
xià shuǐ dào
  • sewer;drain;cloaca;gully drain;kennel
下水道 [xià shuǐ dào]
  • [sewer] 排除雨水和污水(如家庭污水或工业污水)的地下水管道或排水沟

下水道[xià shuǐ dào]
  1. 下水道发出一股说不出的恶臭。

    The stench from the sewer is indescribable .

  2. 下水道发出的臭气让我觉得恶心。

    The bad odours from the sewer disgust me .

  3. 我们只得叫个管子工来疏通下水道。

    We had to call in a plumber to unblock the drain .

  4. 下水道排水系统是本世纪初修的。

    The drains date from the beginning of the century .

  5. 她把脏水倒入了下水道。

    She tipped the dirty water down the drain .

  6. 水打着旋流进了下水道。

    The water swirled down the drain .

  7. 下水道散发着臭气。

    The drains smell .

  8. 发动机油不能被清理到下水道中。

    Engine oil cannot be disposed of down drains .

  9. 他翻窗从下水道管子爬下,从而躲过了警察。

    He evaded police by climbing through a window and shinning down a drainpipe .

  10. 保持下水道畅通。

    Keep the drainage channel clear .

  11. 污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港。

    The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it , untreated , into the harbour .

  12. 下水道出了问题。

    There 's something wrong with the drains .

  13. 下水道的污水排入海里。

    The sewers discharge out at sea .

  14. 然而,不同于发达城市,这些地区缺乏先进的水处理设备,因此河流也实际上变成了下水道。

    Unlike developed cities , however , these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities , and rivers effectively become sewers .

  15. 更好的下水道设施降低了暴雨后爆发胃病的可能性。

    Better sewers make it less likely that heavy rain is followed by an outbreak of the disease of bad stomach .

  16. 在1994年的电影《肖申克的救赎》中,主角需要爬过下水道。

    In the 1994 movie The Shawshank Redemption , the main character needs to crawlthrough a sewer pipe .

  17. 那个男孩把一石子踢进了下水道。

    The boy kicked a stone into the sewer .

  18. 此前夏天,一个重15公吨的凝固的脂肪块堵塞了金斯顿的下水道。

    The summer before that , a 15-tonne lump of congealed fat clogged6 sewers in Kingston .

  19. 肥球是在下水道系统中发现的凝结的脂肪块,卫生用品,湿纸巾等类似物品。这些物品无法像厕纸那样被分解。

    A fatberg is a congealed1 lump of fat , sanitary2 items , wet wipes , and similar items found in sewer3 systems , which do not break down like toilet paper .

  20. Google公司大赞这项具有突破性的技术“充分利用了现有的管道和下水道系统以及相关的液压数据传输能力。”

    The company hailed the breakthrough technology " that takes advantage of preexisting plumbing and sewage systems and their related hydraulic data-transmission capabilities . "

  21. 对安装埋设式未增塑的聚乙烯(pvc-u)排水管和下水道的推荐技术

    Recommended techniques for the installation of unplasticized poly ( viny chloride ) ( pvc-u ) buried drains and sewers

  22. 罗西恩表示,个人投资者还纷纷涌向多领域收入基金,即厨房下水道债券(kitchensinkbond),去年,这类基金的收益为5.17%。

    Roseen says individual investors are also headed to multi-sector income funds & a " kitchen sink " array of bonds that have yielded 5.17 % in the last year , he says .

  23. 描述了下水道中的生物硫循环,提出抑制其中H2S气体释放的经验模型及具体措施。

    Also , this article depicts the sulfur cycle in sewer , explains the kinetic model of the hydrogen sulfide formation and recommends some measures for inhibition .

  24. 但同样浓度下,液体XM菌剂好于固体XM菌剂,当液体XM菌剂添加量分别为0.1%和0.2%时,对生活污水及下水道污水除臭效果最好。

    The odor removal efficiencies for domestic wastewater and sewage were bast under the condition of 0.1 and 0.2 % of liquid XM microbial community respectively .

  25. 它的子公司ClearEarth,也把这种材料用作人行道与汽车停车场的基底层,它能把污染物从雨水中过滤掉,并使水有足够时间渗透到地下水中,而不是从下水道流走。

    Its subsidiary , Clear Earth , will also use the material as an underlying layer for pavements and car parks , where it filters contaminants out of water run-off and allows the water time to filter back to the ground water rather than running off down the drain .

  26. 当谈到FIA行动的紧迫性时,马克思·莫斯利说拖延可能将冒坐视此项运动消失在下水道里的危险。

    As far as the immediacy of the FIA 's actions are concerned , Max has made it clear that to procrastinate risked watching the sport disappear down the toilet .

  27. 去年5月,在游览该市的下水道时,他向女朋友卡洛琳•佩恩(CarolynPayne)求婚。

    So is Brighton native Steve Sparks , who proposed to his girlfriend , Carolyn Payne , during a tour of the city 's sewer last May .

  28. 布里奇顿的下水道是一个展现了维多利亚时期工程和建筑风格的鲜活的纪念馆,其得票数超过了包括约克公爵影院(DukeofYork'sPicturehouse)在内的其他名胜古迹,后者是英国最古老的电影院之一。

    The living monument to Victorian engineering and architecture topped other attractions including the Duke of York 's Picturehouse , one of Britain 's oldest cinemas .

  29. 在全球建筑上下水道用铜水管是发展趋势。

    On global building sewer uses cupreous conduit is development trend .

  30. 阻塞管道、排水沟、下水道等的污物

    A block in the pipe , gutter , drain , etc