
  • track;Race;racetrack;autodrome
  1. 修理赛道时车赛中止了1个小时。

    Racing was halted for an hour while the track was repaired

  2. 那两个男人转身观看赛马沿赛道而行。

    The two men turned to watch the horses going round the track .

  3. 这些赛道既长又有陡坡,极具挑战性。

    The courses are long and punishing , with steep gradients .

  4. 车子冲出倾斜的赛道,穿过了一道护栏。

    The car took off from the banked track and went through a fence .

  5. 他控制不住,冲出了赛道。

    He went careering off down the track .

  6. 我投诉的主要问题是我们没法再去外面的赛道了。

    My main complaint is that we can 't go out on the racecourse anymore .

  7. 博德曼完成全程用时1小时43分,把自己的赛道纪录缩短了49秒。

    Boardman finished in 1hr 43mins , clipping 49 seconds from his own course record .

  8. 他沿原赛道滑了下去。

    He freewheeled back down the course .

  9. 这一段起始赛道十分平缓,但车手们都铆足了劲往前冲。

    It was an easy opening circuit , but the riders attacked it with a will .

  10. 过程中,他们不能踢或扔奶酪,也不能进入竞争对手的赛道。

    On the way , they must not kick or throw their cheese , or go into their competitors ' lane .

  11. 四人一组,穿着各种奇怪有趣的衣服,沿着50米的赛道滚一块完整的奶酪。

    Teams of four , dressed in a variety of strange and funny clothes , roll a complete cheese along a 50-metre course .

  12. 这辆车又小又简单,但在我的想象中,它是一辆在赛道上飞驰的高速赛车。

    The car was small and simple , but in my imagination it was a high-speed racing car , speeding along the race road .

  13. 尽管大多数越野赛在开赛前会清扫并核准赛道,但仍可能出现意外。

    Though most cross country race courses are groomed and approved ahead of race day , surprises can come up .

  14. 除了路面变化,越野赛道通常还曲折蜿蜒,并且有短而陡的上下坡。

    In addition to changing surfaces , a typical cross-country course may also involve twists and turns and short — but steep — uphills and downhills .

  15. 参与者不仅仅是简单地迈步向前,还要预想前方路上或赛道上可能出现的障碍与变化。

    You 're not only putting one foot in front of the other ; you 're also thinking ahead to obstacles and changes in the trail or course .

  16. 另外,在非比赛日,若在未经核准成为赛道的区域进行训练(比如在林间小路上跑步或跑步穿越公园),跑道的维护水平并无保障。

    And on non-race days , if you train in areas that aren 't approved courses ( such as running on wooded paths or through parks ) , the level of trail maintenance isn 't guaranteed .

  17. 赛道的这种迅速变化会使人的脚、髋、腿易受压力冲击,例如跑步下坡可能挤到甚至扭伤脚趾,而在平路或缓坡上跑步的人则不会受到这些影响。

    These rapid course changes can subject your feet , hips14 and legs to forces and stresses that may not affect someone running on level roads or gradual inclines . Running downhill , for example , may lead to jammed and sprained15 toes .

  18. NET平台的运动会日程编排和赛道编排系统,实现了对运动会竞赛秩序册的自动生成。

    NET platform , thus contributing to the automatic creation of competition program brochure of a track and field sports meet .

  19. 上海F1国际赛道专用重交沥青的开发

    The Development Of Heavy Duty Bitumen Specialized In Shanghai F1 Circuit

  20. EPS在F1赛车场赛道路基施工中的应用探讨

    Application Discussion of the EPS Material in Subgrade Construction of Formula 1 Racetrack

  21. 但在F1中国大奖赛练习赛期间横穿赛道,则只能用彻头彻尾的疯狂来形容。

    During practice for the Chinese Grand Prix , it is downright lunacy .

  22. 此外,EP9也打破了法国保罗里卡尔赛道的EV记录。

    The EP9 also beat the EV record at France 's Circuit Paul Ricard .

  23. 该公司还将携一款全新的赛车重返F1方程式赛道。

    Honda will return to the Formula One circuit with a new race car .

  24. F1国际赛车场直线赛道特种混凝土的研制与应用

    Development and Application of Special Concrete Used on Straight Track in F1 Shanghai International Circuit

  25. F1赛事中最重要的一些安全设施就在赛道的边上。

    Some of the most important safety features in Formula One racing are alongside the track .

  26. 一位车迷横穿#ChineseGP(F1中国大奖赛)的赛道,想“要辆赛车开”

    Fan runs across \# ChineseGP track & heads for the Ferrari garage in bid to ' try a car "

  27. 由中国人创办的蔚来汽车生产的电动超跑NioEP9在著名的德国赛道上跑出了单圈6分45.90秒的成绩。

    The Nio EP9 an electric supercar built by Chinese startup NextEV lapped the famous German racetrack in just 6 minutes 45.90 seconds .

  28. 由于2008赛季将取消牵引力控制系统(TC),从现在起到墨尔本的在赛道上的每一公里都至关重要,因为我们有很多工作要做。

    With the banning of traction control ( TC ) in2008 , every on-track kilometre between now and Melbourne will be vital because there is a lot of work to do .

  29. 在装有扰流板的F1赛车上,这股力将赛车往赛道上压,使赛车保持在赛道上。而在普通的轿车上,这股力会将汽车抬起来。

    In a Formula One car equipped withairfoils , this force pushes downward , holding the car against the track . In asedan , they lift it up .

  30. Interlagos(巴西圣保罗)赛道往往会成为真正刺激的比赛。

    Interlagos is a track where there are often really exciting races .