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  • 网络Set;seth;Sete
  1. 恶魔赛特挖出了年轻的荷鲁斯的眼睛。

    The evil Seth put out the eye of the young Horus .

  2. 我,塞米尔卡特,太阳神荷露斯的最高祭司,在此警告,谁移动了护身符,势必释放了邪恶的赛特。

    I , Semerkhet , high priest of Horus , forewarned that he who removes the amulet shall have released Seth .

  3. 美国航空航天博物馆恰如其分地宣布,福赛特的吊舱已经被正式命名为“自由精神萌芽之光”(TheBudLightSpiritofFreedom)。

    Fossett 's capsule , Air & Space dutifully notes , is officially called The Bud Light Spirit of Freedom .

  4. SWOT分析应用于竞争情报活动的实例研究&SWOT分析与赛特之成功

    Application of SWOT Analysis in Competitive Intelligence Activities : a Case Study

  5. B组第一周期单用化疗,第二周期化疗后加用格拉诺赛特。

    In group A granocyte was given along with chemotherapy in the first cycle only and none In the second cycle , while In group B Granocyte was given only in the second cycle .

  6. 年龄和性别对陶赛特×小尾寒羊F1代羔羊屠宰性能与肉品质的影响

    Effects of Age and Sex on Slaughter Characteristics and Meat Quality of Poll Dorset × Small Tail Han Sheep F1 Lamb

  7. 深圳市迪赛特(DCT)冶金材料有限公司,是国内为数不多的具有自主研发能力的专业公司之一,座落于深圳市宝安区。

    DCT ( Shenzhen ) Non-Ferrous Metallurgical Material Co. , LTD. , Located in Baoan , Shenzhen , is one of the few professional manufacturers with an independent R & D ability in China .

  8. 但哈德逊研究所的外交政策分析师大卫赛特尔说:USAID的项目不带政治立场。

    But David Satter , a foreign policy analyst with the Hudson Institute , says USAID programs do not pick political sides .

  9. 用SD大鼠研究了赛特铂配合物药物材料口服给药的长期毒性,结果表明基本无毒剂量为10mg/kg,20mg/kg是低中毒剂量。

    Researches have been done on the long-term toxicity of oral administration of Satraplatin by using the SD rats , and the results showed that the innocuity dose is 10mg / kg , and 20mg / kg is the low-grade toxicity dose .

  10. 当婚礼进行到赞美诗部分,罗克赛特女主唱玛丽·弗莱德里克森(MarieFredriksson)和百老汇《歌剧魅影》男星皮特·乔巴克(PeterJoback)分别用瑞典语和英语演唱,令新郎新娘十分动容。

    The bride and groom were visibly moved as the ceremony proceeded with hymns in both Swedish and English , and performances by Roxette singer Marie Fredriksson and Broadway 's " Phantom of the Opera " star Peter Joback .

  11. 试验结果表明:赛特铂在80℃和在25℃、RH92.5%环境中放置10d,或在DMSO体系和纯水中放置8h含量是稳定的;

    Experiment results showed that satraplatin is stable at 80 ℃ and at 25 ℃ RH 92.5 % for 10 days , or in DMSO system and in pure water for 8 hours ;

  12. 摘要:铅精矿搭配处理浸锌渣的基夫赛特(Kivcet)炼铅工艺是一种清洁高效处理浸锌渣的直接炼铅方法。

    Abstract : Kivcet direct lead smelting process is a kind of clean and efficient way to process zinc leaching residue and lead concentrate .

  13. 据意大利ANSA通讯社称,其他场景将在罗马有意大利的凡尔赛之称的卡赛特皇宫南部拍摄,而且在塞尔维亚和萨里的松林制片厂也有镜头。

    Other scenes will be shot south of Rome at the Royal Palace of Caserta , known as the Versailles of Italy , as well as in Serbia and at Pinewood studios in Surrey , according to Italian news agency ANSA .

  14. 方法采用岛津AA-670原子吸收分光光度仪及GFA-4A石墨炉,上海电光KY-1铂空心阴极灯,检测波长265.9nm,测定大鼠血浆和尿液中的赛特铂含量。

    METHODS Satraplatin in plasma and urine was analyzed by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry on an instrument Shimadzu AA-670 atomic absorption spectrophotometer equipped with a Shimadzu GFA-4A graphite furnace , and an ASC-60 autosampler . The detection wavelength was set at 265.9 nm .

  15. 无角陶赛特品种绵羊种质特性及其应用的研究

    Study on germplasm characteristics and its Application of Poll Dorset Sheep

  16. 赛特笠在哼哼唧唧的忍受形容不出的苦楚。

    Sedley groaned in agonies which the pen refuses to describe .

  17. 第二年,洛克赛特乐队推出了他们的首张专辑。

    The band released their debut set the following year .

  18. 他所在的帕丢赛特部落几近灭绝。

    His community of Patuxet had all but died out .

  19. 无角陶赛特公羊与青海半细毛羊杂交效果研究

    A Study on the effect of Poll Dorset hybridizing Semi-fine wool Sheep

  20. 刚才遇见玛赛特的便是那个人。

    It was the man who had just met Cosette .

  21. 对这些群体的其它名称包括拿撒勒和埃尔卡赛特斯。

    Other names for these groups include Nazarenes and Elkasites .

  22. 无角陶赛特×小尾寒羊杂交一代育肥试验

    Fattening Experiment of Poll Dorset × Small-tail Han Sheep

  23. 1比尔数了250美元交到道赛特的手里。

    Bill counted out two hundred and fifty dollars into Dorset 's hand .

  24. 与赛特相比,帝国饭店离市中心很近。

    The Imperial is considerably closer to the city center than the sate .

  25. 萨福克、陶赛特肉用种羊非繁殖季节诱导发情的研究

    A Test of Estrus Inducted in Non-breeding Season Suffolk and Poll Dorset Ewes

  26. 巴赛特收敛系统及其位移计算程序

    Bassett Convergence System and its Displacement Computation Program

  27. 陶赛特杂一代羊生产性能的测定

    Determination of Productive Performance of Dorset F_1 Sheep

  28. 爱米丽亚·赛特笠小姐就是这种难能可贵的好人。

    Now , Miss Amelia Sedley was a young lady of this singular species ;

  29. 我以为你是被艾克赛特开除

    Thought you got kicked out of Exeter .

  30. 口服抗肿瘤药赛特铂在大鼠的药动学

    Pharmacokinetics of oral antitumor drug satraplatin in rats