
gōng zhuàn
  • revolution
公转 [gōng zhuàn]
  • [revolution] 一个天体绕着另一个天体转动叫做公转

公转[gōng zhuàn]
  1. 本文根据中学地理教学的特点,选择《地球公转与四季变化》开展CAI课件设计研究。

    According to the characteristics of geography teaching at middle school , the authors made the design and research of the CAI software for revolution of the earth and the change of seasons .

  2. 需要注意的是,这是选择航天器入轨速度与地球公转速度方向一致时计算出的V3值;

    It should be noted that this is to choose the speed of the spacecraft orbit the Earth and the revolution speed in the same direction when the calculated value of the V3 ;

  3. 地球绕太阳公转。

    The earth revolves around the sun .

  4. 地球绕太阳公转是常识。

    It is common sense that the earth revolves around the sun .

  5. 地球既公转又自转。

    The earth revolves both round the sun and on its own axis .

  6. 报告作者们最大的担忧是太空残骸——在地球轨道上绕地球公转的一块块“垃圾”,如果与包括国际空间站在内的运行单位相撞,则可能会造成严重的破坏。

    The greatest concern the authors raise is space debris - pieces of " junk " that orbit the earth , with the potential to cause serious damage if they collide with operational units , including the ISS .

  7. 这一发现发表在今天的《自然》(Nature)杂志上。天文学家表示,这向在环绕另一颗恒星公转的行星上最终发现生命迹象迈出了重要一步。

    Astronomers say the discovery , published today in the journal Nature , is an important step towards eventually identifying signs of life on a planet orbiting another star .

  8. 行星GJ357c位于这两颗行星中间,质量是地球的3.4倍,公转周期为9.1天,温度达到260华氏度。

    In the middle of those two planets is GJ 357 c. It 's 3.4 times the mass of Earth and zips around the planet every 9.1 days , reaching a temperature of 260 degrees Fahrenheit .

  9. 本周,科氏工业(KochIndustries)以132亿美元收购佐治亚-太平洋(Georgia-Pacific),这是最近一起“公转私”交易。

    Koch Industries ' $ 13.2bn acquisition of Georgia-Pacific this week is the latest public-to-private deal .

  10. 数值计算了CMC水溶液在内管做行星运动的环空中流动的流量,分析了流量与内管公转、自转速度和环空偏心距之间的关系。

    The flow rate of the CMC aqueous solution in annulus with the inner cylinder executing a planetary motion is numerically calculated , and the relations of the flow rate and the revolution , the rotation velocity of the inner cylinder and the eccentric distance are analyzed .

  11. Gliese581g的质量是地球的3-4倍,并且公转时间仅为37天。

    It found that Gliese 581g has a mass three to four time the Earth 's and orbits its star in just under 37 days .

  12. 初步分析认为Gliese581g与恒星的距离为0.15个天文单位(一个天文单位约等于地球至太阳的平均距离),较近的轨道距离使得该行星公转一周只需37天。

    Estimates suggest Gliese 581g is 0.15 astronomical units ( One astronomical unit is the average distance between the Earth and sun ) from its star , close enough to its star to be able to complete an orbit in just less than 37 days .

  13. 天体公转自转的力学起因

    The mechanical initial cause of the celestial body rotation and Revolution

  14. 地球围绕太阳公转的轨道是椭圆形的。

    The path of the earth around the sun is oval .

  15. 这颗行星的公转周期为3.9天。

    It completes one orbit around the star every 3.9 days .

  16. 地球一年绕太阳公转一次。

    The earth revolves once a year around the sun .

  17. 比如地球的公转周期为一年。

    It takes the Earth a year to go around the sun .

  18. 地球在绕着太阳公转的同时也自转。

    The earth spins as it moves around the sun .

  19. 地球(以太阳为轴)绕太阳公转。

    The earth revolves round the sun ( on its axis ) .

  20. 月则是靠月亮绕地球公转计算的。

    The month depends on the moon 's journey around the earth .

  21. 地球公转速度突然减慢对人居环境的影响

    On the Influence of the Earth 's Revolution Speed on Human World

  22. 公转是地球围绕着太阳转的旅程。

    A revolution is the journey of the earth around the sun .

  23. 转动吸嘴公转是在吸煤实验中发现的。

    The revolution of the suction mouth is discovered in the experiment .

  24. 地球在自转的同时绕太阳公转。

    The earth rotates itself and around the sun .

  25. 万有引力和向心力在行星公转和自转中的作用机制

    Action mechanism of gravitation and centripetal force on revolution and rotation of planets

  26. 地球约在365天内绕太阳公转一次。

    The earth makes one revolution around the sun in about 365 days .

  27. 开普勒69c围绕一颗类太阳恒星运转,其轨道类似于金星围绕太阳公转的轨道。

    The planet Kepler 69c follows a Venus-like orbit around a sunlike star .

  28. 气力输送吸嘴的自转和公转

    Rotation and Revolution of Suction Mouth Pneumatic Conveying

  29. 地球绕着太阳的公转

    The revolution of the earth around the sun

  30. 换句话说,天王星就好像是在公转轨道上滚动著。

    As a result , Uranus seems to be rolling on the orbital plane .