
dú pǐn fàn zuì
  • drug crime
  1. 她因涉嫌毒品犯罪而被捕。

    She was arrested for drug-related offences .

  2. 据新加坡副总理张志贤(TeoCheeHean)说,按照拟议中的新法,法庭将有权酌情对被判毒品犯罪的部分人员处以终身监禁加鞭刑,而不是死刑,不过条件是他们给予当局实质而有效的合作,或者是有智力缺陷。

    The proposed new law will give courts the discretion to sentence some people convicted of drug-related crimes to life in prison with caning , rather than to death , provided they cooperate with authorities in a " substantive way , " or provided they have a mental disability , said Deputy Prime Minister Teo Chee Hean .

  3. 希拉里·克林顿此行标志着美国和墨西哥针对毒品犯罪问题开始了深入对话。

    The secretary 's visit marks the start of intensive U.S. - Mexico dialogue on the matter .

  4. 所以我们从调查低级毒品犯罪案件,它们就发生在办公大楼外面,转移到调查全州范围内的重要案件,

    So we went from doing low-level drug crimes that were outside our building to doing cases of statewide importance ,

  5. 新加坡宣布将修改对毒贩处以强制性死刑的法律。这一意外举动意味着新加坡有关毒品犯罪的严格法律将出现微小但重要的变化。

    Singapore announced plans to amend laws that dictate a mandatory death penalty for drug traffickers , a surprise move that signaled a small but significant shift in the city-state 's strict laws on drug-related crime .