
dú qì shì
  • gas chamber
  1. 凶手在毒气室被处死。

    The murderer was executed in a gas chamber .

  2. 德里高等法院(TheDelhiHighCourt)要求政府采取行动改善空气状况,称在新德里感觉像是“住在毒气室”。

    The Delhi High Court asked the government to take action to improve the air , saying that living in New Delhi was like " living in a gas chamber . "

  3. 1999年,一个叫亚伯拉罕(AvrahimZeilinwarger)的男士联系了以色列博物馆,说这个小男孩是他的儿子利瓦伊(LeviZeilinwarger)已于1943年死于集中营的毒气室。

    In 1999 , a man named Avrahim Zeilinwarger contacted an Israeli museum saying that the boy was his son , Levi Zeilinwarger , who was gassed to death in a concentration camp in 1943 .

  4. 他们的辩解点主要集中在毒气室上。

    To justify their points mainly concentrated in the gas chambers .

  5. 我不想谈那些毒气室。

    It 's not to say that there are gas chambers .

  6. 但是,把毒气室开动起来,是他的命令;

    But it was his word that put gas chambers into action ;

  7. 大家都希望将那连环杀人犯送进毒气室。

    Everyone hopes the serial killers gets the gas chamber .

  8. 今晚我会不会被带到毒气室去?

    Will I be taken to the gas chamber tonight ?

  9. 便想在毒气室听雷射唱片!

    He 's gonna be playing his goddamn CDs in the gas chamber !

  10. 这让我想到了希特勒的毒气室。

    It reminded me of Hitler 's gas chambers .

  11. 你是来完成毒气室未完使命的吗

    So you 've come to finish what the gas chamber couldn 't ?

  12. 随后他们就被引入毒气室。

    Then they were led into a gas chamber .

  13. 他们被认为不适宜于干活,正被送到毒气室去处理。

    Judged unfit for work , they were being consigned to the gas chamber .

  14. 我是不是应该把你放进毒气室里?

    Am I supposed to march you off to the gas chambers as well ?

  15. 他肯定是在毒气室时受到了爆炸影响

    He must have been affected by the explosion while he was being gassed .

  16. 明天我还会活着吗?今晚我会不会被带到毒气室去?

    Will I still be alive tomorrow ? Will I be taken to the gas tonight ?

  17. 而就在亚当的努力似乎要成功的时候,可怜的老萨姆还是被送进了毒气室。

    And on the efforts of Adam seems to be successful when the poor old Sam was being sent to gas chambers .

  18. 那种镇定剂是给死刑犯在被送进氢氰酸毒气室前给他们注射的

    That sedative is given to criminals on death row before they go to the gas chamber And breathe in hydrogen cyanide .

  19. 树上有鸟儿在唱歌,那歌声当年曾给那些等待着进入毒气室命运的受害者一份临时的心灵慰藉。

    There were birds singing in the trees , which once offered a temporary shelter for victims awaiting their fate inside the gas chambers .

  20. 在奥斯威辛,杀人的方法不一而足:枪杀、绞死、活活打死,但主要是用巨大的毒气室。

    At Auschwitz the killings were carried out by every method , shooting , hanging , and beating , but mainly in the massive gas chambers .

  21. 对士兵在战壕中被窒息、犹太人在毒气室被屠杀、数以万计伊朗人被毒害的刻骨铭心的记忆,使这一禁令更加有力。

    It is strengthened by the searing memories of soldiers suffocating in the trenches ; Jews slaughtered in gas chambers ; Iranians poisoned in the many tens of thousands .

  22. 为了平息外界的争论,该地的动物收容所还专门雇佣了一名兽医,对一只死于毒气室的体重为50磅(约为23公斤)的狗进行了尸检。

    To put the controversy to rest , the city hired a veterinarian to perform a necropsy on a50-pound ( 23-kilogram ) dog euthanized in the shelter 's gas chamber .

  23. 明天我将访问布赫瓦尔德集中营,它是犹太人被第三帝国奴役、折磨、射杀和关毒气室屠杀的众多集中营里的一个。

    Tomorrow , I will visit Buchenwald , which was part of a network of camps where Jews were enslaved , tortured , shot and gassed to death by the Third Reich .

  24. 而对另一些人留下深刻印象的是:在布热津卡,德国人撤退时破坏了的毒气室和焚尸炉的废墟上已长满了雏菊。

    For others it is the fact that at Brzezinka , in the ruins of the gas chambers and the crematoria the Germans blew up when they retreated , there are daisies growing .

  25. 苏联针对苏联物理学家维克托•斯特垆坶发起的反犹太主义,在他的刻画之下令人特别心寒,堪比前线另一边快活运行的毒气室。

    His portrait of the state-sponsored anti-Semitism directed against the Soviet physicist , Viktor Shtrum , is especially chilling , set against the jovially run gas chambers on the other side of the front-line .

  26. 在吸收工作,而这种气体混合物编写的混合溶质饱和氮与纯氮在某一体积比被控进入毒气室,并在接触到纯净水。

    In the absorption work , a gas mixture prepared by mixing solute-saturated nitrogen with pure nitrogen in a given volume ratio was charged into the gas chamber and came in contact with pure water .

  27. 十四年前,最后一批囚徒被剥光衣服,在军犬和武装土兵的押送下走进毒气室。从那时起,奥斯维辛的惨状被人们讲过了很多次。

    By now , fourteen years after the last batch of prisoners was herded naked into the gas chambers by dogs and guards , the story of Auschwitz has been told a great many times .