
  • 网络Jinchang;Jinchang city
  1. 金昌市属于城市化超前型,处于磨合阶段;

    Jinchang city belongs to urbanization exorbitant type , and is at its break-in stage ;

  2. 工业生产废气排放是金昌市空气污染的主要来源。

    Industrial waste gas was the main source of air pollution .

  3. 对金昌市初中学生不良群体形成原因从社会、家庭、学校和学生自身等四个方面进行了要素分析。

    Analyse the key element from four ways by society , families , schools and the students themselves .

  4. 归纳了金昌市初中学生不良群体8种主要表现形式和中学生参加或组织不良群体的10种前期征兆。

    Combine 8 kinds of forms of expression and 10 kinds of previous signs of joining or organizing the harmful groups .

  5. 通过模型试验,对甘肃省金昌市引硫济金枢纽工程的泄洪冲沙闸和溢流坝下游消能防冲效果、引水防沙效果及引水隧洞进口段水流流态进行了试验和研究。

    The experimental study is conducted to show the effects of silt releasing sluice and energy dissipating downstream of spillway dam section , diverting water to prevent sedimentation , and the flow pattern at the inlet section of diversion tunnel .