- poison gland

[poison gland] 某些鱼和两栖类动物身上的一些特殊的腺体,能分泌出有毒的粘液
This is a snake 's poison gland .
Venoms are excreted by the poison gland or acid gland of mature female wasps and stored in reservoir .
CDNA Library Construction of the Venom Gland in Naja naja atra
Construction of a cDNA Expression Library from the Venom of Lapemis hardwickii Gray
Construction of cDNA library from venom of Chinese Cobra
A novel short-chain neurotoxin cDNA was cloned from Chinese cobra venom by RT-PCR .
Construction of the Venom Gland cDNA Library , Expression and Regulation of the Main Venom Proteins from Apis Cerana Cerana
In this paper , we construct a venom gland cDNA library of Chinese honeybees expecting to screen some pharmacological active venom components or other biological significance venom components .
One kind of spherical-shaped particles occurs both in the secretory cells of the gland filaments and the ovarial epithelial cells , approximately 50 nm in diameter .
Fifteen protein fractions were separated from the venom of sea snake , Lapemis hardwickii by means of CM-sephadex C-50 column chromatography .
TEM examination revealed for the first time the existence of a kind of virus-like particles in secretory cells of the gland filaments and ovarial ectodermal cells of the parasitoid . These spherical-shaped particles were approximately 50 nm in diameter .
Results There are obviously difference between normal and color variation Bungarus multicinctus .
The ophidic toxin is secreted form the gland in the head of the viper .
Histochemical localization of γ - glutamyl transpeptidase in the venom glands of two species snakes from two families
The snake venomous gland is a specialized organ , which synthesizes and secretes the complex and abundant toxin proteins .
There are manifold venom peptides in vespa sac , but it is a blank research square about these genes at home .
Methods To compare form , flakes , venom gland , amount of expelling of toxin , LD_ ( 50 ) of snake .
To get more tools for K + channel studies , it is important to keep searching for novel bioactive peptides from scorpion venom .
By analysis , we make sure that the way of the cell secretion of the poison gland of the scorpion is apocrine secretion .
Insect neurotoxins have potential applicative value for agricultural insect pest control , but these kinds of natural neurotoxins are limited and difficult to extract .
The structure of lysosome like material was similar to the cytoplasm of type ⅰ cells . The fusion of those lysosome like material could be observed .
And the gland filaments consist of a single layer of cuboidal secretory cells and an inner layer of squamous cells adjacent to the intima which lines the lumen .
The results are summarized as follows : ( 1 ) The parasitoid venom apparatus comprises one venom reservoir and two gland filaments , locating dorsally in the female abdomen .
The gland filaments consisted of an outer single layer of secretory cells , a layer of degenerated ectodermal cells and an inner intima lined the lumen . Secretory cells contained a distinct nucleus and a big vesicular organelle , which secreted the components of venom .