
kē dǒu
  • tadpole;polliwog;todpole
蝌蚪 [kē dǒu]
  • [tadpole] 蛙或蟾的幼虫。如:蝌蚪书(古文字体的一种。笔画多,头大尾小,形如蝌蚪,故称);蝌蚪文字(又叫蝌蚪篆文、蝌蚪鸟迹。即指蝌蚪书)

蝌蚪[kē dǒu]
  1. 这时,它不再是蝌蚪,而是发育成为幼年青蛙。

    Now it is no more a tadpole ; it has become a young frog .

  2. 每只蝌蚪的嘴巴里都长有细小的牙齿,用来刮食植物。

    Each tadpole has a mouth with tiny teeth to gnaw5 the plants on which it feeds .

  3. 蝌蚪蜕变了,登上陆地。

    The tadpoles metamorphose and emerge onto land

  4. 鱼和蝌蚪都有鳃。

    Both fish and tadpoles have gills .

  5. 池子里有很多蝌蚪。

    The pond teemed with tadpoles .

  6. 它过去是蝌蚪,现在是一只青蛙。

    It was a tadpole.Now it is a frog .

  7. 蝌蚪的尾巴变得更短,而旁边则长出两条小腿。

    The tail becomes shorter , and near it two legs break through the skin .

  8. 蝌蚪脑袋的两侧分别长有一个粉红色的小鳃。

    They have little pink gills , which stick out on each side of their head .

  9. 通过这个器官,蝌蚪便能够像鱼那样呼吸溶于水中的空气。

    By its gills the tadpole can breathe the air which is dissolved in the water , just as a fish does .

  10. 蝌蚪的样子非常有趣:体长一英寸左右,脑袋又大又圆,尾巴却是侧偏的。

    Tadpoles4 are very funny-looking little things about an inch in length , each with a large round black head and a flat tail .

  11. 蝌蚪在水中生活三个月的时间,这期间,它们的身体能够发生很多有趣的变化。

    It is very curious to watch the changes that take place in the tadpole during the three months or so that it lives in the water .

  12. 现在,蝌蚪能够爬行了,而且可以像人类一样进行呼吸。因此,它们会离开池塘,进入到潮湿的草地中生活。

    The tadpole is now able to walk , and to breathe the air just as we do , so it crawls out of the pond and lives in the damp grass .

  13. 一会儿,他仿佛又听到有人回答说:“我现在虽然没有尾巴,但是我害怕会追究到我蝌蚪年代的事情上去,因为那时候我是有尾巴的,所以哭泣。”

    After a while , Ai Zi seemed to hear someone answer : " Though I have no tail now , I am afraid that I may be traced back to the time when I was a tadpole5 with a tail then , so I am weeping . "

  14. 饲粮对林蛙蝌蚪的生长发育有明显影响,组间差异极显著(P<0.01)。

    Dietary treatments had significant effect on the growth and development of tadpoles ( P < 0.01 ) .

  15. CT、MR表现为肝内多发性囊性灶与胆管相连,4例见蝌蚪征。

    The manifestation of the CT , MR showed multiple saccular image linked with bile ducts .

  16. 中国林蛙蝌蚪对水环境pH的适应性ph.1.轻度中暑

    The Adaptability of Tadpoles in Chinese Forest Frog in Aquatic Environment with Different PH

  17. Na2SeO4和Na2SeO3对黑斑蛙蝌蚪急性毒性实验。

    The cute toxicity experiment of Na_2SeO_4 and Na_2SeO_3 to Rana nigromaculata tadpoles .

  18. 中国林蛙变态蝌蚪对pH、盐度和碱度的适应性

    Adaptability of abnormal tadpole ( Rana chensinensis ) to water pH , salinity and alkalinity in Changbai Mountain of China

  19. 蝌蚪提取液对HeLa细胞作用机理的探讨

    The effect of tadpole extract on HeLa cells and its possible mechanism

  20. c-myc、bcl-2基因表达和蝌蚪提取液抗早幼粒细胞白血病作用的研究

    Expression of c-myc , bcl-2 and the effects of tadpole extract on human promyelocytic leukemia cells

  21. 不同方法制备的蝌蚪提取液对HL-60细胞的作用

    Effects of different tadpole extracts on HL 60 cells

  22. 本文分析标准模型中包括t及c夸克中间态的蝌蚪图对K~0→2π的振幅及ε′/s的贡献。

    The contributions of tadpole diagrams including t and c quark intermediate states to the amplitude of K ~ 0 → 2 π and ε ' / ε are analysed .

  23. 蝌蚪提取液对HL-60细胞相关癌基因表达的影响

    Effects of tadpole extract on expression of the related oncogenes in HL 60 cells

  24. 一些有机物对蝌蚪麻醉活性的QSAR研究

    QSAR study of the selected organic compounds anesthesia activities to tadpoles

  25. 镉对中国林蛙蝌蚪肝内FOS蛋白和金属硫蛋白的影响

    Effect of Cadmium on Fos and Metallothionein Expression in Liver Cells in of Rana chensinensis Tadpole

  26. TDP照射对哈士蟆蝌蚪生长速度的影响

    Effect on Grow Velocity of the Wood-frog Tadpole Irradiated by TDP

  27. 蝌蚪在各除草剂试验液中染毒7d,采心脏血制片。

    The tadpoles were exposed in various weedicide samples for 7 days .

  28. 利用半静态法测定了21种取代苯酚类化合物对日本长腿蛙蝌蚪的24h急性致死毒性(24h-LC(50)),并进行了定量结构活性相关研究。

    Acute 24H-LC50 of 21 phenols to Rana Japonica Tadpole was determined with semi-static method and QSARs were developed .

  29. 正因为这样,哈勃太空望远镜常常能轻而易举地找到一些神迹,从海马,到字母X,从蝌蚪到飞碟,各种形状的神迹都能被它发现。

    To that end the Hubble Space Telescope often proves handy for discovering celestial objects shaped like everything from a sea horse , the letter X , tadpoles and flying saucers .

  30. 蝌蚪提取液(T-871)与DMEM培养基按1:50(v/v)混合制成T-871培养基。

    The tadpole extract ( T-871 ) and DMEM medium were mixed in the ratio of 1:50 ( v / v ) to form T-871 medium .