
jīn sān jiǎo
  • Golden Triangle;Golden Delta
金三角[jīn sān jiǎo]
  1. 陆地卫星TM数字图像提取热液蚀变信息&加拿大BC省金三角找金实例

    Landsat TM Used to Detect Hydrothermal Alteration Information & An Example from British Columbia 's Golden Triangle

  2. 今年10月13名中国海员在湄公河遇害后,中国向缅甸、老挝和泰国派出了武装巡逻队伍,这些难以控制的国家构成了著名的金三角(GoldenTriangle)。

    After the murder of 13 Chinese sailors on the Mekong river in October , China dispatched armed patrols into Burma , Laos and Thailand , the unruly states forming the notorious Golden Triangle .

  3. 最后介绍了纳米金三角阵列THG特性,实验结果表明该结构中的THG增强同样和局域LSP激发密切相关。

    Finally , THG characteristics from gold triangle array were introduced , and the experimental results show that the THG enhancement is closely related to the LSP excitation .

  4. 我们在首府垒固(loikaw)呆了两个晚上,后来转入了东部的掸邦(shanstate),即和泰国北部和老挝接壤的金三角地区,在那里我们游览了佤族和阿卡族村庄。

    We spend two nights in the state capital of Loikaw , before moving up into Eastern Shan state , the Golden Triangle region bordering northern Thailand and Laos , where we travel to ethnic Wa and Akha villages .

  5. 滇黔桂金三角区岩浆活动与金矿成矿的关系

    Relationship between magmatism and mineralization of gold deposits in Yunnan-Guizhou-Guangxi area

  6. 内蒙古辽冀金三角金矿床成矿探讨

    Discussion on gold mineralization in Golden Triangle Area of Inner Mongolia-Liaoning-Hebei

  7. 晋东北金三角地区金、银矿床成矿构造环境

    Tectonic setting of gold and silver mineralizations , Northeastern Shanxi Province

  8. 打造人力资源金三角获取企业竞争优势

    Build human resource gold triangle to get the competition advantage

  9. 铜厂矿田是勉略阳“金三角”地区中重要的铜金多金属矿田。

    Protecting and making use of indium deposit in DaChang ore field ;

  10. 建设中国中部经济金三角刍议

    To Build the " Gold Triangle " of Middle China 's Economy

  11. 朝阳产业中的三要素与金三角

    Golden Triangle & the Three Elements in the Tourism Industry

  12. 江南金三角先民的生活习俗

    Life and Custom of Ancestors in Jiangnan Golden Delta

  13. 黄河金三角成为新的投资热点

    The Yellow River 's ' golden triangle ' becomes a new investing hotspot

  14. 图们江金三角国际性城市体系发展构想

    An Approach on the Construction of International Urban System in Tumen River Area

  15. 路桥区新大街金三角宾馆对面

    " Opposite to the Golden Triangle Hotel , New Avenue , Luqiao "

  16. 位于著名的“闽南金三角”中心。

    Be located in famous " triangle of the gold austral Fujian " center .

  17. 这款咖啡也在泰国的安纳塔拉金三角度假村销售。

    The coffee is also offered at Anantara 's Golden Triangle property in Thailand .

  18. 对有效整合锰矿金三角地区锰资源开发的战略思考

    A Strategy Thought of Mn Resources in " Three-Region " Development of Mn Ore

  19. 闽南金三角崛起的基础与发展战略构想

    Strategies in Rise of South Fujian Delta

  20. 能矿资源铸炼金三角

    Energy and Mineral Resources Modeling Golden Triangle

  21. 金三角地区的社会治安

    Characteristics , Difficulties and Countermeasures against Public Order in the Area of " Golden Triangle "

  22. 陕甘川金三角金矿地质特征及找矿前景分析

    The Geological Characteristics and Prospecting Potential of Gold Deposit in Shanxi-Gansu-Sichuan " Gold Triangle " Region

  23. 金三角天堂度假胜地就位于河岸上,对面是老挝和泰国。

    The Golden Triangle Paradise Resort is located on Bank of the river facing Laos and thailand .

  24. 金三角地区砂金矿富集规律及成矿模式研究

    Study on the concentration regularity and metallogenic model of placer gold deposits in the golden triangle area

  25. 金三角的赌禁赌之恍惚

    Trance in banning the gambling

  26. 赛晖国际创建于2000年,座落在美丽、富饶的长江金三角地区。

    Saihui International is established in2000 , located in the beautiful and fertile Yangtze River Golden Triangle area .

  27. 1997年,吴登盛成为缅甸东部掸邦的金三角地区指挥部司令。

    In1997 , Thein Sein became the commander of the Triangle Region Command based in eastern Shan State .

  28. 中越边境跨国红色旅游金三角的构想

    On the Conception of Initiating the Program of Sino-Vietnamese Cross-border Red Tourism in the " Gold Triangle "

  29. 川黔渝生态金三角古盐道与休闲旅游联动开发研究

    The Ancient Salt Transportation Roads of Golden Ecological Triangle of Sichuan , Guizhou and Chongqing and Leisure Tourism

  30. 他的照片是一个著名的例子,我们可以在其中找到一个金三角,也五角星。

    His picture is a well-known example , in which we can find a Golden Triangle and also Pentagram .