
  • 网络yunnan plateau
  1. 云南高原地区CBERSCCD影像几何精纠正方法比较研究

    The study on the ways of geometric correction compare on CBERS CCD images of Yunnan plateau area

  2. 采用SSR标记辅助选育具有Xa22(t)的云南高原粳稻新种质

    Develop Yunnan Plateau Japonica Rice Lines with Xa22 ( t ) through SSR Marker-assisted Selection

  3. 云南高原瑞丽内陆型甘蔗有性杂交研究&难开花亲本的感光感温特性与温周期效应

    Sexual hybridization for inland type sugarcane in Ruili of Yunnan Plateau

  4. 云南高原湖泊的开发与保护

    Development , utilization and protection of plateau lakes in Yunnan Province

  5. 温度对云南高原稻开花结实生态生理反应的影响

    Ecophysiology response to temperature on Blooming-fertilization of Yunnan Plateau rice varieties

  6. 云南高原高产籼稻光合作用特性

    Study on the photosynthetic traits of Indica Rice on Yunnan Plateau

  7. 云南高原苹果园昆虫群落种类组成特点

    Apple Orchards Insect Communities Species Compose in Yunnan Tableland Area

  8. 云南高原典型湖泊演化及环境变化初步考察

    Investigation of the evolution and environment change of typical lakes in Yunnan

  9. 云南高原湖泊中高温放线菌四新种

    Four new species of thermophilic actinomycetes from lakes on the Yunnan Plateau

  10. 云南高原山区农业景观空间格局分析

    The Analysis on Agricultural Landscape Spatial Pattern in Yunnan Plateau Mountain Area

  11. 云南高原粳稻品种物质生产及产量形成特性的研究

    Characteristic of Material Production and Yield Formation in Yunnan Plateau Japonica Rice

  12. 云南高原引种津巴布韦烤烟资源的评价

    Assessment on Zimbabwe Flue-cured Tobacco Resources Planted on Yunnan Plateau

  13. 对云南高原环境演化研究的重要性及环境演变的初步认知

    The elementary acknowledge on the importance of environmental evolution of Yunnan Plateau

  14. 云南高原酿酒葡萄种植已初具规模。

    Mass production of wine grape has been scale in Yun'nan plateau .

  15. 云南高原特有魔芋种质的性状分析

    Analyses of Particular Characters of Konjaku Plasm in Yunnan Plateau

  16. 云南高原山区急性血吸虫病流行因素调查

    Investigation on acute schistosomiasis transmission factors in plateau mountain areas in Yunnan Province

  17. 云南高原山地生态环境现状初步评价

    Assessment on eco-environment background of Yunnan plateau mountain region

  18. 云南高原现代湖泊沉积物中铁的自生矿物

    Ferro-authigenic minerals in present Lake sediments , Yunnan Plateau

  19. 云南高原山地公路沿线植被群落调查分析以昆石高速公路为例

    Investigation and Analysis on Vegetation Community Along Highway in Mountainous Region of Yunnan Plateau

  20. 云南高原香蕉的冬季管理

    Management of Plateau Banana of Yunnan in Winter

  21. 云南高原湖泊环境的独特性及其研究方向初探

    On Particulars of Plateau Lake and its Research

  22. 云南高原中小城市楚雄市城市规划的气候条件分析

    Analysis on urban planning climate conditions in the medium-size city Chuxiong of Yunnan Plateau

  23. 云南高原湖泊调查

    Limnological survey of the lakes of Yunnan Plateau

  24. 云南高原冰葡萄酒生产可行性理论与实践

    Theory & Practice of the Possibility of Producing Ice Grape Wine in Yun'nan Plateau

  25. 云南高原湖泊有色可溶性有机物和颗粒物光谱吸收特性

    Spectral absorption properties of chromophoric dissolved organic matter and particulate matter in Yunnan Plateau lakes

  26. 云南高原泥炭土沉积环境与沉积相及工程地质特性

    Depositional environments and precipitation facies and engineering geological characters of peat soils in Yunnan Plateau

  27. 云南高原湖泊特有鱼类的生物学与遗传多样性研究

    Studies on Biology and Genetic Diversity of Two Endemic Fishes in Lakes of Yunnan Plateau

  28. 云南高原青稞生产存在问题及提高产量途径

    Presence Problem of Highland Barley Production and the Way of Increasing Yield in Yunnan Plateau

  29. 大自然保护与生态平衡&论西双版纳和云南高原的森林生态系统

    NATURAL PROTECTION AND ECOLOGICAL EQUILIBRIUM & On the Forest Ecosystem of Xishuangbanna and Yunnan Plateau

  30. 云南高原稻在低海拔地区种植植株形态变异的研究

    A study on the morphological variation of Yunnan rice grown in places of lower altitude