盖布盖着的大盘子。

    She carried a platter covered with a tea towel .

  9. 我国篷盖布材料的开发应用和展望

    Present Situation and Future of Development and Application of Covering Fabric in Our Country

  10. 他以前住的那条街已改名为“纳盖布·马福兹”街。

    The street where he used to live is now called " Nageeb Mahfouz " Street .

  11. 篷盖布类产品生产和应用的新发展层压纺织复合材料的生产和应用

    New Concept of Canvas / Canopy and Applications thereof Production and Using of Laminated Textile Composite Materials

  12. 多功能篷盖布研制

    Development of Multifunctional Cover Cloth

  13. 埃及和全世界的人民都会记住纳盖布·马福兹——他的作品影响了世界。

    People in Egypt and the whole world will remember Nageeb Mahfouz - the man whose writing influenced the world .

  14. 不过每个发明家和他们的温度计都很独特,也没有标准的度量标准。最后在1724年丹尼尔•盖布瑞尔•华伦海特制出了一种温度度标,经过略微改动后就是今天以他的名字命名的华氏温度。

    Finally in 1724 Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit produced a temperature scale which now ( slightly adjusted ) bears his name .

  15. 怪物慢慢地站起来,取下头上的盖布放在椅子上。

    The creature stood up slowly . It took the old cloth off its head , and put it on the chair .

  16. 上周日,斯盖布说,科默福德无疑是他30年厨师生涯中遇到的最好的帮手,也是接替这一职位的最佳人选。

    Scheib said Sunday that Comerford was hands down the best assistant he had in his30-year career and is a wonderful choice to take over .

  17. 杰利忙把汤碗递给多莉,正要揭我身上的盖布,那人说:

    Jerry started to give the soup bowl back to Dolly and was just going to take off my warm cloth when the man said ,

  18. 论述了多功能篷盖布的研制过程,包括基布设计;涂层剂、阻燃剂、防水剂、专用染料和涂层工艺等的选择。

    The paper describes the development process of the multifunctional cover cloth , including gray design , selections of coating agent , flame retardant , water - proofing agent , specific dyes and coating process .

  19. 他尽他所能,洗干净我的腿和胸,可是没有给我盖上暖和的布,他觉得我已经很热了,可能不会喜欢盖布。

    He did the best he could , cleaning my legs and my chest , but he did not put a warm cloth on me ; he thought I was so hot that I would not like it .

  20. 介绍了产业用多功能涂层织物的基布、涂层剂和涂层技术的开发、性能要求及在膜结构建筑材料、篷盖布、灯箱布、土工布和农用膜中的应用。

    The development of base fabric , coating agent and coating technology of the technical mul-ti-functional coated fabric , properties requirements and its application in membrane struc-ture material 、 tent fabric 、 lamp-box fabric 、 geotextile and agricultural film are introduced .

  21. 而电视连续剧《绝望的主妇》中的五个主人公可能是个更好的例子,尽管泰瑞•海切尔饰演的主妇苏珊•梅尔的四个朋友——布里、伊迪、丽奈特和盖布瑞尔并不总是那么的忠诚、友好。

    A better example might be the five protagonists of the TV series Desperate Housewives , although Teri Hatcher 's character Susan Mayer 's fellow housewives Bree , Edie , Lynette and Gabrielle may not always act in the most loyal , friendly way .

  22. 他把盖布揭开,为这位虔诚的妇女而出现了奇迹,酒和面包、篮子里所有的东西,都变成了玫瑰。

    Then he tore away the cloth which covered the basket , and what could equal the surprise of the pious woman , to find that by a miracle , everything in her basket - the wine , the bread - had all been changed into roses .