
  • 网络salivation;salivary secretion
  1. 氯丙嗪抑制唾液分泌机制的分析

    Analysis of the mechanism of inhibition of salivary secretion by chlorpromazine

  2. 高血糖对唾液分泌的影响

    Effect of hyperglycemia on salivary secretion

  3. 酸性环境下唾液分泌型IgA对变形链球菌免疫反应的体外研究

    The study of salivary - SIgA reaction to Streptococcus mutans in acid environment

  4. 实验组唾液分泌量及唾液pH值大于对照组,未发生不良反应。

    The oral pH and saliva volume of patients in the treatment group were more than that of control group . No adverse effect of intervention was found in the two groups .

  5. 目的对需要留置胃管的病人,给其口腔含化一片维生素C,诱发唾液分泌,诱发吞咽反射,从而提高插管成功率。

    Objective It needs to leave the patient who puts the stomach tube to probe into , give them buccal tablets of Vitamin C , which brings out salivation and swallow reflecting , thus to improve success rate of intubation .

  6. 目的:探讨应激过程中述情障碍对唾液分泌型免疫球蛋白A(SIgA)及皮质醇(Cor)的影响。

    PURPOSE : To explore the influence of alexithymia in stress on secretory IgA ( S IgA ) and cortisol ( Cor ) in saliva .

  7. 交感神经节后纤维释放去甲肾上腺素,通过与腺泡细胞膜表面的肾上腺素受体(adrenoceptor,AR)相结合调节唾液分泌。

    Norepinephrine released from sympathetic postganglionic fibers activates specific adrenoceptors ( AR ) on the basolateral surface of the acinar cells to regulate saliva secretion .

  8. 高、低症状组学生在考试应激前后唾液分泌型IgA下降率之间存在差异,表明心理症状较多的学生对考试应激耐受力低。

    The difference presented in decrease rate of salivary secretory IgA before and after exam stress between high and low symptom groups , explaining that the students with more psychological symptoms are weak to endure exam stress .

  9. 目的研究α1-肾上腺素受体(α1-adrenoceptor,α1-AR)各亚型在家兔颌下腺的表达和分布,探讨α1-AR激动剂&苯肾上腺素促进家兔颌下腺唾液分泌的量效关系及相关机制。

    Objective : To investigate the expression and distribution of α 1-adrenoceptor (α 1-AR ) subtypes in rabbit submandibular gland ( SMG ) and the effect of phenylephrine ( PE ) on salivary secretion .

  10. 试验组放疗后唾液分泌量的平均值为1.41g,而对照组放疗后唾液分泌量平均值为0.71g。

    The mean weight of salivary fluid after radiotherapy was heavier in test group than in control group ( 1.41 g vs. 0.71 g ) .

  11. 结论对需要留置胃管的病人,如果无特殊禁忌症,可在插管前1min口腔含化1片维生素C,以诱发和刺激唾液分泌,能提高一次插胃管成功率。

    Conclusion If there is no special taboo disease , the patient for stomach intubation can take buccal tablet of vitamin C one minute before intubation in order to bring out and stimulate salivation , enable swallow it smoothly , it can improve insert success rate of stomach intubation .

  12. 口香糖能够增加唾液分泌,有助消灭齿菌斑。

    The gum can stimulate saliva flow , which helps fight plaque .

  13. 小剂量可抑制唾液分泌、支气管分泌及出汗。

    Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating .

  14. 口腔干燥症患者唾液分泌与相关因素分析

    Correlation between Clinical Manifestation and Salivary Secretion of Xerostomia Patients

  15. 目的探讨唾液分泌对口腔表面麻醉效果的影响。

    Objective To evaluate the effect of oral cavity topical anesthesia after gargle .

  16. 他出现明显的双侧腮腺肿大,唾液分泌增多。

    He developed marked bilateral parotid enlargement and hypersalivation .

  17. 咀嚼无糖型口香糖也促进唾液分泌,这有助于消除牙斑。

    Chewing sugarless gum also triggers saliva , which help eliminate teeth stains .

  18. 儿童唾液分泌型免疫球蛋白A、过氧化物酶和龋病关系的研究

    Investigation of relationship between secretory immunoglobulin A 、 salivary peroxidase and caries in children

  19. 硬糖果也会促进唾液分泌,而且不粘牙。

    Hard candies also stimulate saliva production and they do not stick to teeth .

  20. 阿富汗鼠兔的温热性唾液分泌能力的研究

    Study of Thermal Salivation in Afghan Pika

  21. 当然,咀嚼口香糖其中含有的糖也能增加唾液分泌。

    Of course , chewing gum that contains sugar will increase saliva flow , too .

  22. α1-肾上腺素受体在家兔颌下腺的表达及其激动剂对唾液分泌的调节

    Expression of α 1-adrenoceptor and promoting secretory response by its agonist in rabbit submandibular gland

  23. 关于唾液分泌机制的研究

    Study of mechanism of saliva secretion ⅱ

  24. 兰菌净对反复呼吸道感染患儿唾液分泌型免疫球蛋白A水平影响

    Effects of Lantigen B on salivary secretory immunoglobulin A level of children with recurrent respiratory infection

  25. 该药也能促进正常家兔的唾液分泌,并能拮抗抗胆碱药阿托品抑制唾液分泌作用;

    It increased the salivary secretion in normal rabbits and antagonized the inhibitory effect of atropine .

  26. 甘罗溴铵在数十年前就已被批准用于治疗胃溃疡和降低正处于麻醉状态中的患者的唾液分泌。

    Glycopyrrolate was approved decades ago to treat peptic ulcers and reduce salivation in patients under anesthesia .

  27. 心理干预对人工流产术妇女焦虑反应与唾液分泌型免疫球蛋白A影响的研究

    Study on influence of psychological interventions on anxiety reactions and saliva SIgA of women accepting artificial abortion

  28. 彩色多普勒超声评价腮腺血流与唾液分泌的关系

    Relationship Between the Blood Flow of Parotid Gland and Salivary Secretion : Evaluation with Color Doppler Sonography

  29. 你也可以嚼无糖口香糖或含无糖硬糖来促进唾液分泌。

    You can also chew sugarless gum or suck on sugarless hard candy to help stimulate saliva production .

  30. 同时,在吃它们的时候,会刺激唾液分泌,这是一种天然但是不完全的口腔清洁。

    Also consuming them stimulates the production of saliva , which is a natural but incomplete mouth cleaner .