
  • 网络Mount Kumgang;Kumgangsan
  1. 观察人士认为,会晤安排在金刚山(MountKumgang)举行意义重大。现代峨山曾组织韩国旅游团前往那里观光,直至去年发生一名韩国度假者被朝鲜士兵击毙的事件。

    Observers reckoned it was significant the meeting happened at Mount Kumgang , where Hyundai Asan ran tourist trips to the North until a South Korean holidaymaker was shot dead by a soldier last year .

  2. 南北韩计划5月在北韩金刚山恢复离散家庭面对面团聚。

    The two Koreas plan to resume face-to-face reunions in May at North Korea 's Mount Kumgang .

  3. 韩国政府表示,它可以改进,但不会暂停与朝鲜共同开发的旅游和商业项目。但美国官员明确表示,他们认为金刚山(MountKumgang)旅游度假胜地为朝鲜政府提供了大量收入。

    The South Korean government says it may improve , rather than suspend its joint tourism and commercial projects with North Korea but US officials have made clear they view the Mount Kumgang tourist resort as a cash cow for the North .

  4. 其中一个方法是,努力在临近朝韩边界的开城(kaesong)工业园和金刚山(kumgangsan)旅游特区等地区以外开展业务。

    One way would be to try to operate outside areas such as the Kaesong industrial complex and kumgangsan tourism park near the inter-Korean border , which are essentially quarantine zones .

  5. 自金刚山旅游项目于1998年启动以来,韩国已带给朝鲜约9.5亿美元收入。

    South Korea has sent about $ 950m to North Korea since tours began in 1998 .

  6. 北韩建议在八月初在北韩金刚山风景区举行初步会谈,以安排高层级的会谈。

    North Korea proposed to hold initial talks in North Korea 's resort Mt. Kumgang early August to arrange high-level talks .

  7. 李承焕说,纪念活动将于14日至15日在朝鲜金刚山地区举行。

    Lee Sung-hwan said that the festivities will be held from the 14th to 15th at Mt. Geumgang area in North Korea .

  8. 金刚山旅游景点关闭,使北韩每天蒙受经济损失,韩国现代峨山公司也是如此。

    With the Kumgang resort closed , North Korea is losing revenues by the day and so is the Hyundai Asan corporation .

  9. 这是来自南北韩双方的红十字会代表团在北韩渡假地金刚山叁天会谈的成果。

    Red Cross delegations from the two Koreas reached the agreement following three days of talks at the North 's Mount Kumgang resort .

  10. 53岁的朴旺子两周前游览北韩旅游圣地金刚山时被北韩士兵击中两枪身亡。

    The53-year-old Park was shot twice by North Korea 's military two weeks ago during her visit to the North 's Kumgang mountain resort .

  11. 韩国和北韩金刚山联合渡假区之间,将允许每天高达四趟往返交通。

    Up to four trips a day will be permitted between South Korea and a joint resort zone at the North 's Kumgang mountain .

  12. 某天,金将军的政府将曾被视为朝鲜半岛和解象征的金刚山旅游区内的韩方资产收归己有。

    One day his government was seizing the assets of a South Korean tourism venture in the North once hailed as a symbol of detente .

  13. 声明还说,朝鲜还将关闭金刚山旅游地区的通讯联络站,这个联络站已经由于另外一起争议而被关闭。

    It said it will also shut a liaison office at the shared Mount Kumgang resort , which is already closed over a separate dispute .

  14. 这次团聚在朝韩边界的旅游胜地金刚山举行,为期一周,由一系列会面组成。

    The reunion , comprising a series of meetings over a week , will be held in a Mount Kumgang resort , near the border .

  15. 北方不但没有一丁点的“悔罪”表现,还坚持说应该道歉的是南方,因为他们暂时禁止了南方棒子们去金刚山驴游。

    Far from showing any hint of contrition , it insisted that an apology should come from the South for halting tourist visits to Mount Kumgang .

  16. 也许有一天,这条线路会更容易前往金刚山和开城,这是一个韩国在北方的投资区。

    Maybe one day such links will make it easier to travel to Mount Kumgang and to Kaesong , a South Korean investment zone in the north .

  17. 在2008年一名朝鲜士兵射杀一名韩国游客之前,金刚山旅游区每年都为朝鲜带来几百万美元的收益。

    The project earned the North millions of dollars a year , before it closed after a North Korean soldier shot dead a South Korean tourist in2008 .

  18. 他们还要求卢武铉不要在如何惩罚平壤的问题犹豫不决。卢武铉也面对着要求其中止对开城及金刚山投资的压力。

    They also called on Roh to quit dithering over how to punish Pyongyang . Mr Roh is coming under pressure to suspend the Kaesong and Kumgang ventures .

  19. 游轮将结束首航预备停靠金刚山码头,一名朝鲜海军官在巡视。整个航程历时21小时。

    North Korean naval officer keeps watch in the foreground as the cruise ship Mangyongbyong prepares to dock at Mount Kumgang port in the first-ever cruise from Rason in North Korea .

  20. 与此同时,8月22日朝鲜宣布没收靠近朝韩边界的金刚山旅游区内的韩方资产,标志着朝韩关系仍旧高度紧张。

    Meanwhile North Korea 's announcement on August 22nd that it was seizing the assets of a South Korean tourism venture at Mt Kumgang near the border was a sign that tensions with South Korea still run high .