
  • 网络horse-racing;Palio;horse racing festival;Derby Day
  1. 第二天,我们驱车33英里来到锡耶纳参加赛马节(此地的阿尔希诺山庄是个好地方,值得一去)。

    The next day we drove the 33 miles to Siena ( the Villa Arceno is a great place to stay while you are there ) for the Palio

  2. 在每年1月的澳大利亚网球公开赛、每年三月的F1澳大利亚站以及每年11月的墨尔本杯赛马节期间,墨尔本同样会增加有轨电车的数量,满足体育爱好者往返于各大体育馆的需求。有轨电车系统运行良好。

    During events such as the Australian Tennis Open in January , the Australian Formula One race in March and the Melbourne Cup in November , extra trams will also be running in order to move the large numbers of people to and from the venues .

  3. 今年的切尔滕纳姆赛马节会从明天开始,周五结束。

    This year 's Cheltenham Festival begins tomorrow and lasts until Friday .

  4. 金色草原的盛会&理塘赛马节

    Horse Race Festival on Golden Grassland

  5. 所以,在明天(3月15日)的切尔滕纳姆赛马节上,如果观众因为邂逅赛马莫尔斯特德而驻足,也就情有可原了,因为那匹赛马将穿着自己的一整套粗花呢亮相——包括衬衫、领带和定制的帽子。

    So race-goers at tomorrow 's Cheltenham Festival will be forgiven for stopping in their tracks if they come across race horse Morestead , who has a tweed ensemble all of his own - complete with shirt , tie and customised cap .

  6. 在伦敦附近的爱斯科赛马场,一大群情绪高涨、穿着考究的人唱着歌挥舞着国旗,庆祝爱斯科特赛马节。

    In high spirits , a well-dressed crowd at Ascot Racecourse near London celebrates a day of horse races with singing and patriotic flag-waving .